When we asked the boys what they would like for Christmas this year, the first answer was for dad to put together a grown up survival/bug out bag for them. When they were little we started them off with some simple items, like a water bottle, change of clothes, compass and some small form of entertainment.
Senior was in all his glory shopping for these bags, looking for useful items that kids could use in the event we needed to bug out.
First we found these bags from Mossy Oak, extremely roomy and can hold a lot of stuff:
The bags are so roomy inside that they can even carry their Hennessy Hammocks they got for their birthdays in 2015.
Senior addressed three main areas when planning for these bags: First it was food, he got them a couple of bags of Mountain Houses, and a block of Emergency Food rations, these bricks are available anywhere and give you around 2400 calories..
Next came Warmth...before we added this to their bag Senior held several fire starting classes with them, and made sure he knew that they were well educated and versed in fire safety. The orange can is "Murray's Super Light" hair dressing it is very flammable, Just rub a cotton ball around in it and put it in some tender. We also included some fire starters to spark a flame. Fire is not only essential in keeping warm and cooking but it is essential to a persons morale.
Next and probably the most important item is water... He found this water bag squeeze filtration system. You put water in the blue bag and filter it out through the orange thing at the top. A person can go three weeks without food, but the human body can only go three days without water... A water filtration source should be the most important thing in anyone's bug out bag...
Shelter is also an important component, and we love the Hennessy Hammocks, first off they keep you off the cold wet ground. We gave them a Shemagh scarf to help camouflage them if we are out in the woods etc. And the boys think it is totally fun to wear them...lol
Some other useful items are a couple of pocket knifes, a multi tool and compass...got to know where you are going!
For this past Fathers Day we got Senior this folding saw...He loved it! And added one to the boys bags, it is great for cutting small branches and brush.
I know there are people out there probably scratching their heads as to why we allow our kids to carry around knives and fire starting items..Well unlike yuppy kids, our kids are well versed in safety and carry with them the knowledge of using these items, they understand they are not a toy, and could one day save their lives. Our boys love to get outside and pretend to Bug-Out, they will set up their hammock tents and make a little campsite, it gives them responsibility and independence... They see their parents, prepping and carrying around this cool stuff and they want to as well. I guess it gives them a sense of importance.
So if you are searching for a gift idea for kids who are like ours, I recommend putting something together for them.
Just keep the child's age in mind, some of the things we have for our kids, may not be age appropriate for yours.
Items that are not posted but just as important are A change of clothes, poncho, flashlight, para-cord, toiletries and first aid items...