Thursday, April 03, 2008

Vegas Anyone?

So I recently said that I was most likely heading to Gonzaga for law school. Well plans have changed slightly. I have recently received an acceptance to a shool that was really my second choice to the University of Utah. That school is UNLV. I am really excited about this too. Not that I wasn't excited about moving to Washington or anything like that. I would just prefer to move to Las Vegas and go to school at UNLV for several different reasons. In no particular order here are some of the reasons.

  • proximity to family. Instead of being a 10 hour or so drive to visit family or a plane ride it is only a 5 to 6 hour drive. Not only that but it makes it easier for family to come and see us without a huge cost.
  • tuition is way cheaper. My tuition alone at Gonzaga would have been $30,000 a year where at UNLV this first year will be right around $18000. that is a huge amount.
  • Resident Tuition. That is a big thing. Gonzaga is private, so the tuition is the same for everyone. UNLV is public and I can gain residency my second and third year.
  • The law school is rising in reputation and rankings. This is a new law school and has only been around for 10 years now. It is already a top tier school and full approved by the ABA.

So it isn't a complete list but it is a decent list. Housing is more expensive in Vegas than it is in Spokane but that isn't as big a deal since tuition is cheaper. The only thing that disappointed me was the fact that there in talks with the board of regents to raise Tuition for the 09-10 and the 10-11 years so that resident tuition will be $18000 and non resident would be $30,000.

oh well, Vegas here we come.

Saturday, March 29, 2008


So the sad day of reality came to us yesterday in the mail. My hopes of attending law school at the University of Utah in the fall came crashing down yesterday afternoon. Megan was coming to pick my up from work so that we could pick our nephew up to go to the Jazz game with Brian and Tyson. She calls and asks if I would let her open up my mail from the U. I said sure but she wasn't that excited to be able to open it. You see, she new the answere was one of two and neither was one that we were hoping for. Since the end of December I have received enough letters from law schools I applied to for her to know what the letter from the U said without opening it. All the schools that I had been accepted to had large 9"by 12" envelopes with alot more information included than just the letter of acceptance.

Obviously that was not the case with the envelope from Utah. It was just a normal envelope with one sheet of paper folded in thirds. Mail sucks when you know the outcome before you even open it. That goes for anything except for Sports Illustrated in February (just kidding Megs).

Needless to say though, we are now on our way out of Utah for at least 3 years time. Most likely we are making our way up to the Great Northwest to attend Gonzaga University. It should be quite the adventure.

Friday, March 28, 2008

My High School Making Headlines

When I first saw this on the news I thought it was absolutely hilarious. I have seen Monte Morgan break up fights happening between a couple of high school ass hats while I was in high school and if he wasn't an ass hat before, this solidified it. Apparently the news says there was more to the story than the video but that beside the point. A picture (or in this case a video) speaks a thousand words.

Is that really something that should be happening at the self-proclaimed "WORLD CLASS HIGH SCHOOL?"

Sunday, March 09, 2008

How 'bout them JAZZ!!!!

How bout them Jazz. Last night Megan and I went to the Jazz-Nuggets game. The Jazz absolutely trounced them. I mean it never never got closer than it was at halftime. And the score was 77-54. Thats right, 23 points at halftime. Once the 3rd Quarter started the Jazz scored the first 10 points and that was pretty much it for the game. That was just the icing on the cake though. The really exciting part of the game was that we had tickets on Row 2. Let me tell you, that is the way that a NBA game should be seen. Right down with all the action. It's not that we could always hear everything that was being said, but when they were right on the sideline by us we definitely could.

Before this game I had never sat closer than about row 15 or 14. Don't get me wrong, Those are excellent seats as well, but there really is no comparison. Your vantage point is so much different and you see things that you don't see only 11 to 12 rows farther up. Really, you get a feeling of just how fast paced this game is and then you sit courtside and it destroys everything you thought of the pace and the speed of the game. It moves so much faster than what it seems on TV or higher up in the stadium. Even the so-called slow players still can move pretty fast.

Going to the game and sitting as close as we did was like a dream come true for me. I have always wanted to sit down that close to the game and it turned out to be everything I thought it would be. And the blow out was a nice treat as well.

I guess it just goes to show that it pays to know poeple in high places.

Saturday, March 01, 2008

I Got a Stye In My Eye

For the past 2 weeks now I have been fighting with a Stye in my eye. What a crappy thing to have. up until about yesterday my eye has been basically half shut and all kinds of swollen. Even today people have mentioned that my eye still looked bad. I just have to tell them that it looks pretty much healed to me although I know it isn't completely. So the first couple days of this thing were terrible. It was really painful but now it is just a great big annoyance. One day I won't have to deal with stupid eye thing.

On a side note eyes have not been kind to people working here at Eagle Gate College lately. At least those of us working at the downtown location. Not too long ago one lady had some bubble on her eye ball. It was pretty gross, she had to get it lanced. Then right before I got my stye another coworker first thought she had a sinus infection but her antibiotics didn't help her, she had alot of tests done and it was determented that the muscles around her eyes were all inflamed and infected. So needless to say, not a very good stretch of luck with the eyes recently here at the EGC.

One other thought, Why would you call something on your eye a name that rhymes. Every time I have had to tell people if have a stye the very next thing people say is " You have a Stye in you Eye?" I just don't get it.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

All-Star Weekend

Anyone who knows me knows I love basketball and the NBA. But i have to admit that the All-Star Weekend for the past few years has been kinda lame. Who doesn't think the game itself is a little bit of a snoozer most years but the extra stuff has been super lame. Especially the Slam Dunk Contest. I mean even one year Fred Jones won because he happened to get his dunk in the final round to go down but not because it was anything extremely spectacular. This year though, this year was different. Dwight Howard was awesome. The first round dunks were great by 3 out of the 4. Rudy Gay was kind of a disappointment but Howard made up for that. The Birthday Cake was great by Gerald Green only to be outdone by the Superman dunk by Dwight Howard. My only complaint about the final round is that Gerald Greens dunks were down right boring. Who cares if you can dunk it with socks and no shoes. BORING.

Howard did not disappoint. The one where he threw the ball in the air then slapped it off the backboard with his left and hand dunked it with his right hand was a sight to see. Kenny Smith basically had the best comment of the night when he said "the man is a video game, I have only seen that in a video game, no, I haven't even seen that in a video game.

It was also fun to hear that Deron Williams won the skills challange. He set the record for this competition too. Even more ironic it happened to be against Chris Paul in the final round. Those two will forever be compared with each other and this just added to the comparison talks.


Monday, February 18, 2008

I love this game.

So I love this game. I spent more time than I probably should have playing it this weekend, though it was nice to not worry about school for the weekend. My nephew Braden and I played this one night in January from about 8:00 PM until about 3 AM. That was on a Friday night and normally wouldn't have been a problem but the next morning we had to be up and gone by about 8 in the morning. Needless to say we were way tired, but couldn't wait to play it again.

Finally, Presidents Day weekend finally came around. Everything set up good with Braden and my schedule. So, on Saturday and Sunday we stayed up all night trying to finally beat this game. The last time we tried to beat it. We even thought we were getting somewhat close(even after I beat 4 or 5 levels before we first played it together). Apparently not, because after another 8 hours of playing this weekend we still haven't beaten this game. There is even at least 1 more level before playing Dr. Doom. So we have to find another weekend where we will be able to FINALLY beat this game.

I have never really been into Role playing games but his one has been a great way to kill a ton of time and one that I really enjoy playing. Good thing Stu and Megan thought it was in the style of Street Fighter or Mortal Combat. That would have been great as well but I love this game.

Soon I will beat this damn game so I don't have to worry about it anymore.