Thursday, June 22, 2017

Easter Weekend

We had another fantastic Easter weekend filled with all our favorite traditions.  We started the weekend with our annual peep roast...

We also roasted s'mores too--because any chance to have s'mores, we have s'mores...

Silly Ty...

Dan still won't try roasted peeps.  Haha...

Barefooted kiddos.  It was pretty chilly that evening too.  We were all outside in our jackets and blankets, but these two were running around barefoot...

Cute Lila enjoying a peep...

The next morning, the three youngest kids went to the annual Easter Egg Hunt that our HOA puts on every year...

They had no problem finding lots and lots of eggs...

Cohen and Vivvie got to meet the Easter Bunny.  Aiden refused to get his picture taken with him.  Lame.  I hate when kids grow up...

On Easter Sunday, Amy and I wore our Easter colors...

The kiddos got dressed in their Easter attire too...

We did a little Easter Egg Hunt in our backyard before heading off to church...

That evening, my whole family got together for Easter dinner.  It was a wonderful Easter weekend!  I'm so grateful for our Savior, Jesus Christ, and that He lived, died, and lives again so that we can live again also.  --Lindsay

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Our Trip to Hawaii: Days 8 & 9

On our 8th day in Hawaii, we decided to re-acclimate ourselves back to a climate similar to Utah's by driving up to the top of Maui's volcano--Haleakala...

We went from sea level up to over 10,000 feet...

It was chilly!  We all wore our jackets, but were still a little cool.  It was overcast up there, but when the clouds parted for a few minutes, it was a gorgeous view...

We had fun exploring the volcano.  It felt like we were on another planet at times...

It was fun, and we had a great time up there.  After exploring the volcano, and the long drive there and back, it was about time to board our red eye flight home.  Vivvie was a little sad to be leaving Hawaii after such a fun vacation.  I can't blame her...

The kids did really great on the overnight flight...well, except Aiden who got kicked repeatedly by Vivvie throughout the night.  Haha!  We flew to LAX first, and then from there flew home...

As you can see, our vacation to Hawaii was amazing!  It was everything I dreamed it would be, and I am so grateful we had the opportunity to make it happen!!  Now, I just have to figure out how to get back there sooner rather than later.  Aloha Hawaii!  Mahalo for the memories!!  --Lindsay

Monday, June 19, 2017

Our Trip to Hawaii: Day 7

Our 7th day was another beach day!  We just hung out on our resort's private beach which was so picturesque.  The waves were calm, the sand golden and warm, and the palm trees moved ever so slightly.  It was an awesome day, and I just tried to soak it all in...

Aiden and Vivvie beginning to build a sand castle...

Connor and Cohen trying out the water...

My four little loves.  I guess I technically can't call them all "little" anymore now that Connor is taller than me, and Aiden is gaining on me fast...

Why can't all Mondays be like this?

Nothing like a mouthful of sand...

Chatting with my mama...

The kids took a break from the salt water for awhile to enjoy the fresh water of the hot tub and pool...

Lunch time...

Our obligatory feet in the sand pictures...

Cohen and Viv found these pretty white rocks along the beach which they used to spell out their names...

Love this cute little beach babe...

Playing frisbee...

Aiden trying to boogie board in the shallow waves...

Poppy and Mike went snorkeling to see if they could find anything cool.  Unfortunately, there wasn't much by our resort.  But, they headed down the beach a little ways and found tons of sea turtles.  Mike called me and told me to bring the boys down quickly.  We were worried the turtles would be gone by the time we got there, but they weren't, so they all got a chance to swim with big sea turtles!  How cool is that?  I was actually able to capture a picture of one that was having a hard time getting away from the shoreline.  Do you see the fin coming out of the water just to the left of the big rock?  That's a sea turtle!  So cool...

The boys loved snorkeling with sea turtles.  They were swimming all around them.  They all agreed that it was their favorite part of the trip, and Mike said that officially completed his Maui experience...

Connor showing how big one of the sea turtles was...

That evening, we all got cleaned up and took a little trolley over to Whaler's Village, a fun place with lots of restaurants and little shops...

Vivvie taking in the sights along the way...

Cohen started picking up tropical flowers off the ground and putting them in the holes of his baseball cap...

Then he had fun amusing himself in all the shops...

We ate at a restaurant called Leilani's on the Beach, and the it lived up to its name--we sat right on the beach...

How's that for a dinner view?

We got to watch another beautiful sunset while eating dinner.  Seriously, there are few things as pretty as a Hawaiian sunset...

After dinner, we did a little more shopping, and then took the trolley back to our resort for another good night's sleep.  --Lindsay