It is my pleasure to bring to you a blog site full of ideas, projects and techniques. Please take your time to go through it. You are more than welcome to use my ideas for your own personal use. I do ask that you do not use my ideas for submissions to contests, publications or to sell. I would love to see any ideas of mine created by you. I will be more than pleased to display them here on my blog. Please be aware that some of my acrylic books have been copyrighted and cannot be copied.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The pictures for the 2 page layout were taken last spring. I just couldn't resist taking them of Rachael. She came to me with a brush and said "Nana, would you make me 'butiful'!! I told her to go in my room and we would work on her hair. When I arrived I found her at my dressing table playing with all my hair stuff. So I sneaked in and took these pictures.
The Lord has given me such wonderful, handsome and beautiful grandchildren. I love them each so much. I thank Him everyday.
Have a great day,

Saturday, March 8, 2008

I made some tags the other day and thought you would like to see them. I enjoy taking scrap pieces of paper and creating. Most likely there is always something to be created from scrap.
This is a short entry. We had 6" of snow last night and it is quite beautiful this morning. For those of us living in the south, snow is not a regular thing.
Have a great day and have fun!

Monday, March 3, 2008


I had a special order for a Mardi Gras book. Ordered the paper and embellishments from Scrappersaurus Scrapbooks, Metarie, LA. They have everything you need to make layouts, books, whatever you can dream up for the Mardi Gras season. They're online store is exceptional.
The book turned our beautiful. There are a lot of very unique things about the book I would like to show you.
1. Photo 1 and 2 show the cover of the book. The mask is handmade and the feathers added. On the side of the book are green, purple and gold beads. The hanging coins are attached to the rings as well. Stunning!
2. Photo 4 shows pages 3 & 4 of the book. The mask is part of the handmade paper. On page 4 I cut around the mask creating a space where I could attach the gold paper underneath. Just slide your photo in.
3. Photo 5 highlights pages 5 & 6. Both pages have a photo album that pulls out and is accordion style for about 14 to 16 photos and/or journaling.
4. Photo 6 is the last 2 pages of the book. Envelope, trolley which open up to a photo mat and die cut ribbon.
Have a great day. Until next time,
Tea 4 Two Design Team Leader
Scrappersaurus Scrapbooks Design Team

Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Final Lesson Of Our Series

1. Photo #1 , 2 & 7 The final 2 pages! The first page of this series is fairly simple to put together. Cut a plain base, followed by a printed sheet to fit inside. Adhere printed to base. Next cut the right sheet. Cut a sheet to fit a little more that 1/2 way. Indent and adhere. Refer to photo. I used a piece of the mini scalloped used in lesson #6. Cut another sheet to fit inside of the scalloped sheet just cut. Indent and adhere. Along the left side of the mini scallop sheet you will be cutting and adhering a piece of lace.
Adhere lace. If you have the room to add a small piece of ric rac do so now. Mount this piecing to the paper bag. Adhere with clothes pins. Let dry.

2. Photo #5 & 6 We will work on the final page first. Cut your main paper to fit about 1" inside the dress. The mini scalloped paper left from 2 lessons ago will be perfect for the scallops of the skirt. Cut it to fit the bottom of the base paper. Attach to bottom. Then using decorative scissors cut 2 accent colors to be placed between the paper and the mini scallop seam. Refer to photo. Attach all to the back-inside dress. Use clothes pins for a nice overall adherence.
3. Photo # 3 Overall look at the last 2 pages.
4. Photo #4 Shows the type of paper lace used in this project. Just peel off the back and you are ready to stick down. Very nice product.
5. Photo 8 & 9 Put the front and the back together. Lay flat, front up. Thread lightweight ribbon through the matching holes that were previously made. Tie pretty bows. Do not pull tight, leave a little loose. Set the dress up and it should stand by itself.
6. Photo 10 At the bottom, on the front of the dress. Spell out the name of the person you made the book for.
We finished the whole project together. I would like feedback from you. Please send it to my email address. Not everyone want to be a member of gmail, so just send your comments to the email.
Your email will really help me. Please feel free to address any issues or unclear steps you had with this project. Your honest feedback will help me next time.
Thank you for being a part of this project and I look forward to the next time. Until then,
Be happy scrappin'

Monday, February 25, 2008

1. Photo #1 This an overall look at how these 2 pages will look. Please take your time to look closely. The pages look harder that you think. Also one of the punches I used is from Fiskers and it is used for edging.
You can use any edger that you choose for your project. If you do not have an edger, use decorative scissors.
2. Photo#2, 3 & 4 Cut your 2 base papers. Cut your decorative strips. I used pink and green. Layer one on top of the other. Dark on light would look best.
Adhere to base paper. Take care to mount on sides and along bottom.
You must leave a pocket for the tags. Add a length of ribbon along the bottom for a finished look.
When you've completed both pages, adhere to paper bag. Hold down tightly with clothes pins. Let dry.
3. Photo #5 Punch out tags. I use double tags. 1 large tag, 2 medium tags and 1 set of 3 tags. You may want to do this process 2x. The tags will be tucked in to the pockets. Add ribbon. The small tags (set of 3) punch a small hole in each. Attach onto a safety pin. Attach the safety pin to a clip. Attach clip to the pocket. Do this for both pages.
4. Photo #6 At the top of the bottom page use lettering that says
I (love) you. The word love is a heart with the center out. You can then fill in the center with a colored pen.
You are done with this set of pages. The next set will be the final set.
Until then - Happy Scrappin'
Email me with any questions.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

1. Photo #1 - Using a print for the base paper, cut the corner of a Bazzill mini scalloped paper. Place in the middle, adhere. Punch holes in every other scallop. Add brad. In lower left corner add ric rac. Your stickers can be added wherever you think would look nice. Mount this page to the book. Using clothes pins, be sure paper is down all the way around.
2. Photo #3 - We are going to use the same print on the bottom and the other corner of the mini scallop. Same as before add brads, ric rac and adhere to page. Place stickers.
3. If you will notice between the 2 pages I have placed the word - SWEET. I used brown lettering so it would show up nicely against the white. You're finished!
On Monday I will do the next set of pages. Until then, happy scrapping.
Any questions, just ask.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


1. Photo #1 - is an overall look at the 2 pages. They are really simply done and it looks complicated.

2. Photo #2 - Cut the base sheet . The sheet on top (pink) is cut 4x4 square. Put on the diagonal. Adhere to base sheet. Build 2 flowers. I layered 1 flower with a sticker flower on top and a brad. Mount to the paper. Glue and adhere to the paper bag. On the right side I chose the word CHERISH and stuck it down the side.

3. Photo #3 - The base sheet is the same as the one above. The pink sheet is slightly smaller and adhere. I then punched out 2" scallopped, Put them, 1 in each corner. In the center mount a large pink flower with a sticker and a brad. The word above it is beauty. It is a rub-on.

And you are finished. That was fast.

The next lesson will be on Saturday. We are almost there.

Until next time.
