Friday, July 27, 2012

Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego and Mothering

Yesterday, we were reading in Daniel 3 for our girls' Primary scripture reading program. In this chapter, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego refused to worship the king, instead choosing to worship only God. Because of their faithfulness to God, they were cast into a furnace burning so hot that it killed the king's servants who put these three young men into the fire. But they were pulled out of the furnace when the king saw that they were not burning.

Sometimes, it's hard to liken these experiences to myself--because they seem so different from what I'm experiencing. But at this point in my life, verse 28 really struck me:

Then Nebuchadnezzar spake, and said, Blessed be the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abed-nego, who hath sent his angel, and delivered his servants that trusted in him, and have changed the king’s word, and yielded their bodies, that they might not serve nor worship any god, except their own God.

I've had a lot of opportunity lately to consider mothering. It seems that in the things I've read and listened to recently, anything about improving my abilities as a mother has stood out. And at that moment, this verse spoke of mothering to me. I likened this scripture to myself:

"...Blessed be the God of [Amanda], who hath sent his angel, and delivered his servant [Amanda] that trusted in him, and have changed [the world's] word, and yielded [her] body, that [she] might not serve or worship any god, except [her] own God."

Since having my fourth child, I have noticed people paying a lot more attention to me and my little brood in public. I see some people mentally count my little chicks, then raise their eyebrows, as we pass them in the store. Some just stare in amazement. One mother, who had 2 very young boys in her cart, passed me while muttering, "And I thought my hands were full..." I can't count how many times I've heard similar phrases when we're out and about! I see these opinions as being "cast into the fire," in a manner of speaking. The comments are generally fine. But sometimes, the comments are meant to be scathing--to burn--to make the point that I haven't chosen to worship the same gods that they have chosen to worship.

But even as they cast me into the "fire" of their opinion, I realize how God protects and helps me in the midst of the fire. If I'm realistic, I have to agree, YES! My hands are full! And then I think, "Isn't it great?! They're full of little people who are interesting and creative and learning and growing. This is what life is about!" That doesn't mean that life with several kids isn't challenging, repetitive, and overwhelming at times. But, I know in the deepest part of me that my husband and I were prompted by God to bring each one of these children into our home.

Trusting in God's plan has meant that I have to let go of some things that prevent me from being a better mother. I have to realign myself and focus on doing and being those things that give me the strength and ability to handle the challenges inherent to having four young children. (I'm not perfect in the process of letting go and realigning--but I'm working on it!) Doing what God has asked of me is one way I choose show that I worship Him. Rufusing to bow to the opinions of the world is another.

Maybe I'm a little presumptuous in connecting myself with those three faithful young men. I certainly hope that I will never have to endure what they experienced. But I do hope as the fires of opinon burn around me that people will also see that the hand of God is what allows me to pass through unscathed.

Monday, July 9, 2012


It's time, once again, for an installment of letters...

Dear teenagers playing with fireworks next to us on the beach:

Just in case you were wondering, accidents happen. I get that. But, when the exact same thing happens AGAIN, it is no longer an accident. And, as far as fireworks are concerned, all it takes is ONE accident to ruin a life. I wonder how your parents would have felt if they had to replace the BMW SUV they let you borrow for the night because a firework "accidentally" got lodged underneath? Or how they would have reacted if they had to pay for hospital bills for someone hurt because of the way you were playing with fireworks?
Please forgive the tone of my voice that night. I would have preferred to actually walk over and talk to you instead of yelling from where I was standing. I hope you'll understand that I was too busy trying to protect my children and myself from the shrapnel flying from your tipped explosives. If I had to do it over again, I'd be a little more specific than just telling you to "knock it off." Perhaps if I'd been more clear the first time, you wouldn't have had to hear me threaten to call the police after it happened again.
Oh, and remember before I even said a word to you, when your bumper fell off and you drove over it? Yeah. That would have been pretty funny, if I wasn't concerned about you hitting my car, which I happened to be sitting by. Pulling donuts on a beach crowded with people celebrating 4th of July just ISN'T a good idea. And, in answer to the question one of you posed to no one in particular: It always happens to you because you don't think before you act. Obviously.

Mama Bear

Dear body,

Are you amazed as I am that 3 different people in the past two weeks have thought you didn't look old enough to have 4 kids...or a 7 year old? Must be the new anti-aging stuff I got a month ago.


Dear June,

I forgive you for being a little gloomy. After 3 years in WA, we should know that you're just like that.

Lowered Expectations

Dear July,

It's about time. Thanks for the sunshine!

Western WA

Dear Deception Pass:

Apparently, walking along your length with a baby strapped to me, a 180 foot drop on one side, and cars whizzing by on the other, while watching my toddler being carried in front of me (at railing height), is a little TOO much for my mother heart to handle. Hopefully, my minor panic attack wasn't too obvious. Thankfully, I could still admire your beauty from the tiny parking lot. You really are incredible.

Apparently Afraid of Heights

Dear chocolate,

I really wish you got along better with Tanner. I really miss you.

Intensely Craving