Waiting at Minneapolis-St. Paul airport for our flight to Green Bay
We made it!
View of Lambeau from our hotel room
1 of 3 Packers Practice Fields
5 hours before gametime - the tailgating had begun
And we made it to our tailgate party at Brett Favre's Steakhouse
Picking up some infant socks for our nephew Matthew
(his parents are Seahawks/Colts fans...they'll love the Packer socks...not!)
Best shirt!
(See pic of #52 below)
All decked out
Ready for the game
MrP loves his KD
The madhouse walking over to Lambeau field
(apparently it's alright to drink beer on the street on the way to the field - but only on game day!)
(apparently it's alright to drink beer on the street on the way to the field - but only on game day!)
Awesome seats...yes, I'm super awesome!
Start of the game
And there they go!
C'mon Pack!
Rodgers working his magic
So close to the field
Driver, Jennings...everyone was there
Including my boy, Clay (#52)
I cheered for Clay Matthews when he played for USC (MrP's college team)
Second best shirt
She was also super fun. I was saying how I thought "Brett Favre Pass" (the road) should be renamed "Brett Favre Interception" and she said at the Vikings game, they had a sign (which didn't make it on TV) that said "Brett, even your sexual passes get intercepted!"
Broken candy cane, but a happy guy
With a final score of 45-17....it was a Giant beatdown
(and I loved every minute of it...thanks for some awesome passes, Eli!)
(and I loved every minute of it...thanks for some awesome passes, Eli!)