Sunday, September 20, 2015

The science behind cannabinoids is clear: marijuana helps brain achieve breakthroughs in learning, consciousness and understanding

Investment Watch
(Natural News)

A great misunderstanding regarding the therapeutic value of the cannabis plant persists, even within some reform circles. Marijuana is often lumped into the same category as cigarettes, hard drugs, and even alcohol, with the latest trend being to designate cannabis as “less harmful” than these other substances. In reality, cannabis isn’t actually harmful at all, and it can help improve the way people think, process and understand information, and even function physically.


Wednesday, September 9, 2015

30 Holistic Doctors Poisoned With Powerful Psychedelic at Health Conference

Free Thought Project

It was reported last week that holistic doctors meeting at a conference in northern Germany were poisoned and taken to the hospital. It was said that 30 different doctors, aged 25 to 55 were poisoned with a psychoactive drug at the conference. During the conference, people began staggering and complaining of cramps, while others had more severe reactions and strong hallucinations.

15 ambulances, a helicopter and some 160 rescue personnel were called to the scene to rush the doctors to the hospital.


Thursday, August 27, 2015

Doctor Makes Controversial Vaccine Claim, Armed Agents Raid Office, Now He’s Found Dead In River

Counter Current News
by M. David and Jackson Marciana

There are few issues more controversial and contentious than the debate(s) over vaccines. But whatever side of that debate you come down on, you should be horrified by the questions surrounding the death of Jeffrey James Bradstreet, MD.

Dr. Bradstreet was a controversial anti-vaccination physician who promoted an unorthodox method of treating children with autism. Like some in the anti-vaccination crowd, be very strongly believed there was a link between vaccines and autism.

After gaining notoriety, or infamy, for his claims, armed FDA agents raided his offices. Many people do not know that the executive branch employs a tremendous number of offices of law enforcement, including police for the Food and Drug Administration.

Bradstreet Family Breaks Silence for First time on Beloved Dr. Jeff Bradstreet
posted by HealthNutNews

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Fukushima Forever – the Pacific Ocean is Dying

Gerold's Blog
Posted on April 11, 2015

Updated June 27, 2015: The NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) retracted its earlier announcement and admitted that the warming of the Pacific is NOT caused by El Nino but they kept it quiet. I suppose if they broadcast it, someone might ask the embarrassing question that if it’s not El Nino then what, in fact, is causing the warming of the Pacific?

The Pacific Ocean is dying. I’ve been warning about the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear disaster for four years and now its deadly consequences are more apparent every day.

Fukushima’s weapons-grade radioactive aerial fall-out and contaminated ocean currents are bioaccumulating in phytoplankton; the bottom (beginning) of the food chain. As well, it weakens the Pacific marine life’s immune systems making them more susceptible to bacterial, viral and parasitic infestation leading to death and ultimately species extinction...


Thursday, August 13, 2015

Watch Cancer cells destroyed by First Immune GcMAF

Investment Watch

GcMAF eradicates cancer; cells seen via microscopes and time lapse photography.

This is a world wide first, and a scientific research paper named “Multifaceted immunotherapeutic effects of GcMAF on human breast cancer cells” peer reviewed, and published by us in the January 2013 Immunology Conference in San Diego.

Human MCF7 breast cancer cells are shown both in a corrugated layer on the surface below, and as irregular “fingers” above.  Macrophages are small round circles added at the bottom left. They do nothing until the First Immune GcMAF is added.

Time lapse photography over 60 hours shows the cancer monolayer below first changing from corrugated to smooth from the bottom left as the cancer is destroyed; then the cancer “fingers” are also eaten and destroyed by the macrophages.


Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Gardasil Mandates Have Begun: Are Schools now Shills for Big Pharma?

Passive Agressive Raven
by Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

Just when you think it can’t get any worse…it does.

Rhode Island has announced that the HPV vaccine, Gardasil, has been added as a requirement to attend the 7th grade. In an article published in the Washington Times, Tricia Washburn, chief of the Office of Immunization for the Rhode Island Department of Health, said:

“The bottom line is that HPV is the most sexually transmitted disease in the U.S.” she said. “We are interested in protecting the public health. We feel it shouldn’t be treated any differently than any of the other vaccines recommended by the CDC.”

Seventh graders are 12-13 years of age. What is behind this mandate? Does Rhode Island have a problem with promiscuous teens, prompting this CDC representative to be concerned about protecting the public from human papilloma virus disease?


Sunday, August 9, 2015

Former Merck Rep: Mandatory Vaccination Is For Profit, Not Public Health


Investment Watch
by Carol Adl

In this video a former Merck rep, who is also a concerned Mother, explains how mandatory vaccination is making big profits for big pharma at the expense of our children.

‘Brandy Vaughan is a former sales rep for Merck & Co. – a vaccine maker – and she details how vaccine companies are using vaccines as a vehicle for massive profit and not public health.
Brandy researched the safety of vaccines and found that not only do vaccines contain known toxins that can cause neurological damage, but that vaccine makers do not create the same safety studies for vaccines as they do for other drugs.

This lack of true safety research of vaccines combined with the known adverse reactions to vaccination has helped Brandy to decide to never vaccinate her own child.

Brandy says giving children a vaccine is like playing Russian roulette with our children and that mandatory vaccination is simply a way for vaccine makers to profit off of our children. Don’t be fooled: we do not need mandatory vaccination.’