Comical Connor
Lots to blog about, but Connor has said several funny things this past week & I wanted to write them down before I forgot. Can I just say how much I love this kid? He is definitely my mini-me...
Story #1: I was watching the show "House Hunters" on HGTV the other afternoon while I was feeding Viv a bottle. Connor sat down & started watching it with me. I was totally surprised! This kid will usually only watch Star Wars or shows with animated characters that turn into aliens. But, he was totally into it & voting on which house the people should buy.
After the show was over, he turned to me & said, "Mom. I hope I get a scholarship to college."
I said, "Yeah, me too." Inside, I was thinking "What a random comment! I wonder where that came from?" Then I got my answer.
He said, "Because if I get a scholarship to college, then I won't have to spend all my money on school & I can save it for a down payment on a house instead."
Huh?!? Did that statement just come out of my little boy's mouth??? Inside I was thinking, "You're eight-years-old?!? What eight-year-old is planning for a down payment on a house?" My next thought was, "You are sooooooooooo my child." And my third thought was, "Dave Ramsey would be proud!"
Story #2: Last Sunday, Mike & the boys were at my parents house for dinner. For some reason, the subject of singing voices came up. Connor said, "I don't like to sing because I don't have a good voice. My singing voice sounds like a girl. I want to have a deep voice like yours Dad."
Mike said without thinking, "Well, you'll go through puberty in a few years & then your voice will get deeper like mine."
"What's puberty?" Connor asked.
"Well," Mike said, "Puberty is when you change from a child to an adult. Your voice will get deeper and you'll start growing facial hair...and things like that."
I guess the other members of my family tried to egg Mike on with comments like, "And what else happens Mike?" and "Yeah, keep going." But, Mike stopped there & Connor was content with the answer. I was totally unaware that this conversation had happened since I was a work.
The next day, as the kids & I were eating lunch, Connor asked me, "Mom, how old is Uncle Dan?"
"Oh I don't know," I said. "27, I think."
"So," Connor replied, "You're older than Uncle Dan?"
"Yep," I said.
"How is that possible?" Connor asked. "Because Dan already has his beard & you haven't even STARTED to get yours yet!"
Oh Connor, Connor, Connor...let's hope it stays that way!
I seriously love that kid to pieces! He is an old soul & always has been. I love how logical he is about everything. He is always planning out how his life is going to be (where he's going to go to college, what he wants his career to be, and who he is going to marry). Sound like anyone else? Yeah, I basically planned my life out at the age of nine...and deviated very little from it.
We always say that Connor is a mini-version (and male-version) of me. Heaven help this world, right? Our similarities are probably the reason that the two of us butt heads so much. Oh boy, do we butt heads sometimes!
One time, Connor & I weren't getting along about something, and Connor was sure that he was right & that I was TOTALLY wrong. My patience was wearing thin, so I asked Mike if he could talk to him. Mike was able to calm him right down within just a few minutes. I asked Mike what his secret was. He said, "I've had over 10-years of experience with you. That's my secret!" Haha! So true!!! Connor is definitely my little mini-me. Love him!!! --Lindsay