So I haven't posted in a while because my life has been insane for the past week - good insane and bad insane. :) But before I talk about all the insanity, I thought I should write about our holiday weekend.
So I haven't posted in a while because my life has been insane for the past week - good insane and bad insane. :) But before I talk about all the insanity, I thought I should write about our holiday weekend.
Posted by
The Swensons
12:47 PM
I feel like I have been a horrible blogger lately, mostly because I feel like I spend way too much time on the computer and not enough time with my kids, which I've been trying to fix. So here I am, up at 11:00 at night, trying to squeeze out a quick blog when I should really be in the comfort of my own bed laughing at George Lopez! Oh, the things I do for you guys... :) So here's a totally random blog filled with totally random things.Today was pretty chilly, so I decided to try a new sweatsuit on Ty. It's an 18-24 months size, so I initially meant for him to wear it in the fall, but with how fast that kid is growing, he may not fit into it then! (Seriously, I am convinced that his appetite is going to drive our family to poverty. And anybody who's seen him eat can attest to that!) When we went to get him up from his afternoon nap today, he had his hood on and insisted on keeping it on all day (he even went to Costco and Toys 'R Us with it on). So here you have it - our 18-month-old hoodlum. This better not be a sign of things to come... :)
In other news, Gavin is showing progress with potty training! It's a miracle from above! Just as a quick background, Gavin is 3 1/2 and up until today, he has only peed in the toilet once. He is an incredibly stubborn kid (hmmm... wonder who he gets that from?) and until today, if you even said the word "potty" around him, he would freak out and run away screaming. Literally. Fortunately, Greg has had the whole week off of work and after hearing me cry almost every night about how preschool starts in September and Gavin is still not potty trained, he started helping out. And honestly, I know he hasn't tried anything different than I have, but I think Gavin just has a whole different level of respect for his dad than he does for me. Normally, this would bother me, but when it comes to bodily waste, I just don't care! :) Anyway, he went in the potty not once, not twice, but THREE times today! So hooray for progress, let's pray it keeps coming! (And I'm serious about those prayers, he needs to get potty trained!) :)
As for American Idol, I am shocked I have to do this (because I'm never wrong... of course), but I have to admit that my prediction of David Archuleta winning it all hands down was wrong. :) Seriously, as much as I love David Cook, I cannot believe there weren't enough 12-13 year old girls out there on Tuesday night to help David Archuleta win. I'm sure that my 15 Beehives alone voted for him at least a few hundred times, so where were all the other screaming and crying adolescents?! Really, I am just extremely shocked, even though I really like David Cook more. I actually feel a little bad for him though because I see David Archuleta fitting the A.I. mold and record label a little better, but what can you do? David Cook seemed happy so hopefully it's what he wanted. And at least David Archuleta got Utah back on the map (in a positive way) after the embarrassment with Carmen Rasmussen. However, I have to admit that the Murray mayor with the handlebar mustache may have been a slight setback to that...
And lastly, I saw this new "fashionable swimwear" on my friend Kyla's blog and had to share it with all of you. I seriously couldn't stop laughing. Who comes up with this stuff?! It's over-the-top Mormonism at its best!
Posted by
The Swensons
10:59 PM
I know Mother's Day was a week ago, but I still wanted to post this story as a kudos to all moms out there. I was asked to read it in Sacrament Meeting last week and thought it was pretty cute. I think we all probably took the Mommy Test in the pre-existence!
Posted by
The Swensons
4:24 PM
I can't believe my baby sister Kristin got married yesterday! Seriously, it seems like she should still be 5, which is way too young to be getting married, right? (Although I do vaguely remember having some sort of marriage ceremony between her and Matt Pheysey when they were about that age... Ha ha!) But despite that, I'm so excited for her and thrilled that she married such a wonderful guy! His name is Dan Walker, and we just love and adore him. He really treats her like a princess which is what she deserves. Plus, he fits into our family well. We knew he was a keeper from the start when he met our entire family and didn't run for his life! :)
The whole day was so wonderful. We were all a bit worried about the weather earlier in the week, but it turned out to be a beautiful day (I even got a bit of a sunburn!). They were married in the Bountiful temple - a temple I'd never been to before - and it was gorgeous. The views from there are awesome! So needless to say, they got some great pictures. Of course, if you've seen my sister, you just know that any picture she's in will be a great one. She is so photogenic and absolutely gorgeous! Their sealing was really nice too, and I didn't bawl like I expected to. Just a few tears... :)
After 2 hours of pictures and videography (phew!), we finally all headed out to her dinner reception at The Point in the Huntsman Cancer Institute. If you haven't been up there, you need to go! It has the best view of the entire Salt Lake Valley. The dinner was so nice and things went really well. Even the cake eating was fairly clean! :) Only a few tears once again... until the very end, that is. It just hit me all at once that she is actually married and before I knew it, I was sobbing... Darnit! I was doing so well!
The Bridesmaids (from L to R) - Ashley Akana (Kristin's close friend), me, Tiffany Garner (another close friend of Kristin's), and my sister Lindsay. Can you tell a gust of wind came through during this picture? :)
Gavin posing for the camera. He was seriously SO good the whole day. I was so proud of him.
What I'd give to look like my little sister... :)
(And kudos to our hair stylist Tara for doing such a great job on Kristin's hair. It looked gorgeous! Do you see why I drive an hour for her to do my hair?!)
Nana and Poppy with the boys. (Don't I have great looking parents?!) :)
More of the Skousen girls... (I say "girls" because my mom could pass for 30!) :)
Gavin in his tux. Isn't he the cutest thing EVER?! He was so excited to be dressed like Poppy. :)
The happy couple listening to my parents after dinner.
The cake cutting - they were actually pretty nice to each other!
Seriously, could she be any happier?! :)
Congrats again, you two! :)
Posted by
The Swensons
8:44 PM
Today is my 25th birthday, and I really didn't want to write a post about me because I like to write about the other people in my life, not myself . Plus, I don't want my blog to be "braggy" (is that even a word?)! But after the past couple of days, I've realized just how blessed I am to have what I do, so I thought I would write a "brag blog" since I feel like a pretty lucky girl right now! I will try to not make it too cheesy or annoying! :)
Posted by
The Swensons
3:20 PM
My family had a busy past weekend with two graduations! First, my brother-in-law Mike graduated from the U of U on Friday with his MBA and honestly, I have no idea how he did it. Between working full-time, doing his church calling, being a dad and father, AND going to school full-time, I'm surprised he didn't just drop dead. :) Of course, for those of you who know Mike, you know he is the eternal optimist about everything so during all of this, you would have never known how stressed and busy he was. He always put on the best face and never let us know how hard it was. So way to go, Mike! We are proud of you.
Then, on Saturday, my little sister Kristin graduated from Utah State! Go Aggies! :) She got her degree in Journalism with an emphasis in Public Relations and a minor in English (hmmm, wonder where she got that idea from?!), and she did it all in three years! It was fun to go to her graduation because I haven't been up to Utah State since I graduated two years ago, and it brought back a lot of memories of my graduation (mostly good memories - I just had the worst morning sickness that day and it was so hard to just get out of bed!). So congrats, Kristin! We are proud of you too.
And the busyness continues this week with Kristin's wedding! Seriously, how is it possible that my baby sister is getting married?! It just seems so unreal. But I guess I have to accept it, and just be prepared with a lot of Kleenex! :) -Ash (There are more pics below...)
Gavin and Nana.
It was around this time that Gavin turned to my sister Lindsay and said, "I think I could fall asleep in here." :) I think we all felt his pain after a while!
Gavin and Connor being silly as usual. Seriously, what's up with those faces (and Gavin's arm across Connor like that)?!
All three Skousen sisters (who can seemingly only produce boys... :) Hopefully Kristin will change all of that!)
Posted by
The Swensons
2:46 PM