Saturday, April 30, 2011

Kid updates

Miley is 3 and 10 months old. She loves to be the boss and act like the mom but she's also learned to listen and has less and less tantrums. She is stubborn, but her mommy's the one who gave her that gene so I win all battles... Eventually:) She loves to write. He favorite thing to do is to trace letters I write for her. She knows what he name looks like. Anytime I text her name she sees it and asks what I'm saying about her. She also has a very impressive memory. She tells me things we talk about weeks after we've talked about. She loves princesses still but wants to play with all of benson's cars, trucks and blocks. She wants a bike or a scooter for her birthday more than anything else. Miley still loves animals but since her accident last year, she's a little weary being alone with them. She gets startled easy with them too, if a dog is behind her and she doest see it until it's right next to her, she will flip. Can't blame her though, last tees accident was pretty traumatizing. Um.. What else.. She's a great big sister! She helps me out a ton. She loves to hug kiss and cuddle benson. She does it every chance she gets.. When hes not Getting into her toys anyway. Shes just a good girl. Growing like a weed and so fun to watch grow up. She does something everyday to make me wonder how she can be so good in-spite of all my flaws as a parent. I sure love my Miley girl.

1 year 1 day
Benson is walking! He gets into everything. If doors, drawers and cupboards are not closed and childproof, BENSON will happen. He can make a mess in .005 seconds. He loves to take toys out of the bucket and then move onto the next. Is favorite toy of Mileys is the kitchen. He loves to open and close all the doors on it. He LOVES my mom. He gets giddy when he sees my mom. If the door that leads to her house is open, even the slightest, he will be speed crawling (cause that's still faster than his walk right now) up the stairs looking or her. He also loves to eat and right now he's at that stage where he'll try anything. He's gained 5 pounds since he's been eating table food. Considering it took him 9 months to gain 10 pounds, that's pretty good:).
Benson loves to be outside. Even sitting in the pokey grass or falling on the cement, he'd pick outside over inside everyday. He's really good at sleeping. Still taking 2 naps about 1.5 hours each. And he's starting to sleep in a little longer like miley did. We all wake up around 9 most days. It's a rough day when we're up any earlier. :) Benson is rough and tough and always happy. He likes to growl while he's wrestling and kiss me when we're snuggling. I love having a little boy!

I'm so lucky to have such wonderful children. I thank my Heavenly Father every night for the chance I have to raise these two kiddos. They are my life.

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Happy birthday Benson!!

My Benson turned ONE yesterday! I can hardly believe it! Because everyone has told me he looks like curious George and he loves bananas I thought it would only be appropriate if We had a monkey themed birthday party. My friend Jordyn came over in the morning and helped me do cupcakes for the kids and a small cake for benson. I made banana cake for the adults and whoever didn't want cake had a banana split! It was fun to go all out for a party, I haven't really done that for my kids before. Miley loved all the balloons and decorations. So the next birthday party will be princess themed. If you have any suggestions, please let me know:) here are some pics.

Bensons monkey cake.

The monkey cupcakes

The table

Monkey stuff

The kids playing with balloons

Messy boy:)

This pics blurry but benson was given a tonka truck from his grandma Liz and he loved rig pushed in it.

Thanks to everyone who came and supported us! And thanks to Jordyn for helping me with the baking!

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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

"Once upon a time there was a hedgehog. And he went into the bushes and found a ball. Happily ever after, the end"

Miley Anderson, author.

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Thursday, April 21, 2011

 "Mom, Peeease can I wear my gobbles?" 

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Agruments of a 3 year old.

(Arguing over her needing to listen to me)

Miley: No
Miley: Why?
Me: Cause I'm your mom and that makes me the boss (my go to line, it's terrible but it's all I got)
Miley: I'n da boss tew
Me: No, I'm the mommy and I'm the boss, one day when you're a mommy and you have a baby you can be the boss.
Miley: I DO hab a baby! Mom! Her name is baby ELLLLLLLA (Her baby doll) Mom, and if you don't lissen a me, you cant pway wiff me ever again! Only Daddy!
Me: OK Miley, calm down. You can be the boss of Baby Ella.

It's like this day.. after day... after day..

Monday, March 28, 2011

My facebook Soapbox

I "temporarily deactivated" my facebook last night. and honestly, it feels liberating! I wasn't looking forward to ever doing this but I found myself feeling disconnected from real life. Conversations I'd have over the phone were being held over facebook, when I would be with friends, and I'd want to tell them a story and I'd think, "I said it on facebook." I was taking pictures JUST to put them on facebook.

So on Saturday night I was in the shower and I thought, "...I want the old way of communicating back. I want to call my friends to see how they are doing instead of relying on their "Status updates"" So I deleted it. Yeah, it was a fast decision and multiple times I thought about going back and changing my mind (especially reading every one's comments saying such nice things) but I know I was prompted to get rid of it. So I did. and FOR ME, I think it's something I really needed to do.  I may be back on sometime soon or in the future or never again, we'll just see what happens. I'm not making any promises though.


P.S. This is more of a personal reason than anything, so please don't be offended or think that I care whether or not you facebook. I really don't. :)

Saturday, March 26, 2011


Miley picks up the funniest things from TV sometimes... and sometimes, it's not good. But in this case, I think it's adorable. 

Miley is obsessed with BONES. Her bones. The other day she fell down and she says, "I hurt my BONES" and one time I was squeezing her cheeks trying to get her to listen to me and says, "but Mom, you can't squeeze my BONES" I'd always silently laugh when she would say something about her bones, but I couldn't hold it in when last week, after getting out of the bath I told her I needed to dry her body off so she wasn't all wet, and she said, "You mean you need to dry my Skeleton??" 

Oh my... 

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The case of the missing Binky's

Benson's binky's were always disappearing! I couldn't figure out where
they'd all gone... Then that tiny voice in my head told me to look
behind the crib. And sure enough!!

So I gave him a binky and just watched him. He sat up...stood
up...walked along his crib until he got to the side...lifted up his
chubby hand, binky in fist...and stuffed it back there!! Naughty baby
Benson! :)

Saturday, February 26, 2011


I did it! I updated my blog COMPLETLY! I even back dated everything so everything is in the right months. No need to go back and read if you don't want to but, I'm caught up and I'm on a mission to succeed in blogging again.

The only thing I need to do is update my link list. If you blog, I need your address. If you're on my list already, click on your name and let me know if I've got the right address. Thanks!

And make sure to add me to your list if you're private:

Jr. High Reunion

SO FUN! We got together for a great night of memories and updates! We haven't been together for a night like this for 10 years! We laughed and talked for hours! I can't wait to do it again!