Aiden's Latest Obsession
When my little Aiden decides he likes something, he REALLY decides to like the point where it's almost a little bizarre. If you've been reading our blog for awhile, you know about his fascination with the movie "Cars" and the TV show "Yo Gabba Gabba". But in the past few months...believe it or not...something else has managed to trump both of them. Unfortunately for the rest of us, that something is just as annoying...if not more so! Aiden's latest passion is...(drum roll please)...Mr. Bean!
Mr. Bean??? I'm sure you're asking yourself, "How does a two-year-old become obsessed with Mr. Bean?" It all boils down to one man...Poppy. A few months ago when we were over at my parents' house, my dad had on a Mr. Bean episode. When Aiden walked into the door, my dad invited him to come sit on his lap and watch it with him. Aiden quickly ran over and sat down. I thought to myself, "Right...we'll see how long this lasts. It's not a cartoon and it doesn't involve scary looking puppets, so I'll give it about...oh, two minutes!" Well, much to my surprise, Aiden sat through the entire 30 minute episode and enjoyed every minute of it! When it was over, he quickly said " more Bean!" Since that moment, the boy has been hooked. Almost everyday for the past two months, Aiden has come to me and said, "Mom...go Poppy's Bean!" He would be so sad on the days I would tell him no. On the days when we WERE able to go to their house, Aiden would run through their door shouting " Bean now!" In fact, I don't think there has been a single visit to Nana and Poppy's house in the past few months when we did NOT watch at least one Mr. Bean episode.
So, when Christmas was coming around, my parents decided to give Aiden his own copy of the new Bean movie "Mr. Bean's Holiday", and Mike & I decided to give him his own collection of the "Mr. Bean" episodes...BIG MISTAKE! Our DVD player deserves overtime pay for all the usage it's received this past week. I think Aiden's obsession has reached a new peak. He eats, sleeps & breaths Mr. Bean! As a mom, this slightly concerns me. First of all, aren't children only supposed to watch an hour of TV or less per day or they'll end up with a low IQ or something? Well, if that really is the case...this past week will put my child on the pathway to having an IQ of -20! Second of all, don't children emulate what they see? Mr. Bean is not exactly the kind of role model a mother envisions for her child! And, third, it's just plain annoying for the rest of us! So, I've tried several techniques to protect my family from the evil effects of "The Bean". At first, I just turned it off after awhile and dealt with the screaming & crying...but that didn't work for very long because Aiden learned how to operate the DVD player. I would turn it off, only to find it back on a few minutes later! After that, I started turning it off and putting the movie away in the DVD cabinet. Well, Aiden quickly figured that trick out too. So, I started turning it off and putting the movie up high somewhere. Next thing I know, (yep, you guessed it) Aiden is pulling a bar stool over to it, climbing up & grabbing it. What a kid! :) So, like the horrible mother that I am, I have decided to surrender to my two-year-old. It's just too much work to keep him away from his beloved "Bean". All I can do now is sit back and hope this bizarre "Bean Mania" doesn't last too long! --Lindsay