Gardening information for zone 6 Ohio in neutral clay soil. The backbone of my gardens Hosta, Heather,
Heuchera, flowering shrubs, perennials, ground covers, conifers, and trees.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Salvia Daylily Liatris July Garden

Garden blooms continue in spite of the extreme heatwave we are having right now, as well as most of the rest of the country. I've spent many hours this month watering. We did get a token rain finally the other day but probably about 1/2 inch and wasn't worth getting excited over.

I like this Salvia Blue Sensation and I was thinking it would be like so many and look more purple. You can of course see the blue hue in the photo and I'm so glad I added it to the garden as I really like it and of course like the long bloom period of Salvias.

The Daylily Austintatious. Bright yellows are not always my favorites but it has really been a bright spot in this extreme heat. Everytime I look at it I like it more and more for it's being different and cheery.

My Daylily Ruby Spider is just about done for the year. Figure the rest of her blooms will be finished within the next week or so as well as with most of the other ones, other than the few rebloomers I have. Stella de Oro is already sending up new rebloom scapes.

Once upon a time I had probably a group of 50 of these Liatris. I think the squirrels must dig them up when I've moved them over the years and am down to just a few. Almost not worth the space any more. Especially considering I can just put Salvia there and get a longer bloom time. The TarDiva Hydrangea behind it is blooming also.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Gladiolas Knockout Roses Mums Heuchera

Garden blooms continue in spite of the extreme heatwave we are having right now, as well as most of the rest of the country. I've spent many hours this week watering. We did get a token rain but it didn't even wet the surface and wasn't worth getting excited over.

I love Gladiolas. They are so cheerful and Hummingbirds love them and head straight for them over anything else. These are the hardy Gladiolas that came out some years back and I thought I'd try them and they are hardy in my area. I especially love the pink one with burgundy centers. Mums are off to the right.

I had pruned my Knockout Roses back hard in May and a week later moved them to a different area so they could grow as large as they wanted to. We went into the 90's right after that and they really looked pretty bad after that occurred so I am real happy that they are coming along as seen. Not growing any but I knew they wouldn't since they are now working on their root system, so not exciting to see after what they've been through this year, but any blooms at all are a nice surprise and appreciated. Shows just how tough these Roses are in Ohio.

Atleast my patio pots are doing well, but this is the Northwest side so they stay shaded until mid afternoon here. Showing off with Todo Black Eyed Susan and some Heuchera. Small Mums in the left container. Want to see if they are going to overwinter in those containers this winter.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Daylilies Lily Echinachea Sempervivum

Garden blooms happening in Ohio and holding up. The Echinacea and Daisies continue blooming like there hasn't been a heatwave. I'm sure after July and August they will be looking sad after the long period of time this heatwave will have been going on, but these are flowers that you can count on for all summer long blooms and do very well here. Each bloom lasts for weeks and gives lots of blooms over the summer, even more so if dead headed.

One of the Double Decker Echinacea for me this year. I really like having a few of these interspersed for the diversity and love the petals on top and bottom both and they are just as tough as the regular Coneflowers.

Some of the different Daylilies and Lily that are blooming right now here, either finishing up with their last blooms or just starting their blooms. I will really miss their pretty bright colors when they are finished for the season. Daylilies are one of those plants that grow no matter the circumstances in this area. There are so many color choices that it fills most requirements for most people.

The Lilium American Hope, known as the Tree Lily. I love the blooms on these. I wish they faced up a little more, but with their height you have no problem seeing these beauties and the bloom itself is huge. I moved mine last fall so they are only between 4 and 5 feet right now. They can get over 6 feet tall the longer they are left in the same location.

One of my container gardens which has some of my Sempervivums. The Hens and Chicks make great container plants since they will overwinter in them in Ohio without protection. I had to go ahead and get this photo since the center one is flowering. Once a Sempervivum flowers that particular Hen dies so if there are any babies attached, you need to pull them off and plant them if they haven't already rooted, before the parent dies. Have a nice week.