To put the world right in order, we must first put the nation in order, we must first put the family in order, to put the family in order, we must first cultivate our personal life, we must first set our hearts right. Confucius

Sumo Merriment

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Fidelito Hands Power To Brother...!


Castro relinquishes power before surgery

HAVANA - Fidel Castro temporarily relinquished his presidential powers to his brother Raul on Monday night and told Cubans he underwent surgery.

CrossPosted@Blanton's and Ashton's

48 Hours...Ceasefire...48 Hours...No Bombs...


International outrage has forced Israel to declare a ceasefire...

The ceasefire began shortly after midnight on Sunday and comes after Israel provoked international outrage when its airforce bombed a building in the village of Qana in southern Lebanon, killing at least 50 civilians most of them children. "Isrqael has agreed to a 48-hour suspension of aerial activity in south Lebanon to investigate today's tragic incident in Qana," said Adam Ereli, a US state department spokesman in Jerusalem.

Stop the ain't over yet...not by a long pun intended...

Israel's ground offensives against Hezbollah positions in southern Lebanon are to continue despite the halt to bombing raids, and Ereli said that Israel retained the right to "take action against targets preparing attacks against it."

Israel will also coordinate with the United Nations to allow a 24-hour window for residents of southern Lebanon to leave the area if they wish, Ereli said.

Thank goodness for small miracles...not of the spiritual realm...but of the reality realm.

Iranians to join Lebanon in 'Holy War'

More than 60 Iranian volunteers have left Tehran to join Hezbollah in what they call the "holy war" against Israeli force in Lebanon. The volunteers said on Wednesday they plan to join up with 200 other recruits on their way to the Turkish border.

They consider themselves the first wave of Islamic warriors in this fight they are taking to Israel. The vounteers hope to cross into Syria from Turkey and then make their way to Lebanon.

Syria may be the key to Peace...

Lebanon tells Rice to stay away...
How dumb was this?!!

United Nations powerless to solve Lebanon violence...

I already said this...

The face of Islamic Jihad...we should take note...they may be our neighbors one day.

Condi's conditional mideast cease-fire...

Condescending Condi...



If there is a King Solomon out are needed stat in the middle of Lebanon and Israel... some mothers seem to be having problems deciding which child belongs to whom. They toss those bombs up there but can't decide whether it's heads or tails...and if they don't get some help soon...they are going to get that child burned beyond all crispness. And is a beautiful child and deserves so much better...could you add your words of wisdom to their plight?

Cross-Posted@Blanton's and Ashton's

Oh How The Mighty Hath Fallen...Or...How One Priest Went On a Spending Spree With His Flocks Money...And Shared It With Another Man!


Priest May Have Misspent $1.4 Million

It can't possibly get any better than this for some scandal mongering!
The Rev. Michael Jude Fay spent church money on limousines, stays at top hotels, jewelry, Italian clothing and a Florida condominium shared with the other man, auditors hired by the diocese found. About half the money he spent was kept in a secret bank account.

They dropped the ball here...they should have put a plaque in the entrance to the church that stated..."all who tresspass here shall forfeit their generosity to a warrior of the Vatican."
The report describes a parish finance council that did not meet regularly in recent years, largely because of Fay's health and absences from the parish. Fay was diagnosed with cancer in 2001 and frequently cited his health when asked about church finances, the report states. Where's the smelling salts?

Bridgeport Bishop William Lori, who ordered the investigation by Deloitte Financial Advisory Services, said he was shocked and angered by the findings. The report also was sent to federal authorities. I would certainly hope so...although...shocked I am not...nor angry either...because the Church has only themselves to blame for this.

This stuff just writes itself!
"Father Fay stated that he believed he was entitled to dine at any restaurant of his choosing and as frequently as he desired, regardless of cost," the report states. Sure...since others are paying for it you tard!

What are the chances that this guy is a conservative?!!! I'm not saying that the democrats would never find their pants around their ankles...but...what an ego run-a-foul...and that sounds so like the DC Cabal that runs this joint.
Fay shopped at Bergdorf Goodman, Saks Fifth Avenue and Nordstrom, drove a Jaguar, attended a sports club, bought jewelry from Cartier, spent $130,000 for limo rides for himself and his mother and stayed at hotels such as the Ritz Carlton, Hotel De Paris and the Four Seasons Hotel, the auditors found. He spent tens of thousands of dollars on home furnishings and meals and more than $20,000 to mark the 25th anniversary of his ordination, according to the report.

The Wound That Just Keeps Bleeding...


Slate has an interesting little bit about Michael Steele and his verbal boo-boo at a luncheon with some reporters. Apparently it was supposed to be "off the record" but it wasn't too hard to figure it out. And it well and truly got outed.

Steele, who is the leading Republican candidate from Maryland for his party's nomination, committed a Rovian no-no. According to Slate editor Michael Kinsley's classic definition: He accidentally said something true in public. Say it ain't so!

During a 90-minute lunch with Washington reporters, Steele said the R for Republican next to his name was like a "scarlet letter." He went on to say the GOP-controlled Congress should "just shut up and get something done," that the Iraq war "didn't work" and "we didn't prepare for the peace," that the response to Hurricane Katrina was "a monumental failure of government." He said having his party leader President Bush campaign for him would be a disadvantage. He said these things "on background," agreeing with reporters that he would not be quoted by name. Dana Milbank of the Washington Post attended the lunch and published the remarks, attributing them to a "GOP Senate candidate."

Read here what The Rude Pundit had to say about'll put the fear of The Rove and his black-clad-troopers in anyone! Too bad he had to back peddle his story...something better might have come from telling the truth a second time. Will no one stand up to these people? Oh, I forgot...Russ Feingold has certainly tried.

Not just Republicans are running from the Bushster...


And Then There's This Poor Guy Deluding Himself...


Nouri al-Maliki insists his country will not slide into civil war.

Here is the PM of Iraq...(sending condolences your way)...insisting that his country will not slide into (chaos) civil war. If that country is not steeped in civil war...then I don't know what is. Hey...but that's just me I guess.

He suggests that Iraqi troops will soon take control over more areas of the country.
But he admitted sectarian violence was still a major problem that Iraqis would have to confront together. I guess he has this confidence now that our Georgie has said more American troops (and Iraqi soldiers) would be needed there since it is so f#@ked up. I'd like to know where he's going to get the extra Iraqi soldiers?

Does he plan on yanking the men off the streets to slap a gun on their shoulder and push them forward 3 steps and say..."have at it guys!"...? But wasn't it great having Condolouzy for a little visit...a little food...a little drinkie winkie...and a lot of blabbering that didn't convince anyone that she knew what she was blathering on about? But hey!...she's a snappy dresser and she has fairly good manners. Maybe they got in a few sets of hand-ball or a reasonable facsimile.

Okay!...what can I say...I'm a whore for cartoons...especially when they say something...

Call Me Crazy...And I'm Sure You Will...But I Don't Think He Should Die...The Death Penalty Kind Of Death...


Prosecutors want the death penalty for the ex-president, on trial with seven others for crimes against humanity. The defendants deny the charges. No hanging for this good ol' boy! He'd better try not to get Judge Roy Bean then.

The trial, which began in Baghdad last October, is in its closing stages. Prosecutors will be summing up their case after the defence summation procedure comes to an end.

Former Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein has told his trial he wants to be shot not hanged if he is condemned to die. These guys as we've been told by those in the know (civilians of Iraq), are the bad guys...I admit that. But, they've also been hand in glove with our administration's past and present...just ask Rumsfailed about it. He knows a thing or two.

I'm inclined to think that hanging and shooting are permanent encounters...and damnit...just too good for the likes of them. I think he and his posse should get life and be impailed...oopsie...I mean imprisoned so they can have a "big think" about the different ways they have been naughty. Kind of like what our very own mad-ministration deserves to do given some major down time to contemplate their less than legal ways. Okay...I'll just say it...they've burned the Constitution from one end of the earth to the other...there! I guess that's what people in the positions of power do best.

Can Condi Can Can...?


Condi On The Run...dancing as fast as she can...but not in the right direction...

Condi with a surprise visit to Lebanon to (low-speak) to Prime Minister Siniora in Beirut recently...assured the leader ( relatively powerless)...that America was sympathetic to his people and their suffering...okay...but stopped on the edge of reason. And that is the lack of pressuring Israel to ease up on its "war theater" against militants.

There are many other nations that don't understand this...(not sure I do)...and it's making America look blood thirsty. Apparently she responded in kind to Abbas in the West Bank...a little sympathy here a little sympathy there. Abbas made an urgent appeal for cease-fires in the region, to ease suffering "beyond the capacity of any human being to endure." It fell on deaf ears of course. Why can't people stand up and do the right thing?

Israeli Body Snatchers...Eewww!

This is interesting...the bodies of dead Hezbollah fighters are being kept refrigerated in containers on the possibility of a prisoner swap. Apparently this is a military practice...but they wouldn't admit anything at this time. Security officials did say that Hezbollah corpses had been used as bargaining chips in a prisoner swap previously, and they were being collected for the same reason now. They need to make up their minds!

The army said six bodies of Hezbullah fighters had been taken back to Israel and were being held in refrigerators until Israel's political leaders decided what to do with them. Israel has special cemeteries for Palestinian and Lebanese militants killed in fighting with Israel. Under the Geneva conventions the burial of war dead "should be honourable, and, if possible, according to the rites of the religion to which the deceased belonged."

The quick burial of complete bodies is important to both Muslim and Jewish faiths. In early 2004, Israel swapped hundreds of Arab prisoners and many guerrilla corpses for 3 dead Israeli soldiers and kidnapped Israeli businessmen.

Lebanon's Birthday Cake Is Melting...melting...

What Rice is brokering...

U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice has insisted that no truce can be sought unless the status quo is changed. "We have to have a plan that will actually create conditions in which we can have a ceasefire that will be sustainable," Rice told a closing news conference in Rome. The United States has backed Israeli demands for Hezbollah to pull back from the border and ultimately disarm. Rhetoric...schmetoric! How do you "have" a plan that will "create" conditions that will cause a ceasefire that is sustainable? I think they are asleep at the wheel... does anyone else have a solution to their non-solution? The leaders of America are brokers for the dead and dying! This is the "dance of death...of democracy"...I wonder how long it will take for us to smell the stench they have wrought on us.

Alex...I'll Take "Big Ass War" For $1,000.00 Please...


Sayed Hassan Nasrallah is the secretary-general of Hezbollah (Party of God), the Lebanese political party and Shia Muslim community’s dominant political bloc.

Who Is Sayed Hassan Nesrallah?

Born in 1960 in East Beirut, Nasrallah from a young age was described as a remarkable student devoted to the teachings of Islam.
In 1975, the Lebanese civil war forced his family to return to their ancestral home in the south Lebanon village of Bazzouriyeh. There Nasrallah, 15, joined the Amal movement, a political and paramilitary organisation representing Shia in Lebanon. From south Lebanon, young Nasrallah travelled to Najaf, Iraq, for Quranic studies at a seminary. In 1978, Nasrallah and other Shia clerics and students considered by the Baath government to be "radical" were forced to leave Iraq and return to Lebanon. Nasrallah then studied and taught at Amal leader Sheikh Abbas al-Musawi's school. More...

Hezbollah chief threatens a wider war

and this is where blogger screwed up and I couldn't finish...the font got huge no matter what I did. So I had to delete it. Bugger Blogger! was good too.

Alex...We're In For It Now...For $500.00 Please...

BEIRUT (IWR News Satire) - After nearly two weeks of hostilities with 375 Lebanese killed and 600,000 displaced, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice finally found enough time in her demanding shoe shopping schedule to visit the Middle East.

"I wish I could have gotten here sooner to help jump start this peace process thingy, but you how important these Midsummer shoe sales are to a fashion conscious girl like me. After all, you don't want me to look like the Frump, do you?

Besides more people are dying in Iraq at the same time as this conflict, and you don't hear anyone bitching about me going to Baghdad, right? There's no decent garment stores in the Green Zone anyway. BTW, isn't it great how our Bush Doctrine is playing out in the Middle East? Anyway, I got to run. I hear there are some great Gucci sales in Tel Aviv," said Ms. Rice.

Okay...Let's See What's Next On The Table...


The Middle East: What happens next?

Israel withdraws unilaterally? Diplomatic settlement? Israel snared in counter-insurgency? Lebanese government falls? Israel invades Lebanon? We analyse the options.

Published: 25 July 2006

Option 1: Israel withdraws unilaterally

How? Amid international outcry over mounting civilian casualties and destruction of civilian infrastructure in Lebanon, President Bush is prevailed upon to pressure the Israeli Prime Minister, Ehud Olmert, to rein in the military.

And then what? Uneasy truce in which status quo is restored: probable halt to incoming rockets but Israel still vulnerable to raids like the one 13 days ago in which two soldiers were abducted by Hizbollah. Hizbollah celebrates "victory" and continues to build its strength as a military force, claiming it has twice defeated the Israeli war machine.

Winners ... Hizbollah - would still claim victory over Israel, angering US, which views militia as a proxy for Iranian terror.

... and losers Israel - would still say it had degraded Hizbollah " infrastructure," but at a huge cost to its international reputation.

So will it happen? Unlikely, given the high political cost to Israel and the US.

Option 2: Diplomatic settlement
Option 3: Israel snared in counter-insurgency
Option 4: Lebanon government falls
Option 5: Israel invades Lebanon
What happens next?

Israeli air raid across the street of a hospital in Tyre...

Heavy fighting as Israel pushes further into Lebanon...

The Israeli military said that during the past 24 hours its planes had hit more than 270 targets across Lebanon, including 21 missile launchers, more than 50 Hezbollah buildings and Hezbollah communication lines.

The army said it captured two Hezbollah guerrillas, the first it had taken any into custody during the fighting. "When the enemy surrenders, we take them prisoner. The two prisoners are located in Israel and will be held here with the aim of interrogating them," said Friedman.

An elderly Israeli woman in Haifa where rockets slammed down from Hezbollah...


In a dramatic breakthrough that promises an end to the current war between Hezbollah and Israel, President Bush has brokered a deal in which Hezbollah has agreed to return captured Israeli soldiers, in exchange for an Arafat rookie card in mint condition.

The President, drawing on his experience as the former owner of the Texas Rangers, came up with the idea during a bicycle ride on the West Bank with a Jewish settler from Brooklyn, who had the prized card in the spokes of his mountain bike.

US evacuation of Lebanon challenged in lawsuit

By Kevin Krolicki

DETROIT (Reuters) - An Arab-American civil rights group filed a federal lawsuit on Monday charging the Bush administration with failing to protect the lives of thousands of U.S. citizens trapped in Lebanon by the Israeli military offensive.

The lawsuit, which was filed by the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, seeks an emergency court order that would compel the U.S. government to stop sending weapons to Israel as long as U.S. citizens are trying to leave Lebanon.

Jumpin' Jesus on a pogo stick! Blogger is preventing me from checking on my regular I only made it to a few to leave my titillating comments...I will return...oh yes!

It's Okay For Another Week Of Bombing...


US gives Israel the go ahead for more attacks this week...
FLEEING FAMILY blasted by Israeli forces in Tyre; Cost of war made real.

"Senior officials believe Israel has an American nod to continue operations against Hizbollah at least until next Sunday," the Haaretz newspaper said on its Web site.

U.S. officials in Israel were not immediately available for comment on the report.

New Israeli incursion in S. Lebanon...
SIDON, Lebanon - Israeli ground forces made another foray into Lebanon on Monday, fighting Hezbollah guerrillas around a major southern town, as Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice joined diplomatic attempts to stop the Israeli bonbardment and Hezbollah rocker attacks.

Kerry knocks Bush on handling of Mideast conflict

"The president has been so absent on diplomacy when it comes to issues affecting the Middle East," Kerry said. "We're going to have a lot of ground to make up (in 2008) because of it."

GRAPHIC: Images of suffering, death on Arab TV after series of Israeli, Hezbollah

Hezbollah willing to talk...

Hezbullah agreed to allow the Lebanese government to begin negotiations regarding kidnapped IDF soldiers, speaker of the Lebanese Parliament Nabih Berri revealed on Sunday.

Berri stressed that prior to any talks on a prisoner swap, a cease-fire must be in place.

Earlier, Lebanese Foreign Minister Fawzi Salloukh told a French news agency that the soldiers, Ehud Goldwasser and Eldad Regev, were in "good physical condition."
Ehud Goldwasser

Sex Convention In Vegas...What Do You Suppose Was On Their MInd?...


If you said S E were ever so correct.

Vera Rhodes has come a long way from her conservative upbringing in Pennsylvania's Amish community. There she was a virgin until she married at age 30. Now, she is an enthusiastic 54-year-old member of the millions-strong "swinging" community who speaks openly of her encounters with multiple sexual partners. Vera, Vera, Vera...30?...Come on!

"Last night it was really special," said Rhodes, who is divorced and makes a living giving massages in the Midwestern state of Iowa. I bet it was special...and someone ask me if I am surprised that she gives massages to people...I could have won some money on that one."There was a couple from Mexico, a couple from Virginia and a couple from Ireland, from Australia." Now you know what countries to boycott...because they probably cuddle in the streets any time of day I would imagine.

"I like to participate in life as much as possible," she said with a broad smile. No mystery there...but does participating in life mean you have to be on your knees that much?

Rhodes was among some 3,000 people gathered on Saturday at the Stardust Hotel in Las Vegas for the annual Lifestyles conference, a five-day, $700-per-couple event that offers a mix of seminars, socializing and sex. I don't know about you...but for my $700.00 I want more than socializing, sex and seminars...there had better be naked guys jumping around the place with platters of food to tempt my senses...and...and... shiny glittery baubles, bangles and beads.

Early on Saturday, Rhodes was back for more, joining the action in a suite where more than a dozen couples were having sex. I certainly hope they were can poke your eye out really easy if you're not paying attention.

The conference organizer, Robert McGinley, 72, president of The Lifestyles Organization, estimates that there are 3 million swingers in the United States alone. He founded his group in 1969 and began holding the annual conferences in the 1970s. Somehow it wasn't a surprise that he founded his little group in 1969...he probably planned it years ahead of time. A tarot card reader probably told him to hold off on his shenanigans until 69'...3 million...hmm...that's alot of squealing at one time.

He said his firm (heh heh...he said firm) brings in millions of dollars in annual sales from organizing tours to swinger-friendly resorts, Internet sites and from conferences. The Las Vegas event is the largest annual U.S. swinging event, he said. Well aren't they the lucky ones.

At one seminar, several women were overcome as the presenter demonstrated a sexual device -- one passed out in the packed room. What do you suppose they did to her to make her pass out? I think these people need to be monitored. That's it...the government can monitor their sexual never know when a terrorist is listening in on the action...or even participating in it. You know they love "the dance of the 7 veils"...right?

For all their enthusiasm, few of the swingers tell family and friends about their hobby. Well, I hope not! Can you imagine what Aunt Tillie would think if she knew her favorite niece was tied up and spanked until she...until get the picture.

"Socially, we're pariahs," said Drew Alexander, 40, who attended with this wife Tina, 38. "We're behaving in a way that's completely against the ingrained Catholic values." Oh!...don't even get me started with the Catholic church and their fascination with what goes on in the bedroom. I personally think if they can't have any...they don't want anyone else to get "it" either. Do they actually think we're all stupid and don't get it...with the long flowing robes they wear? The better to hide you dear...

Another couple did not want their names printed but were far from shy. They made love early on Saturday in the hospitality suites where couples wandered from room to room to watch the action at close range. They emerged from their experience beaming, saying seeing others sparked more passion. Beaming? As in beam me up Scottie? Or...beam me over there Scottie so I can get me some of that? Beam me up some of that passion Scottie...seriously!

One attendee who stayed completely on the sidelines was the man behind the event. I just knew it!!! This creepy guy likes to watch! People! Don't do it...don't do might poke your eye out...or something!

Freedom to express our swinging life-style that is...I told you the government would get in on the act of monitoring sex devices and conversations...and...and things! He's above the friggin' law...afterall! I wonder if Lithium Laura likes to wear dark leather?

Kofi Says To Cease-Fire...Hello?...


Secretary-General Kofi Annan called Thursday for an immediate halt to the violence between Israel and Lebanon, saying a cease-fire would be the first step toward ending the escalating war.

Israel, backed by the U.S., immediately dismissed calls for a cease-fire and said the military operation — which was undertaken to free two captured Israeli soldiers but has spread to target all of Hezbollah — will "take as long as it will take."

Hello!...nobody listens to you Kofi. Nobody respects you or the United Nations anymore. I think the day has come for the UN to fold it up and go home. You have not been effective for some time now. The UN has corruption swirling around its base...and since you haven't really done anything to quell those waves lapping at your should step aside.

In the news you are having dinner with Secretary Rice...and lunch with others...what is it about eating and drinking while Lebanon and Israel burn? Why are you sending others to do the work that you should be brokering yourself? People might give you more credit it you'd show up and check it all out and talk to those necessary to get THAT CEASE-FIRE! You're afraid for your own life right? If the various journalists of other nations can get around there...why can't a man as powerful as you are supposed to be do it?

It's like the Pope...the position of the Pope hasn't been effective either for generations. You guys think you can issue edicts and the world will listen. Forget it! We are living in the real guys live well up on that "hog" and look downward at the rest of us. People don't listen anymore...because there is nothing YOU can do. You just continue to have your tasty luncheons and dinners while others die. I've seen photos of dead people...I've seen dead children...I've seen Lebanese and Isreali dead and wounded...frightened beyond reason...wondering when this madness will stop...and you drink your fine wines and eat your elegant cheese and fruit. Those starving children would sure like to have some...hell...just a good drink of water would probably thrill those little tykes.

Here's what you have allowed to be born by being isolated from the real world...

Bring it On!

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