Wednesday, January 13, 2010

New Years Eve and New Years Day

For New Years eve my sister came out to be with us. We had such a great time. We went to this fun new teppanyaki Japanese restaurant in town for dinner. Aubrey loved the show.

Aubrey counted in the new year at 7pm.

As adults counted in the New Year together while watching the ball drop in NYC enjoying apple cider and cream puffs.

My sister Laura's birthday is January 1st. We had a great day spending her birthday with her. We went out to breakfast and then to the Princess and the Frog movie. That night we meet up with our parents and Scott for dinner at Red Lobster. What a fun day!
Happy Birthday Laura aka Ti ti

Happy New Year everyone!!!!!

Girls Trip

We started this tradition four years ago and we have really enjoyed keeping it going. We go on a girls trip the day after Christmas. This year we went to Sacramento. The first night we meet up with my mom's best friend Devon. We went to Old Sacramento for dinner and a light show.

When we got back from Old Sacramento Aubrey looked so cute.
The next day we went and saw our Aunt Sharon, Uncle Don, Cindy, Bill and Jane. It was nice catching up and spending time with them. I was sad I only got one picture. This is Aubrey with cousin Cindy.

We stayed at the Embassy Suites right next to Old Sacramento and it was beautiful.

Aubrey loved the elevators.
We had a very nice time being with all the girls.

Monday, January 4, 2010


Santa came on Christmas morning to my parents house. We had so much fun being together with the whole family, G'pa, Nana, Laura, Scott, Aunt Pat, Spencer, Aubrey, myself and all the dogs.

Aubrey got a very cool Laugh and Learn Smart Bounce & Spin Pony from my parents. She loves it!

My Grandpa, Joan and Uncle Steve came over for brunch.

Then Great Grandma c
Helping Great Grandma open her gift.

G'pa and Great Grandma

Thank you everyone for everything! We have the best family ever and we are so lucky!!!!

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve was at Spencer's sister's house. We had so much fun seeing everyone and doing all our family Christmas traditions.

White Elephant for the kids.

Singing The 12 Days of Christmas.

Spending time with all the cousins.

Christmas at Home

We left for the bay area on Christmas eve for Christmas so dada wrote a letter to Santa to have him stop by our house Christmas eve morning before we left.

Dada reading The Night Before Christmas to Aubrey and Deuce the night before.

Looks like Santa came.....

We went and got Aubrey up.

Wow, a Barbie ATV!
Here very own Cabbage Patch Kid

Fun art supplies from Grandma and Grandpa
Santa didn't forget about Deuce

What a great morning. Aubrey had a blast!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Aubrey's First Haircut

The Saturday before Christmas Spencer and his dad went fishing at the Discovery Bay. They had a wonderful time being together.

Aubrey and I tagged along for the ride and we meet up with my parents in Livermore. While walking downtown we found the perfect kid hair salon and Aubrey was looking pretty shaggy so we did it!

Aubrey's first hair cut:

She did great. She loved sitting in the car. Her hair lady was wonderful and very fast. It came out beautiful.

After the hair cut we went to the park.

What a fun day!

Getting ready for Christmas

Running around after an almost two year old, being 4 months pregnant and all the holidays have made for some busy times around here. I have so many pictures that I want to post and write about but my days go by so fast.

This is a post about pre-Christmas celebrations. When I get some time I will post all of our Christmas pictures.

A couple weekends before Christmas my family came out for the day. We went to the Court House here in town where they had decorated it all for Christmas. Then they all came over for dinner.

We did lots of backing and making our famous mice for both Spencer's work party and mine.

My work Christmas party at Stan's house. Everyone loved playing Wii.