The renovation is completed. Unfortunately I still have a lot of work to do cleaning and going through things. When I originally bought this house many years ago, the garage had already been converted into one big room. Short time later I changed it to two rooms. The time came for it to go back to a garage.
Thought I would start off with the welcome planter which welcomes you at my front door, shown with Sedum Blue Spruce.
The Heather Hill. We had so little snow this year, not that I am complaining but this shows the largest amount that fell here this year. My favorite garden during the Winter. It's so nice to pull in the driveway and see this lovely area during the dreary months. I've ordered a few new Heathers to fill in this a little more towards the front area and they will be going in soon.
This is the old family room and den after demolition. Forgive the spotting, even my camera had drywall dust on the lens that I didn't realize at the time. Before starting the project but after special ordering 3 new entry doors, I called
Ablaze Home Improvement and said I could not live without atleast a small space at the end of the garage for a small mudroom/office/grooming room. That's when this became a renovation and no longer a project. This is the mess tearing out the walls that separated this into 2 rooms. I also realized that the stuff I had moved out into this room hoping to work around was a problem. That evening I moved all that out under my semi-enclosed patio.
This meant closing up the current doorway opening in the dining room to the garage and opening a new doorway at the end of this area of the dining room which would be into the new office and then the entry door to the garage from there. We tore out the drywall on both of these dining room walls also since they were papered before and the drywall really needed replaced, and added wall insulation with the new walls. The backdoor you see out to the patio was also replaced and storm door at the same time.
It was a lot of work from what you saw above, but here is the dining room with new drywall, new paint and new doorway opening and trim to the office.
Closer view into the new office. It's not real big and since it's mostly for me
grooming Yorkies in, it works well for me. The door to the garage is immediately to the left here. There is beadboard on three walls and the new wall with the door is painted.
The interior of my new garage. Two of the walls I left the paneling on and painted the new wall separating the office. My garage floor is ceramic tiled though and apparently not a problem with my car on it. Thankfully I won't have the demolition of that also being tore out. :)
My new garage door. I liked this design and the grooves very much fit the pattern with my new plank entry doors. It's so nice to go out and just hit a button for the garage, drive off without cleaning off car windows and was past time for me to look ahead at what I can do as I've been doing with my gardens and changing over to a lot of shrubs.
This renovation required me to take out my wood burning stove which then required repairing the roof where the venting went through it. There just wasn't room for it in the little office, but I hated having to let go of my alternate heat source. We had to remove the light fixtures in both rooms and add 2 new ones in different locations. New flooring in the office also since what I had didn't work for the size of the room. Now the big problem I'm dealing with is 2 rooms of things to get rid of. I'm currently preparing for a huge garage sale. Hard to let go of so many things, but times change.