Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Why not tat during the 10 o'clock news....

Last night I was ready to start a new washcloth...yes I tat around washcloths to make them pretty!  Also the tatting almost always outlasts the wash cloth and we get the 'good' kind not the cheapies.  My daughter had one that lasted almost 20 years before the cloth wore out so it is not a waste of tatting.  Also I was told to not use an item as in save it for 'good' or 'company' or 'the new house' was shaming the person who made it for you.  We use our tatted washcloths and hankies and everything else and enjoy it!

Back to the edging...I spent all the half hour of the news and the first part of the Tonight show tatting, cutting off or retro-tatting, and starting over on what should be an easy pattern...I had the "corner" directions.  I could see the first part would be the straight part for the edge...but could I just tat that?? NO WAY could I do it.  It was one failed attempt after another...I tried starting with the blind chain...the rings would not attach right, I tried starting with the ring but it would not work either....AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHHH!!!
I considered calling my daughter, in the morning, and telling her that edging won't work...but instead, before I went to bed,  I emailed the problem to the awesome tatting goddess Georgia and asked her if there was "just the edge" not the corner available for the pattern.  In her great wisdom and tatting insight she sent me the better still didn't have the straight part shown but....ta...da....ta..da...(drum roll belongs here) it makes 100X more sense!  She didn't say duh just do the first 3 rings and chains repeatedly she just quietly sent the pattern in a better form and by golly it makes sense in the morning light.

I have completed 2...repeats and it works!!!!!  Even us experienced tatters can be stymied by a relatively easy pattern...maybe that is why I teach the beginners and will help them and not let them give up...I won't give up on them as I know they are "smarter than the thread"! 

When you are done laughing and rolling on the floor go tat something beautiful! 


Sunday, March 31, 2013

International Tatting Day

International Tatting Day 
  Monday April 1 2013
Every year on April 1

Welcome to my blog...I am a horrible poster but today it feels right to post again.  Today is actually March 31 and Easter but my brain has jumped to tomorrow--International Tatting Day. This day is special to those of us who tat....that is make lacy creations using a shuttle or needle or even a co-tatting hook.  The purist will say that tatting is only done with a shuttle but in my experience you can do a beautiful lace with shuttle, needle, hook.  How beautiful it is depends entirely on the skill of the artist.  From the sample above it is obvious I need to do more work on the split chain....LOL,  I prefer to show the items that I have made with all the problems.  I was told by a newbie once that she was going to give up because she was sure she could never tat perfectly...she had been looking at pics from some awesome tatters...check out the list of the things on Georgia's site (<>).  She had been tatting less than a month and still had the occasional mistake.  The above medallion/coily/sun catcher was my 4th try at split chain.  Yes it isn't perfect but it looked even better when I starched it so the split chain was held a bit better
and all the picots on the outer edge were even.  When she saw that she said she could do almost that good.  She never showed me her try...but that is okay too.  I don't remember where I got the pattern or if I 'designed it from my mind'.  If it is your pattern I would be happy to honor you with a link to your page so let me know.

For those of you who only think of tatting as the act of putting ink to skin....sorry you read clear to here...but you can learn to do the beautiful hand made lace too.  There are men and women, youth and seniors all over the world who can make beautiful lace called tatting.

International Tatting Day was started somewhere between 7 and 50 years ago but the exact date has been  lost over the years.  It is a day for wearing something tatted as  tatters to get together in public to tat, chat, eat chocolate, share patterns, share new techniques or variations on older techniques and drink tea.  We also will share our skill with anyone who is interested.  I plan to be wearing my 'Easter Bonnet" that is also my "It's Spring, Sir" Hat (M*A*S*H fans will remember Klinger's/Jamie Farr's in imitable voice and attitude wearing his spring hat) seen below:
The spot on the brim will not say worked in no matter what I have tried.  I will conquer it if I have to encapsulate it.  

Happy International Tatting Day to all....Happy tatting to you until we tat again............

Thursday, October 4, 2012

BSE and TSE why do them???

To the gents in cyberspace who may be reading this it is info for you too so you can keep that lucky lady (or significant other) in your life with you longer and healthier. You also should read down to the very bottom as there is important information for you too. I bet you all already knew that October is breast health awareness month but did you do your BSE(Breast Self-Exam) this month? If not, do it now. Also 99% of 'funny lumps' are NORMAL so don't freak if you have a few of them in your normal breast. 

Here is some startling information:

If a woman does a yearly or occasional breast self-exam or their significant other feels the mass it is typically the size of a lemon and stage IV. The long term prognosis is not at all favorable.

If a doctor on an every 3-5 years basis breast exam discovers the lump it is about the size of a ping pong ball and stage III. The long term outlook is not good.

If a woman does a yearly or bi-yearly (every 1-2 years) mammogram the cancer is about the size of a grape and typically stage II. The long term prognosis it typical pretty good.

Now the big zinger...If a woman does a monthly breast self-exam the lump is typically the size of a grain of rice and early stage I...this is curable with a small incision to remove 3/4 to 1 ounce of tissue. No Chemo no radiation...just continue to do breast self-exams every month and yearly checkup with her doctor.

The advantage to knowing what your breast is normally is huge. I recommend every woman over 13 do a BSE (Breast Self-Exam monthly) For women who are postmenopausal pick one day a month (The first, the last, your birth day number...just pick) and do your BSE that day every month. You will learn what is normal for your breast so when you discover something "different" you can get it checked sooner. If you are between 13 and menopause choose the day after your period ends. Your breasts are the least sensitive then and you can feel for different things without any discomfort.

Now I said there is information for the gents in the group but ladies keep reading too as you want to keep the gents in your life longer and healthier too...Remember 99% of 'funny lumps' in the testicles are just 'funny lumps' not cancers.

Gents after your shower do a TSE (Testicular Self-Exam) and a BSE (yes a Breast Self-Exam). Yes you need to do that monthly too...a good time to pick is the day your lady does her BSE.

If a doctor finds a lump on the testicle because you got 'hit below the belt' and you discover something the mass will be about the size of 2 grains of long grain rice side by side and be a stage III cancer.
And the prognosis is not good at all.

If your doctor discovers a mass at a regular or occasional checkup the mass will about half size of a grain of rice and be stage II cancer and the prognosis is fairly good with the removal of the testicle.

If a man or his significant other discover the mass it typically is half the size of a grain of rice and will be stage I cancer and may not require the removal of the testicle.

Now also do a BSE as breast cancer occurs in men too and is 99% fatal as it is not diagnosed until late stage IV-V. If caught at stage 1 it is 99.99999999999999999999999999999999999% curable with a simple lump removal. Think about do the BSE! 

I hope you have read this far. If you need to know how to do a BSE or a TSE please email me and I will send 2 brochures (BSE and TSE) or contact your local cancer society or your primary care doctor. 

Now for the ladies and gents do a BSE, for the gents do a TSE also and for everyone make sure your significant other does the appropriate BSE and or TSE for themselves. 

Peace, Cynthia

Friday, July 20, 2012

Another shooting...what is this world coming to.....

First this is not a religious post.  I don't want the title getting messed with and misinterpreted.  I do not understand what makes people do this kind of thing.

Second, I am not in favor of how the NRA thinks every person should have easy access to guns to murder whoever they get in their sights.

Third, and most importantly, our thoughts and prayers (or the equivalent in your belief system) go out to the families of all involved.  Yes the family of the perpetrator needs our prayers too...I suspect the family is in need of help as well.  I think many of us could know someone who might have been in a theater to see a premier of the movie The Dark Knight Rises and we, undoubtedly, do not understand how the vicious attack could have any meaning.

I do not know how to respond to this horrible event.  Yes it recalls the mess in Littleton, Colorado's Columbine High School in April 1999...yes it has been 13 years since that event occurred.  No, it is not quite the same but by the same token it is a mass murder by someone who needed help to deal with life.

Lets all hug those we care about a little more often.  Peace, Cyn

Saturday, June 30, 2012

National Arsonists Day

I can hear you going "WHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTTTT is National Arsonists Day???????????"

Think of how dry the western part of the USA is right now.  Now think about Independence Day aka July 4....many people think this is a good excuse to buy and explode fireworks.  Fireworks....think about the first part of the word FIRE  yes fire and explode comes right before the word as in explode fireworks.  Explode means to spread the fire...with all the dry countryside in the western part of the USA right now exploding fireworks sounds more like arson to me.  Arson as defined by Encarta Dictionary: English (North America) arson means "crime of burning property" .  Unfortunately that will happen over this week when people become arsonists to "celebrate" July 4....Think about the irony there...burning the countryside to celebrate Independence...'nuff said.

I do hope everyone has a safe, fun, fire free week to celebrate the USA's Independence Day.

My heart goes out to all the people who lost homes (and possibly pets) to the fires in Colorado and all over the western part of the USA.

Peace, Cyn

not a pic of the earrings yet....

Sorry but I didn't get the earrings done in time for the wedding..(See previous post) But so goes life.  I also discovered that they missed getting all the security tags off my new dress (frown...sob ...cry) but that is life.  They got 2 of the 3...sheesh and the store security didn't go off either!!  so much for security....

I ended up buying a taupe/sand bolero type sweater to wear with the K-mart dress and it did ok...At least I had something to wear...

So goes life.  I will get the security tag removed on July 13 when I have to go back to OKC (Oklahoma City) for an allergy appointment.  I can't see spending a full tank of gas to get the tag removed since I won't need  the dress for awhile.

I have re designed the earrings twice...and this time added beads and it helps them a lot.  I will be posting a non-beginner pattern...It has only easy to do techniques but I don't want to spend the time writing it all out as a formal pattern at this point.  Look for the pattern later when I get the earrings done!

Peace, Cyn

Friday, June 15, 2012

new earring ideas....

My DH got 2 (awesome fitting) new suits.  No this is not an ad for them...On the way home he said he didn't like the dress I have to wear when we go out together (him in his new suit).  He said it looked like a K-Mart mark down (lol it was when I got it at K-Mart only $6 marked down from the marked down $12) he said lets see what we can find. The dress isn't bad just looks a bit less than it should when he is decked out in a new suit.   Right off you need to know some things...1 I am 62 and I do not fit in a size 14--haven't since middle school/Jr-hi school, I do not wear mini dresses...I prefer dresses that hit mid calf or lower and I do not do necks low enough to look into.  Now you know I struggle to find clothes.  I stopped into a (no it isn't an ad--ask privately if you need to know where) store and found 5 dresses that would fit my criteria--and me.  3 just did not look right on me.  Nothing wrong with them just not for me.  I found a beautiful blue quiet/background floral dress with a blue bolero type sweater. (original price out of my budget, markdown price at the top of my budget but additional markdown that I didn't know about until paying for the dress made it doable!!) Now the problem...LOL yes I still have a problem....I need to make more earrings! and maybe a anklet?? that will be if I have time.  I'm thinking of modifying the sunshine ones below to a more floral look and maybe a bit of a dangle type earring.  Look for the pattern eventually....Wedding of a dear friend (bagpipe player marrying a gal who doesn't want a tartan theme wedding--lol and she is marrying into his least she likes bagpipe music!) is Saturday at 6....I have time to get the earrings done...but must get busy.  Hope to post about them first of the week.