Friday, November 18, 2016

3 Months Old and Other Pictures

Ben is smiling, but mostly his Mom is the only one that can get him to smile.
He likes to be held all of the time.
Has only had a handful of Brady's.
Can sleep for hours cuddled up next to me when I wear the baby carrier.
Is a real champ at tummy time.
I used to the chaos that his siblings bring.

The following are pictures that span from when we brought him home (October 4th) to when he turned 3 months old.

 What it looked like the first month and a half of having Ben home. He was sent home with a monitor to track his dips in his heart rate and for the most part, had to be attached to this monitor I'm carrying, around the clock.

 Excitement to have this boy home was an understatement.

Such a little guy, but by the time he came home, he was 7lbs. 

Sisters, just getting in there. 

 Another toy measurement.

Ben got a wagon as a gift from Ryan's work and I thought it would make such a cute picture all curled up in it. But, I didn't take into account that he wasn't very tiny anymore and was actually way larger than the wagon. I had to document the modedness though.

 Tuckered out from his traumatic wagon ride.


 Dad making the baby do tricks.

Millie and all of her favorite things.

He is growing up fast and we are adjusting to life with four. 
It's crazy but we are in love with the crew we have.

Monday, November 7, 2016

Halloween Twenty-Sixteen

 The festivities kicked off the Saturday before with the ward Trunk or Treat.

 Sam and his buddy Micah.

Millie really wanted to be Scooby-Doo this year, so I thought I would join in and be Velma with my Scooby snacks.

 On the day of Halloween, I was able to go see the Halloween parade and volunteer in Kate's class.

 The game that I was in charge of was the mummy wrap game. Kate with her friend Eve.

 I went down to Sam's class to pay him a little visit and found this ninja in his chair.

A witch craft that Kate did. 
Her teacher showed it to me and I thought, "yep that's a Kate original."

One Sunday this was how the day was spent. No rest for our kids. 
I really think they stole a little of my energy each time I birthed one.

 Halloween night: Benny the Skeleton

 Millie, Scooby-Doo

Sammy the black ninja.
He was very specific about his costume and this was the only ninja costume he wanted. 

 Kate the 50's Waitress.
She was very particular this year too. She knew what she wanted, when she finally found it.

Our four pumpkins with our family of six pumpkins in the background.

Halloween was so nice this year. It was a California type Fall night and if it wasn't a school night, we could have stayed out longer. Previous years it has been so cold, so we were loving the break. We are now a family of four Halloween costumes to worry about. Crazy.