Thursday, January 30, 2020

Orange County Explorations

We went and checked out the Santa Ana Zoo for the first time on a cold day in January. I told the kids that's what we were doing but as we got closer we passed a sign for Disney Way and then Kate got all excited that it was a surprise trip to Disneyland. It wasn't. We did go to the zoo. It was a smaller zoo, but I liked it and I think the kids liked it. We have been spoiled with some pretty cool city zoos, but I liked how chill this one was and it was nice to get out of the house and see some animals.

A few weekends later we drove up to Fullerton to check it out. My mom spent a portion of her childhood in Fullerton so we stopped by Fern Drive Elementary where a lot of her memories take place. Then we went to the Muckenthaler. It was a home that was gifted to the city and is used as cultural center. It was closed but you could still walk around the grounds. It looks like a really cute venue, it would be cool to go back and check out the inside.

Being statues.

Our our way drove by this tuba tree in Placentia. I'm always a fan of people just going for it. If there was something I was really into and I knew we were there to stay, it would be cool to have something that people could drive by and see. That's a goal of mine. Haha.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Crystal Cove Pics

To get out of the house over Christmas Break, we headed up to Crystal Cove with the cousins for a tiny, very tiny day trip. It was chilly and we all took a ton of pictures because it is just so pretty there. Kate also was coming down with a fever as we got there, so she was not having fun. Here are a bunch of photos:

You can rent these houses out and I would love to do that. Just wake up and spend the day at the beach. Play cards at night, roast hot dogs and s'mores and then do it all again the next day. Sounds so dreamy.