Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy 2012

Sorry I havent been around the blogisphere, but had my carpal tunnel surgery on Wednesday the 28th.  With the help of Percocet I am feeling much better. Senior and the boys have been great during my re-cooperation. so please forgive me now for any typos. : )

well I just wanted to Wish my followers a very happy and safe New Year. I, like most of you are praying for our country and World, and I hope it is all of your resolutions to be able to prep more-don't let SHTF sneak up on you and find you out of luck

Happy New Year Everyone!

Monday, December 26, 2011

My Christmas "Bling"

Every girl at Christmas dreams of lots of shiney "blingy" things...My bling came in an ammo can...500 rounds of 9mm. Isnt it Pretty? It is going to be lots of fun slinging this at the range.. Better yet will be the look on the faces of the guys when I put this up on the counter to shoot..  : )  its enough to make some grown men cry....

Then I got this cool new rifle bag, lots of pockets and storage, and a Pink Sling for my AR-15 (affectionately known as "Brock")
Or I can put my Ruger 10/22 ( with the insane archangel conversion) In It.

Not pictured is also a new magazine for my Glock, it holds 15 rounds!  : )

So yes JUGM had a Very, Merry Christmas!  and I hope you all did as well! 

Friday, December 23, 2011

Christmas Wishes

I am sending my Christmas Wishes out to everyone that reads my little blog now, because It is about to get very busy for me. Dinner is at my house Sunday, and with that means lots of cooking. Plus keeping 2 little excited boys entertained. Everyday they look at the calander and all the presents under the tree. It is fun to see the anticipation on their little faces and the pure "awe" factor. In addition to the tree, we also have our nativity out, the boys think that everything from Iron Man, to Transformers belong in the nativity scene. I have explained over and over that in no way, no how was "Batman , Robin, and Optimus Prime in the nativity...
They have an "Elf on the Shelf" named Herman that has magically gone back to report to Santa every night, and has landed in a different place through out our house. I will be happy when that darn Elf settles back down for a whole nother year. I tell you, we have found him EVERYWHERE: on the back of the toilet, in bed with the boys, on top of my fish tank..he is sneaky

The weather here is anything but frightful, friggin near 80 today. Senior has mentioned taking the boys to the beach..OMG! The beach??? In December. Well they had hoped for snow in Florida so they could make snow angels, so instead I guess they will be making "Sand Angels"  ha ha.
What I want to talk Senior into is going down to the historical section here and browsing the little shops, then stop for some fresh shrimp and make some good Garlic shrimp and grits tonight for supper...ohhhh super yum.

Yep! This would be us on Christmas here!

I also want to Thank you all for following The Clothesline, over 6000 page views since I started in July. Somedays I have no idea what to blog about, other days the words flow like water.
So again a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all, and in this time of parties, and the hustle and bustle, let us not forget the true meaning of the holiday, to Celebrate the birth of Our Lord Jesus.....

Thursday, December 22, 2011

The Homeless Veteran at the Interstate..

Today I saw a man standing at a stop sign on the off ramp for the interstate. He made me sad. He was holding a sign that said “VETERAN ANY HELP IS APPRECIATED”. He had his entire belongings wrapped up in a back pack at his feet. He wore dirty black jeans, and blue shirt. He was unshaven with a white beard, and a digital camo ball cap. I am sure at some point in his life he mattered to someone, and could have once been someone of great importance. What happened to him to bring him to the level he is at now?. Senior who is very wise told me “ You don’t know what he did in his life to cause him to be homeless, but on the other side of the spectrum we don’t know what happened to him to cause it either".

 I wanted so much to help him. However, the boys and I had just come from one of the naval bases and we can’t "carry" there. So my weapon was home locked in the safe. While wanting to reach out to this man to offer aide, the "What Ifs" popped in to my head. It was just me and the boys in the jeep.  And I have to think of their safety first and foremost who knows what this man could have been hiding under his shirt or in a pocket.I want to help people so bad, but these times are not good ones, and people are doing desperate things to survive. It me makes me sad that in order to be a good samaritan you have to take your life in to your own hands

My other problem is I don’t like to just hand out cash to the homeless. My father worked the busiest fire station for many years. His stories of the drunken homeless downtown can curl your hair. He has always told me, NEVER give cash, most will only use it to buy cigarettes and alcohol. It is better to go through a drive thru and pick them up a meal. The other problem with today was there was no fast food places nearby. Had he been one mile south there are numerous, and I could have got him a hot lunch.
So the boys and I drove on and went about our errands. I Pray that someone came along and did offer him some help so that he can be on his way.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Navy Laying off Sailors....

I am going to raise the big BS flag on this one.  We have 2,947 U.S. Sailors that have fought for this country and now being layed off because their rates are considered “overmanned”.
The Navy said it had 31 areas that were "overmanned," so it set up something called an enlisted retention board looking at about 16,000 sailors who have served anywhere from seven to 15 years and made certain amounts of money.
A spokeswoman said the Navy considered many factors and chose to let go of those 3,000 sailors effective Sept. 1.
She said that before the layoffs were announced, those sailors were given chances to apply for other opportunities, but only 125 were placed elsewhere.So how is that helping the remaining sailors?
Once gone, the Navy will give them six months of insurance and severance pay that they may have to pay back- It is extremely insulting considering these men and women fought for thier country, and was held to a contract. Now the government isn't holding up to their end of the same contract and they are being kicked to the curb.

As a result these sailors are now petitioning the Obama Adminsitration to review how sailors are being involuntary seperated. I encourage all my Blog readers to please read  and sign this petition at :!/petition/review-how-sailors-are-being-involuntarily-separated-us-naval-service-fy-2012-enlisted-retention/mMmDRqWV

If you read through the petition it has common sense would be a slow down on recruitment, or asking first for volunteers who would like to seperate early. Or let them finish out their contracts and do not let them re-enlist..but don't kick them out like this!

They have also started a Facebook Page Called "Sailors Against ERB"......

Friday, December 16, 2011

Executive Order 13589



By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, and in order to further promote efficient spending in the Federal Government, it is hereby ordered as follows:

Section 1. Policy. My Administration is committed to cutting waste in Federal Government spending and identifying opportunities to promote efficient and effective spending. The Federal Government performs critical functions that support the basic protections that Americans have counted on for decades. As they serve taxpayers, executive departments and agencies (agencies) also must act in a fiscally responsible manner, including by minimizing their costs, in order to perform these mission critical functions in the most efficient, cost effective way. As such, I have pursued an aggressive agenda for reducing administrative costs since taking office and, most recently, within my Fiscal Year 2012 Budget. Building on this effort, I direct agency heads to take even more aggressive steps to ensure the Government is a good steward of taxpayer money.

And Blah Blah Blah...  there is lots more too the order,too much to post and too much to read. But you get the sentiment. A cut in travel expenses. At a time when  his ole lady is taking off to Hawaii on another 17 day vacation. With a fleet of military planes, limos, and her entourage in tow. BO is staying behind until Congress reaches a deal on the payroll tax cut standoff. If a deal is reached, he will be heading out, with a whole other much is this costing us? We have people hurting financially in this country, most can't afford a Christmas this year for thier kids, and yet we have BO writing an order, but failing to set the example-  On being a "Good Steward of Tax Pay Money". But then I forget, nothing applies to him does it?

Thursday, December 1, 2011

FLASHBACK -Mom with 15 kids "Somebody needs to pay me"......

Neil Boortz was all on top of this story today. " Hey Angel Adams- Maybe Obama can help you" ! Another person that thinks the governement needs to give her entitlements to pay for her 15  kids...Here is a novel Idea: Use protection next time! . This is another person in our society that makes me say "GRRRRRRRRRRRR" !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!