Sunday, November 23, 2008

One Year Week Thirty

Happy almost Turkey day everyone! Around Thanksgiving I am most grateful for my family and being able to spend time with them. This past weekend we spent a lot of time with the extended Montoya family. We even got professional family portraits done since we are all together. Aren't we a beautiful bunch!?
While we're in the studio we might as well get a few other pictures done, right? Here is my wonderful immediate family.
My dad and his siblings.
The grandparents and the grandchildren.
Just the grandchildren.
Great-grandma and the great-grandchildren.
And the greatest grandchild of all (says my mom and dad). After pictures we went to Panera bread for lunch. Mom and dad were tickling me with kisses.
Meet my buddy Spidey. We have a lot of fun together. Here I am putting a stocking cap on him...I wanted to make sure he was warm while I was at Shayla's house.
Sunday, Mom and Dad picked me up from nursery and thought I felt a little warm. After nap time we went to Aunt Missy's house. I kept getting worse and worse. By 7 pm I had a fever of 102 and felt so icky. Tylenol worked pretty well though. I hope I didn't get anyone at nursery sick, my parents feel pretty bad.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving everyone!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

One Year Week Twenty-Nine

I give this week a big FAT thumbs up!
While playing racquetball last week, grandma busted the guts of the racquetball and thus it became mine. I had fun sticking my thumb in it and trying to give it to Phatboi to play with. For some reason he never took it from me.
We had our church Thanksgiving Dinner on Friday but all of us kids were more interested in playing than eating. We had so much fun running around and around the hallways.
Saturday was such a beautiful day that it warranted another trip to the park.
Philly often tries taking things from my hands, especially food and balls.
The slides are always fun. Mommy asked me to sit behind Shayla, so I did.
I even went down the really big slide all by myself! Mom was quite proud of me.
After my nap my other cousins Edan and Isis came over to play. We have fun together no matter what we're doing.
Grandma came for dessert too. She is quite the grandkid magnet. Grandma, Dad, and Mom finally finished the 6th season of 24! (And it only took 6 months to do it!)
Sunday was yet another fun filled day. My friend Kylee came over and played with Shayla, Vincent and me.
We had so much fun! They all should come over every day!
Have a great week!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

One Year Week Twenty-Eight

I Love this country! My parents had the opportunity to vote to make life better for them, me, and you! Yeah for Freedom!!
A special thanks to all those who have the courage, drive, and integrity that makes this country great !
Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Celeste, and Dad played racquetball while Mom and I played outside the glass doors of the court. I wanted to go in and play with them, but I had a ball playing with Mom too.
Election day was also special because it was also the First Birthday for my cousin Isis!! Saturday night we celebrated with good food, friends, family, gifts and CAKE!
That night we also celebrated Grandpa's retirement! Dad's gift to Grandpa was letting him feel tall. Hee-hee!
We all loved Isis's gifts, even Grandpa!
Isis: Grandpa, that looks much prettier on me.
Speaking of birthdays...I had my 18 month birthday almost two weeks ago. I attended nursery at church for the second time this week and I fancy it. I don't so much enjoy it when my parents leave, but I do love all the toys, snacks, singing, stories, playing with the other kids, and coloring. Maybe in a few weeks I'll let my parents leave without incident.
My Dad lost his wallet. So in an endeavor to locate it, he took the mattresses off the bed to conduct a thorough search. I had quite the zany time playing around the mattresses.
See you next week at our church dinner!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy Birthday Orlando!

My Daddy turned 31 years old! We celebrated by going to Red Robin which was a lot of fun, even for us kids. I love their yummy fries! Afterwards, we played and played and Dad opened up his presents which included the Seattle Seahawks cap that he's sporting below.
Edan and I were having so much fun horsing around that Dad and Grandpa decided to give it a try too. Literally! I thought that it was fun to ride on the backs of the "horses" but even funner to fall off. (I know what you're thinking; Funner isn't a real word but my Dad thinks that it should be and this is his birthday post so there it is)
On Sunday, we celebrated my Dad's birthday with the Kellys. Shayla was super excited to give Orlando his birthday present because she wrapped it herself. My Dad was very grateful and showed his appreciation.
Since my Dad is still refusing to enjoy chocolate, he requested fruit smoothies instead of a birthday cake. Even though my Dad let me blow out his candle, I was still hesitant at this odd suggestion but soon casted my doubts away after my first sip. We all really enjoyed the smoothies, especially my Dad who savored every drop. Thank you Aunt Missy for the awesome dessert!
Happy Birthday, Dad! We Love You!



Monday, November 3, 2008

Happy Halloween 2008!

Rarrr! Our church put on its annual Trunk-or-Treat activity a few days before Halloween and boy were we impressed! It was the best Halloween church activity any of my parents had ever experienced! A ton of people from church parked their cars with goodies and the legions of costumed kids clamoured for the sweet treats.
Double vision, double vision.
We survived a haunted house, navigated a mystic maze, fished for apples, competed in the costume contest, scrambled in the pumpkin walk, and even got tattoos! When Halloween finally arrived, we gathered at Ikea for a grand time. Edan was supposed to wear his 'Winnie-the-Pooh' outfit to match Isis's 'Piglet' and my 'Tigger' costumes but he vehemently opposed the idea, preferring to be a soccer player instead.
We all had tons of fun playing in the various store displays.
We met a lot of famous people at Ikea including the one and only Mario!
We finally convinced Edan to put on his 'Pooh' costume after dinner. And then the hilarity ensued as we chased each other around and around the couch.
It turned out to be an excellent night so we stayed up way past our bedtimes trick-or-treating from door to door. My parents were happy to see such a great turnout of trick-or-treaters and Halloween houses!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

One Year Week Twenty-Seven

While it may seem like I'm just striking a super cute pose, I'm actually praying. It's one of my favorite things to do recently. And yea, I guess it is pretty cute. I had a terrible night's sleep one night and kept my parents up very late. My Dad decided to immerse himself in homework and my Mom attempted to get some sleep when all of a sudden, a resounding THUD! was heard. My parents could not figure out what it was until after I had fallen asleep. My Mom snuck in to check on me only to find that I was fast asleep behind the door. Apparently, I had made good use of my cribs' bumpers and vaulted onto the floor. (They immediately removed said bumpers) It's a good thing God designed us kids with such resiliency!
Later in the week, my Dad took this photo in the hopes to wake me but to no avail.
My Grandpa celebrated his first of many Retirement parties last week.
Congratulations Grandpa!
This week, my Dad learned that I can reach as far as Mr. Fantastic.
Wow! Look at the fun toys that we can find inside my toy chest!
Vincent plays the tunes and I clap the beat!