Sunday, July 25, 2010

Life Lately

Well, life has been crazy busy lately!  Hence, why I haven't posted in almost 2 weeks!  That might be a record for me!  Well, in case you were wondering, here's what we've been up to lately...

Baseball Season Ended

Connor had his final game for the season about a week ago!  I think he was sad to see it end!  He has improved so much this year & is enjoying the game so much!  I, on the other hand, was glad to see it end!  I finally get my evenings back...instead of having 3 to 4 of them each week taken up by practice & games...

Connor finished the season with a HOME RUN!  On his final time up to bat, he hit the ball way into left field & got a home run out of it.  It probably should have been a double, but due to several errors made by the other team, he was able to make it all the way home!  After the game, each of the kids got their token medals & they had a pizza party with their team...


A couple weeks ago, on a night when I was working, Mike & my parents took the boys up Provo Canyon for a picnic & to play some ball.  They had a blast...

Even Cohen got in on the baseball fun...


A few days ago, Kristin & Dan invited us to go the splash pad in Highland with them & some of their nephews that were visiting from Washington D.C.  The kiddos had a blast...

We even saw some of our good friends from our old neighborhood there, which was awesome!  The Highland Splash Pad is a lot of fun.  It has a simple little splash pad that squirts water up randomly & then there is a fun little lazy river thing next to it.  At first, Cohen was very unsure about the usual.  But, Uncle Dan would have none of that & he took him in the water screaming and crying.  But, wouldn't you know it, after just a few minutes, Cohen was having a blast & loving every second of it...

Here's some other pictures from the day...

Why do kids think it's so cool to shoot water up their rear ends?  I will never understand it, but I swear every kid there was doing it, including my kids...

Connor was such a good big brother while we were there.  Once Cohen got comfortable in the water with Uncle Dan, Connor started helping him around & the two of them had a ball together...

It was a fun day!  Thanks for inviting us Kristin & Dan!


Yesterday was Pioneer Day!  We started out the day with a neighborhood parade!  The kiddos met over at the church at 8:30 am to decorate their bikes, scooters, etc. and then at 9:00 the parade began!  Luckily for me, the parade route went right by my house, so I just had to walk outside to enjoy it.  Here's the beginning...

The kids had such a great time!  They waved & threw candy to the spectators.  Lucky for me, there weren't a ton of spectators (because most the parents were in the parade with their little kids) so I was showered with candy!  I was able to finally spot my kids in the madness & get a few pictures of them.  First Connor...

Then Aiden & Cohen.  Mike just pushed Cohen in his stroller through the parade route & little Coconut thought it was great...

Someone even made a float for the parade!  It was the dragon from "How to Train Your Dragon" and it had a sign that said, "The Pioneers Tamed the Dragons!"  Random, yes...but the kids thought it was cool that there was an actual float in their parade...

After the parade ended, we all walked over to the church & ate breakfast together at the pavilion.  It was such a cute, fun activity!

Afterwards, we headed up to Sosha's house for the day.  The kiddos played in the pool & on the trampoline.  And then later that evening, we had a barbecue.  I had to go to work during the afternoon, but lucky for me, I was live from the Ogden Pioneer Days Rodeo...which is only like 5 minutes from Sosha's I was able to do both!  It was great!  Here are some pictures from the day...

So, that's our life lately!  It's been a blast, but super busy!  I'm sure life will slow down sometime...hopefully sometime soon....but I'm not holding my breath for it!  --Lindsay

Monday, July 12, 2010

It Only Took Me 6+ Weeks!

Well, here you of the house!  Yes, I realize I moved in about six weeks ago, but better late than never, right?


Here's the view when you first walk into the house...


It looks the exact same as it did in my old house...


Here's the dining room, oh I mean ballroom.  Notice that it hasn't changed one bit from the picture I took of it seven weeks ago...


The reason that the dining room is still empty is because I spent all my furniture & decorating money on this room...

Our old family room furniture was almost 10-years-old, which when you have 3 boys equates to about 26-years-old.  It was falling apart at the seams!  So, I told Mike that when we moved into the new house I WOULD be buying some new family room furniture.  A few months ago, I had a dream about this room.  I'm not even kidding.  I literally designed it in my sleep!  When I woke up, I went to work finding the furniture & pieces I had seen in my dream.  And, you know what?  It actually turned out pretty darn close to what I had envisioned..

I love everything about it!  I found the couches at John Paras Furniture & had them made in this fabric.  I found the leather ottoman at RC Willey.  I found the end tables (which you can't see very well) on sale at Pottery Barn.  And, I had this chair & ottoman made at Down To Earth...

This chair is my favorite part of my entire house right now!  I love, love, LOVE it!!!  When I showed Mike the fabric that I wanted to have the chair made in, he told me it looked "hokey," but several female opinions later, I was sure it was the one.  And, I'm really glad I went with it because, when people come over, it is the thing I get the most compliments on!

Here's how the mantle & art niche turned out...

I found these prints on & instantly fell in love with them.  My handy dandy husband made the frames for me.  I think they are his best yet!  These frames are almost four feet by four feet, and every single inch of them is immaculately done.  Way to go Mikey...

Mike also made this tray to sit on top of my ottoman.  It was one of the last things I had to find for this room, but I couldn't find one that was just perfect, so he told me he would just build one for me, and it turned out looking great!  Is there anything this guy can't do?

There's also this cute sofa table that sits behind one of the couches that I love!  I found it at Pottery Barn on sale for a killer deal AND free shipping.  Yay for awesome deals!  Oh, and in the left of this picture, you can kind of see one of the cute end tables...

So that's my favorite room in the house!  I love everything about it!!!


Here's what will someday be the study.  As of right now, it's just the room we stuck the computer armoire in...


Here's the kitchen.  I love it!  It makes me want to bake something.  And, if you know me well, you know that's saying something...


Nothing too special here, but I must say that it is nice to have a bathroom guests can use...


Here's Mike's & my room...


My second favorite room in the house...



This is the "Star Wars" room.  It's amazing what the love of a child will make you do...

Yes, those are some of his lego Star Wars ships.  He insisted that they be hung from the ceiling so they look like they're flying.  On a side note, it also keeps them out of the grasp of a certain baby brother...


Here's Aiden's room.  It will eventually be painted blue again, like in the old house.  I just loved the way the white quilts popped against the blue walls.  You don't get quite the same effect with tan walls...



And, last but not least, is the laundry room...

Mike's parents gave us this washer & dryer a few months ago as a housewarming present.  They came from one of their income properties.  The guy who was renting from them was a few months behind on rent, so Mike's parents worked out a deal that he leave his brand new washer/dryer behind when he moved out as payment for his last few months of rent.  (My question is why is this guy buying really nice washers & dryers when he can't even pay his rent?  But whatever.)  The new people who were moving into the house already had their own washer & dryer, so Mike's parents decided to give them to us.  WOW!  We love them!  The washer has gotten out stains that I thought would never come out.  And, the dryer is GAS so most my loads are dry in 20 minutes or less!  Laundry day isn't so bad anymore!

So, that's the house!  We are loving everything about it!  The neighborhood is crawling with kids, the ward is awesome, the people are so nice, the neighborhood park should be completed soon, and the elementary school is ahead of schedule...and the best part is that all my boxes are unpacked!  Remind me never to move again!  --Lindsay