Saturday, December 29, 2007

Our Five Year Anniversary and Exciting News!

Greg and I celebrated our 5th wedding anniversary on Thursday, and I can't believe it has been 5 years! It is just so weird to me... In a way, it feels like just yesterday that we got married and were dealing with the struggles of living together and finances! :) But obviously we did it since we made it to this point! And here we are, four moves, six jobs, one degree, and two kids later... :) It's pretty crazy how life can change so drastically in the span of 5 years. But life is great and we are thrilled to be married to each other! I don't think I could have married a better guy to deal with my mood swings and OCD moments! :) He is so patient with me, and he works so hard to support our family (which he probably doesn't get enough thanks for). Anyway, I don't want to get too sappy on everybody, but I just want Greg to know how much I love him and appreciate what he does for us!

Even though Thursday was a really exciting and neat day for us, we really didn't do much except exchange gifts and eat Chicken Bowls from Teriyaki Stix at home. :) We were planning on going out to dinner, but couldn't find a sitter for the kids, and that day was just really stressful for us in general (details later...). But fortunately, we were able to find a sitter last night and actually go out to dinner, and we had a great time! I thought it would be fun to post some pictures of our wedding day on here, so check them out! (And THEN you can read about the exciting news...) :)

And now for the exciting news! (And no, I am NOT pregnant!) Drum roll, please................ Greg got a new job! Yay! Ha ha, okay, well this may not be that exciting of news for all of you, but we are absolutely thrilled about! It will be such a great change for Greg and our family. He is going to be the new store manager at an import tile store in Salt Lake called A World of Tile, and he will start on January 14th. Here's the story of how it all happened...

For about the past four months, we have really felt like it was time to start looking for a new job because T-Mobile has changed a lot and is no longer treating their employees well, which is disappointing. Unfortunately, every job we found on our own either had long hours, low pay, or both! So Greg ended up posting his resume online in September and got quite a few calls, but they were all for car sales or insurance, both of which we didn't feel good about. So we kind of just gave up and said that we would start looking again when Greg graduates next December.

Well, a few weeks ago, Greg went to a manager meeting where the market manager told them if they didn't start meeting all their metrics (which are so out of the ballpark now, they are unattainable) by February, they would lose their jobs. Greg came home so frustrated and we decided that once again, it was time to look for a new job. We came across a few that looked okay, but once again, nothing seemed right. We started panicking a little since February is coming up, and we were really worried that Greg's store would still be having a hard time meeting numbers...

One week after the manager meeting, Greg was called by a headhunter who had found his resume online and wanted him to interview for this management job at the tile store. At first, we were a little unsure since it is in Salt Lake and we figured the pay would be low, since almost every other job we had come across up to that point wasn't even comparable to what Greg makes now (which isn't even that much!). But once she sent us the information about the job, we realized that it was the perfect fit for us and got really excited, so Greg went and interviewed last Thursday. It was just one of those situations where we knew it was the perfect job for us, and it was excruciating to wait for a call about whether or not he got the job (which explains the stress on our anniversary).

Well, Greg finally got a call yesterday saying he got the job and we are seriously so thrilled! Of course, we have to buy another car now and Greg gets to make that lovely commute everyday, but we feel extremely fortunate to have gotten it. Seriously, this was very much the Lord's doing and we feel incredibly blessed. And we will keep you all updated as to how thing go. Even though it will be hard to leave T-Mobile after almost 5 years (especially because we have made so many friends), we know it will be a great job change. It was also great to hear his market manager say that if she could offer him an extra $10k on his salary just to keep him, she would... Well, then maybe she shouldn't have threatened his job a few weeks ago, right? :) Until next time! -Ash

Thursday, December 27, 2007

A Very Merry Christmas

Well, Christmas has come and gone and, as usual, I'm totally bummed. I seriously thrive off of Christmas time (even though it is the busiest time of year for us)! But oh well, I guess if Christmas time was year-round, I wouldn't love it as much as I do. :) Anyway, we had a really great time hanging out with our families and getting spoiled rotten (seriously)!

On Sunday night, we had my family come to our house for a little Christmas party where we exchanged presents early (since it was our year to spend Christmas with Greg's family). I was so busy playing hostess (and opening presents of course! ha ha) that I totally forgot to take pictures, so sorry! But really, we were spoiled rotten. The boys got toys galore, I got a lot of new clothes (exactly what I wanted!), and Greg got camping stuff (which he was thrilled about because he wants to take Gavin camping this summer).

On Christmas Eve, Greg had to work of course, but fortunately he was able to get off at 3:00 since we knew a big storm was coming in. We then drove all the way up to Greg's sister's cabin at Bear Lake in that fabulous storm, and I honestly was fearing for my life again (just like last week)! Logan Canyon was the scariest because the visibility was so low and the roads were so snow-packed that you could hardly see where you were going. I was seriously so nervous we would have to spend the night in the car. But fortunately, we made it through unscathed and got to the cabin by about 6:00. We then had a little Christmas Eve party with fun party foods, watched A Christmas Story, opened pajamas (you can see the boys' in the picture to the left), read the Christmas story from the scriptures, and stayed up until 2:30 setting up... I mean waiting for Santa! :)

Christmas morning came all too fast after getting so little sleep, but it was fun! When Gavin woke up, we had to remind him that Santa had come during the night because he had completely forgotten! He walked upstairs, ran right past his toys (he didn't even see them) and to the window, and then asked about all the snow outside. I have never seen a boy so unexcited (or maybe confused?) about Christmas! We then redirected his view over to his toys, and he went crazy of course! Santa brought him exactly what he wanted: "A Geotrax and a dinosaur." (The dinosaur was added to the list about a week ago, but fortunately, Santa had an inkling a couple months ago that he might want one...)

We then spent the rest of Christmas day opening presents and visiting with family. Greg's brother Jeff and his family came over from Pocatello, and Gavin had a blast playing with their kids. We headed home that night since Greg had to work the next day of course... good ol' retail! But overall, we had a really great holiday. Gavin even told me yesterday that he wanted to tell Santa Claus thank you. :) I told him I would tell Santa and that he would appreciate that! :) We hope you guys all had a wonderful Christmas too! -Ash

Tyler and Grandma Swenson

Opening presents!

Mmm... yummy toys!

Bear Lake on Christmas Day. You would never guess we drove through such a horrible snow storm just the night before!

Our mess of a house once we brought everything home. I'm still not sure where we are going to put everything!

Both boys love this little table Grandma and Grandpa Swenson gave them. (And please ignore the gigantic mess in the background! How embarrassing!)

Friday, December 21, 2007

Freeway Trauma (at least for me...)

Last night, my high school friends and I had a Christmas party down in Orem. We had a really great time, but I will post about it later because my camera was dead and I need Kyla to send me pictures! Anyway, I thought just the drive alone was blog-worthy though because I have honestly never been so scared on the freeway before. In fact, KUTV's website had the following heading about the storm:

Heavy Snow Blankets Utah, Chaos For Drivers
Heavy snow fell continuously on the Wasatch Front on Thursday evening and created nightmarish traffic jams throughout the valley.

And after our experience last night, we can attest to that!

Yesterday afternoon, we left our house at 4:30 to get down to Orem. It had just started snowing here and was sticking, but we figured the further south we got, the less snow there would be. We were wrong... In the end, between all the traffic, snow, and getting stuck behind 4 snow plows going 5 mph, it took us 3 hours to get down there! (Normally, it takes us just over an hour.) The whole drive down there didn't scare me, it was just extremely irritating.

Well, the party was supposed to start at 6:30 but by the time we all got there, it was 7:30, and of course we wanted to hang out and talk, so we ended up staying until 10:30. We weren't too nervous about the roads because it hadn't snowed in hours and even the city streets in Orem were only wet, so we thought the freeway would be fine. Utah County was fine, no problems there, but once we came around the point of the mountain into Salt Lake County, the roads became terrible. A car started spinning out right in front of us, but fortunately, was able to regain control before hitting us (if he had kept spinning, we would have hit him, no question about it). Then, just a couple miles up the road, there were 3 slide-offs, and just a couple more miles up from there, there was a 4-car accident blocking the car pool lane. After that point, I can't even count how many slide-offs we saw. There were cars on the shoulder all over the place. I felt pretty safe because Greg was driving slow and having 4WD was comforting, but I swear to you, some Utahns think they are invincible drivers in their little Honda Civics in the snow! It was so irritating.

Well, then we got up into Davis County around Bountiful, and the roads were still about the same as they had been in Salt Lake - slushy and icy in parts. All the sudden, we saw headlights bouncing around over the median. A car had lost control and was sliding down the freeway backwards, bashing into the median the whole way. I started freaking out and screaming at Greg, "4WD NOW!!!" :) (Until that point, he had been using AUTO most of the time, but I was about to have a panic attack after seeing that...)

Anyway, the roads were still pretty bad up until about Kaysville, but from there until we got home, they were okay. I guess it was just a scary experience for me because I've driven in bad weather before, but I've never had all of those things happen around me, especially seeing that car spinning on the other side of the freeway. I am just extremely glad there was a median for him to hit, and not us. The whole night just confirmed to me that my long-time decision of always having Greg drive in the snow is a good one, because if I had been driving, my freaking out probably would have caused an accident all in itself! :) Until next time! -Ash

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Happy 3rd Birthday, Gavin!

Gavin turned 3 on Monday, and my mind is still reeling as to how he can be that old! Even though it is hard for me to remember my life without him, it is even harder to believe that he has been with us for 3 years! Crazy... Anyway, he had a great day, especially his birthday party that night. My family came up and we had a real party (compard to Ty's)! Yay! We just ate pizza, opened presents, ate Cars cake (of course), and then let chaos unfold around us as we opened all the toys and let the kids play with them!

The highlight of Gavin's night though was getting a Fast Lane Parking Garage from my parents. Ever since we got the Toys 'R Us toy catalog in November, he has insisted on looking at the page with the Garage on it everytime he eats, after which he begs me to "go to the store and buy it." It is extremely gross now with greasy fingerprints and spots where food spilled on it! So all I have to say is THANK YOU Mom and Dad for getting that for him! It's so nice to not have him looking in there anymore and begging me to buy it for him. Overall, it was a great day and we had a great time! And between now and Christmas, we better pray I find a place for all these toys or else Santa may not know where to put anything! ;) Until next time! -Ash

Despite the unexcited look on his face, he really did love opening presents!

Why is it that Tyler could have cared less about opening his own presents, but he loves the idea of opening Gavin's?

The much anticipated parking garage (which by the way, was quite the engineering feat to just put together!).

Monday, December 17, 2007

Christmas Lights

My friend Nancy emailed me this link the other day of Christmas lights that her cousin synchronized with music. It's really similar to the one that came out a couple years ago, but I think this one might be better! :) So check it out! -Ash

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Disappointed in Matchbox Twenty...

Matchbox Twenty has been one of my favorite bands for a long time now. Between Greg and I, we have every CD of theirs and every time we hear their new song "How Far We've Come," we turn it up because we just love it! (In fact, we turn it up so loud that Gavin usually starts freaking out and yelling, "It's too noisy!") Well, we were watching their music video on You Tube today and even though I still love the song, the music video really made me mad. It's such liberal propaganda! Yeah, sure, this is the first time we have had a black and a female presidential candidate, but hey it's the first time we've had a Mormon candidate too, isn't it? Ha ha, not like I expect (or want) them to put Mitt Romney in their music video, but seriously, the whole thing is such propaganda (especially the part with Al Gore) and I've had it with Hollywood jumping on the liberal bandwagon just because everybody else is doing it! Sorry about the venting, it's just getting really old to me. Anyway, here's the link to the video if you want to watch it. And even though the music video sucks, the song is still awesome so you can at least enjoy that part! -Ash

P.S. So I just had a different take on this whole music video after watching it again. Throughout the entire thing, they're talking about how the world is headed for hell and coming to an end. So maybe the whole Al Gore and Hillary/Bill Clinton thing at the end is proof of why the world is headed for hell! At least I will try to think of it that way... :)

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Tyler's Birthday Party... If It Can Even Be Called a Party!

Since our boys' birthdays are within 5 days of each other now, we decided to try a new tradition this year - on Tyler's birthday, we would have a big birthday party for both boys with Greg's family, and on Gavin's birthday, we would have a big party for both boys with my family. We thought it was a great idea because both families wouldn't have to come to two parties, and both boys would never feel left out on the other's birthday. Well, Greg started calling his family this past weekend to remind them of the party on Ty's birthday only to find out that nobody could come! I was really bummed at first just because I love to have family around and involved in our kids' lives, but it just wasn't going to happen. So with no other options, we decided to have a little party with our small family. And believe it or not, we had a great time! Gavin had a blast opening Tyler's presents, and Tyler was thrilled to be the center of attention and eat cake! :) So both boys had a great time in the end, and I don't think either one felt left out. Plus, both boys were in bed by 8 so I got some Christmas shopping done after that! I guess it wasn't as much of a loss as I thought it would be... :) Until next time! -Ash

Gavin opening Ty's presents, and Ty could have cared less!

After opening Ty's presents, Gavin then went on to play with them...

...while Tyler played with a roll of wrapping paper! :)

Gavin even blew out Ty's candle! Once again though, Ty could have cared less...

Mmm... yummy cake. I have never seen anybody devour a piece of cake so quickly!

I just had to put this picture in because I couldn't stop laughing at the frosting literally dripping off his face!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Happy 1st Birthday, Tyler!

Well, here I am, up at midnight with too much on my mind to sleep, so I thought I would come blog! :) It is officially Tyler's birthday (as of a few minutes ago), and I have to admit, I'm struggling a little bit with the fact that he turns one today. I guess the past year flew by so fast, even faster than it did with Gavin, and it's just hard to believe that he's a little boy now and not my baby anymore. But I guess I can't turn back time, so I just need to enjoy him while I have him! Anyway, I thought it might be kind of fun to tell the story about what happened exactly one year ago from today, so here goes...

The night before Tyler was born, my family got together in Salt Lake for our annual tradition of eating at the Old Spaghetti Factory and then going to see the lights at Temple Squre. The first question out of my mom's mouth when she saw me was, "How you feeling, Ash?" I said (with definite irritaion in my voice), "Way too good to be having this baby anytime soon..." (Initially, I was supposed to be induced on the 13th so there was no possible way that Gavin and Ty would have the same birthday. But at my appointment on the 6th, my doctor said he just wasn't comfortable inducing me because I wasn't dilated at all, so I was really freaked out about the chance that the kids would have the same birthday. Plus, I didn't want to have Ty too close to Christmas, just for convenience sake... So I was really not a happy camper about still being pregnant and not even progressing at all.)

Well, after dinner, we went to go see the lights at Temple Square and I told the entire family that I was dead set on walking myself into labor that night because I was just ready to have this baby. And sure enough, at 4:30 the next morning, I woke up with contractions! This actually scared me pretty bad though because I was induced with Gavin, so I wasn't sure if I was in labor or what. All I knew was that I felt really sick about every 5 minutes! :) The best part was that while I was timing contractions, I sat there in bed watching TV and Greg would turn to me every 5 minutes and say, "Are you ok?" When I would say "yes," he would promptly roll back over and fall asleep for another 5 minutes, then the whole thing would start over again. What a typical man to sleep through part of his wife's labor! :)

Well, I held out as long as I could but around 6:00, I realized that the contractions were getting closer together. I started to get worried and decided it was finally time to pack a bag (yeah, I hadn't done that yet... ha ha), wake Gavin up, and call my parents to come get him. We got to the hospital at 6:45 to be told I was 90% effaced and dilated to a 5! (Pretty quick considering I was dilated to a 3 with Gavin for almost 3 weeks...) Around 7:30, the anesthesiologist walked in and asked if I was ready for my epidural. At the point, I was dilated to a 7, but I was still handling the pain really well so I said I didn't think I needed one yet, but he said he might as well do it since he was already there. So I gave in and sure enough, about 30 minutes later, the really hard, painful contractions started coming, and unfortunately, my epidural had only worked on my right side. The nurses had me roll over on my left side in hopes that the epidural would work its way down, but it never did, making for a really painful labor and delivery (as for all you women who have had your babies naturally, I don't know how you did it! Just feeling the pain on one side was excruciating!!!).

The details from there are probably more than you men want to know, but basically things went really quickly from there. In fact, our doctor had to be pulled out of a C-section to come deliver Ty, and he was born at 8:58 AM. And honestly, I had no idea a newborn baby could be so incredibly calm and happy after just being born. It was the best! I remember hearing him cry for maybe a couple seconds when they were cleaning him off, but that's it. And his temperament to this day is the exact same. He is just the happiest boy you will meet! You just look at him and he smiles. Anyway, I put some pictures below to show how he's grown up within the past year. I don't have any pictures from the day he was born because we didn't have our digital camera then, but they start around the time he was 2 weeks. (Too bad for all of you... I know you wanted to see how incredibly hot I look after giving birth! :) ) Until next time! -Ash

Ty at about 2 weeks. He looks a lot like an alien to me!

Around 1 month, big head and all!

On his blessing day (almost 2 months). I know, he looks really gaunt and skinny in this. At his 2 month appointment, he only weighed in at 8 pounds and that's when the doctor told me to stop breastfeeding and start formula. He really chunked up after that!

About 3 months. See the extra chunkiness? :) Good ol' formula!

4 months. I love this picture of him!

Getting stronger at 6 months (Sorry the picture is small, it won't go bigger!)

Sitting up at 9 months.

And here we are at the 1 year mark - he's crawling and into everything! But we love him to pieces and are thrilled to have him as part of our family.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Gavin's First Snowman

When it started snowing yesterday, Gavin was wanting to build a snowman pretty bad. I kept telling him that he would have to wait until tomorrow (now today) because I had to get ready to go play the piano at my parents' work party, and fortunately, he was really sweet about it and stopped asking. (There wasn't enough snow yesterday anyway...) So I woke up this morning with a list of things to do to get ready for our work party tomorrow, and the last thing I wanted to do was go build a snowman! But Gavin was still really looking forward to it, so I thought I'd better keep my promise.

Even though I did most of the work, Gavin was still great to help wherever he could! He even rolled the middle ball (with some extra packing from mom), and helped put in the stick arms and buttons. He was pretty excited when we were all done, and wanted to keep packing snow on anywhere he could, but I convinced him it was time to go inside before he did too much damage! Anyway, I think the snowman turned out pretty great if I may say so myself. Sure, his face is totally demented and his back is completely flat, but I'm just proud of myself for doing it since this would normally be a daddy job at our house! :) Until next time! -Ash

*And by the way, Dad, you would be horrified to know that I let Gavin do this in the FRONT yard! Oh no! :) (For those of you who are wondering what in the world I am talking about, as kids, my sisters and I were never allowed to play in the snow in the front yard because it would make the yard look bad. Ha ha!)

Gavin with our masterpiece. :) (And for those of you who are wondering, he's holding the fake carrot that came with our snowman kit that would not stay in (along with all the buttons...). We finally had to get a real carrot!)

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Word to the Wise...

Do not leave your child's chocolate advent calender within their reach! I made this mistake today, and came down to find Gavin's face covered in chocolate, along with half the chocolates gone. :)

Monday, December 3, 2007

Kristin's Engaged!

Well, for those of you who check my sister's blog, you probably know by now that Kristin (my baby sister) is engaged! We are all so excited for her, and it turned out so cute! But for those of you who don't know the story, here's the shortened version...

After Dan (Kristin's now fiancee) went to order her ring, he came back to my parents' house asking for ideas on how to propose. He knows how close we are as a family, so he thought it would be really nice to do something that we could all be there for. Well, my dad had the fabulous idea of doing it on live TV one time when Lindsay was working! (Lindsay is my older sister and she works at KUTV as a meteorologist.) The only tricky part is that Linz typically only works weekend mornings, and who wants to propose at 7:00 in the morning without it looking suspicious?! Fortunately, we found out that she was filling in for Sterling Poulson this past Saturday night , so Dan planned it for that night.

So here was the plan, and fortunately, it went off better than planned... Dan took Kristin to Melting Pot in downtown Salt Lake at 7:00 that night, where Lindsay tried to call Kristin with some lame excuse of why they needed to come visit her at work. Kristin didn't answer, but fortunately, she texted her back, and when Kristin found out that Linz was at work, she actually asked if they could come visit. Perfect! So they headed over, and after getting a very LONG tour from Lindsay, it was finally 9:55 so Linz asked if they wanted to stay for the 10:00 show. Of course, Dan wanted to but we were worried Kristin wouldn't want to. Fortunately, she did! So they stayed and watched the whole thing, and at the end of the show, the entire crew went outside for one last live shot, and here's how it all went down:

Anyway, It was SO cute! My mom, dad, and I were all waiting behind the bushes to go out and congratulate her, and she was SO happy and surprised (which is hard to do with her). So congrats you two and we can't wait until May! Until next time. -Ash

Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Stockings Were Hung by the... Banister with Care?

Well, I FINALLY finished putting up my Christmas decorations just a few days ago, after a week of working on it. Usually, I put them up the Tuesday before Thanksgiving. I don't know why... I just can't wait until after Thanksgiving! But this year, I don't know what the deal has been. I just haven't been totally into the Christmas spirit like in the past. Maybe it is because I not only have Christmas, our anniversary, and Greg's work Christmas party next month, but also because I have both of my boys' birthdays on top of it! The madness of December will never end, I'm afraid... Well anyway, I was quite proud of myself for finishing it, so here's the final product...

A view of our living room, where basically all of our Christmas decorations are! :) I know, we are lame...

Our not-so-fabulous Christmas Tree. (We bought it two years ago, and I love the look of it and the fact that it's pre-lit... I just don't love the way we decorate it. We just have random little ornaments we have collected over the years, but I wish it had more ribbons and balls and stuff. Ha ha! Maybe next year...) And sorry the picture is blurry... I was using that crazy twilight setting again.

The piano. I like to decorate this with Santas.

This picture explains my title. We don't have a fireplace and mantle, let alone a shelf to hang our stockings from! So I guess the banister will have to do for now... :)

The outside lights. We're pretty boring at our house with just white lights, but I just like how classy they are... Good job, Greg!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

My Favorite Things...

Last week, my sister Lindsay posted a blog of her "Favorite Things" (like Oprah's Favorite Things), and I loved it! So I decided to copy her. :) I know, I know, I'm not creative enough to come up with these ideas on my own, but I did have her permission... The only difference is that I didn't discover all of these things in 2007. They go back to about 2 years ago, but I still think they are the greatest! :) So here they are, in no particular order...

#1 - Directv's DVR. Honestly, I don't know how I ever lived without this! It is so nice that it will record anything you want, anytime you want. And now, I never have to miss an episode of Bill O'Reilly! It's great!

#2 - Swivel Sweeper. Don't worry, I didn't buy this off an infomercial! Greg actually needed one for his store, and they only come in sets of 2, so he gave the other one to me and I love it! It is so much easier than sweeping, which I have to do after every meal since my boys make such a mess. It also works really well on carpet too (not to vacuum a whole room, but for small messes like crackers and cereal). And probably the best part about it is that Gavin loves to use it! So it has become one of his chores. :)

#3 - Artisan Kitchen Aid Mixer. My mom gave both Lindsay and I one of these for Christmas two years ago, and I absolutely love it. (And yes, it is red too!) It is so great for cookies, and I realized just lately how handy it is for mashed potatoes and whipping cream! Seriously, this should be a staple in everyone's house, even if you hardly cook like me. Plus, when you're not using it, it becomes a cute decoration on your countertop! ;)

#4 - Twilight Series. I figure I don't need to say much about these, since I wrote an entire blog about them, but just know they are AWESOME books. And if you haven't read them, you need to!

#5 - Cocoa Latte. Kristin gave this to Greg and I for Christmas last year and we absolutely love it! You put your cocoa mix and water/milk in, push the button, and it mixes it and heats it for you. It even froths your cocoa when you fill your cup! It's so fun, especially for this time of year, and we use it like crazy. Plus, it makes a great Christmas gift!

#6 - Satellite Radio. We subscribed to Sirius back in February and also got XM when we subscribed to Directv in May, and seriously, I don't know how I listened to regular radio before! Satellite is great because not only are there no commercials, there are also very few dead spots. (The only ones we have discovered so far are under overpasses.) However, now that we have tried both Sirius and XM, I have to say that I like XM MUCH more than Sirius. Their channel variety is much better! So just keep that in mind if you are thinking about subscribing to satellite.

#7 - Lysol Toilet Bowl Power Cleaner. Ha ha, yes! This really is one of my favorite things! The toilets in our house are really cheap and get dirty really easily. Well, I thought I had tried every possible thing on these toilets (including the regular Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner) and that they were just never going to be clean, but then I found this! I put the cleaner in my toilets and let it sit for ten minutes, and they all cleaned up SPOTLESS (including the one in our basement, for those of you who ever saw how horrible the ring around it was...). So I am hooked now, and thrilled I don't have to buy new toilets (which I was honestly considering for the future because it bugged me so bad that my toilets never looked clean when they really were!).

Well, there they are. I'm sure there are plenty of others that I can't think of right now, but maybe that's a good thing so I will stop rambling. :) Until next time! -Ash