Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Of Course Not Just One

Ha, you thought I would show you just one of my sketches? Not likely! This is to prove that shells have always been on my mind. (Someday I will show you my collection).

Now years later, I already see things that I would do differently. Funny, even without training how our artistic eye matures and picks up more depth and details.  (I'm looking at this and thinking "way too stiff looking!")  In fairness, I was pretty new and the exercise was to practice with the different range of pencils- but still...

Maybe soon you will see the reed egg baskets I used to weave when the kids were small. I was sure there was nothing there that they could hurt them.  Just call me Safety Geek Mom.  And now, I have a daughter walking across Northern Spain by herself- a lot of good that did.

Were you a serial crafter in your past too?  I would love to see the list of what you did.  (include in mine, Chinese watercolors as well- not to mention home made chalk, playdoh and all those mom type things)

Monday, April 29, 2013

Sticking My Neck Out

I have been working on that mid-life clutter clean up, and perhaps mine will take longer than others. I know that it is one of my many faults, but I like to keep "stuff".

It usually has little or no value, but reminds me of something. Usually family and friends are the main topics, but sometimes it's related to me.

Today, I was looking through an old sketch pad from my first art class as an adult. I hadn't really drawn since 8th grade, except for the cartoons on my kids' paper lunch bags.

This is one of my favorites from that class. We could bring in a photo instead of the teacher's still life arrangements. (Not a fan of those). And looking back at it, I have no bloody idea why I chose a giraffe, which makes me laugh even more. But that class lead to painting watercolors and that lead to glass. So I am thankful for the satisfying journey.

Do you have memories of how you caught momentum to do what you love? I would enjoy hearing about it.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Rough Drafts in Glass

When you are working on new designs, do you plan them out 100%, or do you have a general idea and your plan is to see where it goes?

I do both. Sometimes my plan needs to be specific and often I really want to experiment and feel my way around a concept.

Here, I am working with gauges of wire embedded into glass. I wanted to test wire lengths and how close I could place the wires next to each other without melting one, before the second was secure.

By the way, I found this thinner gauge melts really easily, but I like the look.

My laptop has been sent out of town to be fixed, so even fewer blog posts for now, but please hang with me, and I will post when I can. I miss it and the ease for loading photos.

See you soon.

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Before Glass...Watercolors

Years ago. I loved to paint watercolors. The transparency, the color washes and the luminous qualities really speak to me. I saw similarities between watercolors and glass for those reasons. I had always wondered if I would find a way to combine the two mediums.

But recently, I have decided that it's time to let some of the sketches, quick studies and paintings go, along with my acrylics. So today, I am going through my old folders and pulling a few that might fit into mats or frames that I already own, so they can be sold.

This one was a result from playing around one afternoon. I had seen these rather bright new colors and wanted to try it out. Bright? Absolutely, but what better way than a spring flower signifying new life.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Cherry Blossom Season

My abundant cherry blossoms bring a ray of sunshine after yesterday's terrible news from Boston. I can't stop thinking about the individuals and families whose lives will never be the same.

Wishing strength, hope and healing to all.

Monday, April 15, 2013

Where In The World Is Sparky Now?

Some of you have been following my occasional posts about my traveling daughter, Sparky.  (pictured above)

You may know she works in Antarctica for a good portion of the year, (maybe that's why she's comfortable choosing her frozen food this way), and recently she has completed one of her current quests....  to visit all seven continents before turning 30 years old.  I'm really happy for her. That girl knows how to travel and see the world!  She spent a few weeks in Morocco and then on to her next travels.

Well, right now I am following her current travels from afar, as she is walking across northern Spain doing a pilgrimage walk called Camino de Santiago.  That's a heck of a way to see a country.  It's a little bit like Where is Waldo.  Me: Hi Hon, how are you and what town are you in now?  Sparks: well just finished walking from _____ and heading to _______.  So I get out my maps and read a little about where she has been.

She told me about a week ago, that a cute little old lady called her over and tossed her a bag of candy from a second floor window.  (she said it was "little old lady candy" too!)  I am not sure what that means, as I am getting closer and closer to that description as well.  And if that is the case, I'm afraid Twizzlers and Mounds are going to get a bad reputation!

So hats off to my daughter.  I saw this tendency when she was little- loved to sleep in different rooms in the house.  I guess I should have understood that kids don't outgrow who they are, they just morph into more adult ways of showing it.  Love you Sparks!

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Jam Up and Jelly Tight

Today at the Acworth Art Festival my new jam spoons were a hit. I really think they are cuties!