Monday, July 30, 2012

Glass Squizzels

Saw these glass Squizzels by Merrilee Moore. Love how they catch the light!

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Light posts

Looking up or down is always fun. This is the light post base in Bellevue. Little details add up to the enjoyment of this pretty city.

Monday, July 23, 2012

Now You See Me, Or Maybe You Won't!

I have decided to change my blog for the next couple of weeks, while I am on the West Coast.

Instead of regularly scheduled daily blogs, I will shoot a quick photo of something going on, and post it with a short blurb.  Please do not expect it early in the morning as usual.  And perhaps you won't see one every day. (I always take Saturdays off anyhow.)  So let's give this a try and I think if you still like creativity and what's going on the glass world, this could be a lot of fun.

Tomorrow, my Pets Class begins.  Hopefully I can show you something going on that's fun.  And wish me luck.  Tonight my Gathering Presentation is filmed.  Send me good wishes because this dog bead is pretty big and and has some rather interesting appendages that can get chilly quickly.  No explosions, please!

And Happy Birthday to my super duper Mom.  I think you're the very best!  Lots of Love!

Catch you tomorrow from the classroom, (or bar, who knows?)

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Sucker Fingers...

I know you've started thinking about back to school necessities, well Think Geek has done it for you.  Here is a set of Sucker Fingers- I know most of us think of them as tentacles, but apparently, octopus have arms, not tentacles. so I'm taking the middle ground.

This is definitely a gift for that person who has everything.  Bet it's not this though!  You can find them here and they are just under $10!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Lucky Dogs

My presentation is ready for next week and along with my demo, I will be showing photos of members and their dogs. Love the enthusiasm and joy when they write about their pets! Hope to see you in Seattle.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Artistic Director Zeus

Zeus is helping me photograph some of my bead vignettes. He seems to have an affinity for witch doctors...which will come with me to the Gathering in Seattle.

Sunday, July 15, 2012

Sunday Funnies

Just a little something to give you a chuckle today!