Wednesday, July 28, 2010


The 24th of July happened to be the BYUI day at Lagoon. Tyson and I planned to go with his brother, sister-in-law, and nephew, but they ended up not coming so we took off by ourselves. Aiden stayed at my parents' house and had probably as much fun, or more, than we did! It was a much needed break for Tyson and me since he's been working so much lately. It's also been forever since we've had an entire day just to ourselves. Anyway, here are some pictures of our great day! (And Aiden's too.)
First picture of the day. We must have still been tired haha.
We went to a Cirque de something show and it was crazy and fun to watch. We were too distracted to do much picture taking, but here are some.
And then she put her knees on the table....
I have no idea if this video will work, and it's sideways, but this guy had beyond incredible balance. I don't even think I'd have been able to stack the things that he then stood on!
We enjoyed relaxing on the double swing.
And apparently Tyson had never been on the train so it was fun to surprise him with tigers and camels and ostriches!
Our favorite ride of the night was the space scrambler. We enjoyed trying to smash each other on every spin. :)
Aiden was so spoiled all day. He got lots of yummy foods and went swimming twice and loved every part of his day.
He got to eat whatever food he reached for (this picture is an entire Olive Garden breadstick.)
He got to lounge on a blanket on the grass with his own water bottle.
He got to swim with Aunt Wendy... his nakeds!
And had so so so much fun with Grandma and Grandpa. I bet he didn't even miss us. What a great holiday weekend for us all!

Wow that was delayed. I found this post this morning and thought I had posted it forever ago. Let the catching up begin!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Animal lover

Well it seems like we've got a serious animal lover on our hands which makes me so so happy. We took Aiden to the TP farm again on Friday since Tyson had the day off work. We've been several times but it had been a while. They sell corn to feed the animals, but we've found that we can be cheapos by just getting it off the ground where kids drop it. There's plenty! :) Anyway, Tyson and I fed some to the horses but since they use their lips instead of their tongues I was too nervous to let Aiden try. We moved on to the goats and sheep who use their tongues and let Aiden feed them. First we did it like this:
But then we put him down to see them eye to eye and Tyson let him do it like this:

He LOVED it! At first he tried to eat the corn himself, but after only two or three tries he totally caught on that it was for the goats and he'd get a piece from Tyson's hand and take it straight to the goat's mouth. CUTE! Now I can't wait to go back over and over!

Thursday, July 15, 2010

We have a walker!

Aiden has been so funny learning to walk. He's been taking several steps at a time for at least a week now but today and yesterday have made it seem like he really knows what he's doing now. The reason he's so funny is because he gets so excited about it he laughs at himself which makes him more excited which makes him go faster and faster until he falls forward. Then he'll stand up and clap for himself which never ceases to crack me up. Here's a little video of showing off for Grandma and Grandpa at the hospital today. He wasn't laughing as hard in the first video because he was starting to get tired, and the second video is super short but if you listen closely you can hear his happy chuckle.

Love this!

(I think the article gets big enough if you click on the picture...hopefully.)

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Please help

So we walk into our storage room tonight so bring up a supply for our pantry. We notice a couple ants wandering around on one of the shelves. We are disgusted that the ants who have invaded our entryway somehow found their way down there but don't really make a big deal of it. Tyson reaches for one more thing on a higher shelf and exclaims "what the heck!?" There is a massive trail of ants climbing up and down the corner of the shelves. We follow them and find this:
ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?! Look how much of that delicious crust is gone already and we had no idea. So here is my plea...tell me how to get rid of these creatures!! We bought those ant traps that are supposed to get the worker ants to take the food back to the queen or something, but I don't think they're working. And it seems like they might be for bigger ants anyway based on the picture on the box and how it's not working. (Tyson's mom called our ants sugar ants.) So...who has suggestions??? Thank you!

Monday, July 12, 2010

The newest discovery

I've known that the day was coming that Aiden would discover the toilet paper, so I've been trying to keep the bathroom doors shut all the time. I wasn't super diligent about it until this happened...
He thought he had discovered the greatest thing and was chattering like none other. I couldn't help but laugh and run for the camera.
Since I couldn't keep Aiden out of the bathroom while I cleaned up the mess, I thought I should at least find a way to stop him from unrolling some more. I remembered Tyson's mom telling me that she always has the toilet paper roll from behind to keep the grandkids from making a mess.
I tried that but...'s not a successful technique when my smart little boy knows to pull on the end with his two tiny fingers instead of just hitting the whole roll with his hand to spin it. :) Well to say the least, we are lots better at shutting the doors behind us every time we use the bathrooms. And Aiden and I shared a pretty good laugh over his new discovery.
Well if I haven't said it enough, we love Thanksgiving Point. It's probably boring to everyone else, but I get new cute pictures every time and can't help but post them. We went last week to see the blooming rose gardens with Grandma, Grandpa, and Aunt Wendy.
Aiden loved softly touching the roses that came close enough to his stroller.
In the secret garden Aiden was being very smiley so we got a picture of him with everyone there.
Aunt Wendy
Grandma (I especially love this one)
Aiden found the cute little fountain and was content to sit with his hands and feet in it for as long and we'd let him. I sat by him to take pictures and he was either lucky or figured out how to aim the water at me to get me wet and make me squeal. He'd laugh hard and clap for himself every time.
After we were done, Aunt Wendy won the "fight" and got to carry Aiden back to the car.

First REAL haircut

Aiden has been needing a serious haircut for a long time. I've trimmed around the edges many times since he was tiny, but haven't been brave enough to do his whole head yet. I was going to take him to the barber my dad and brother use, but he wasn't working until the middle of this week. Finally one night I just gave in and tried it. I figured if it worked it would save us 15 bucks, and if not, we could spend it anyway to have someone else fix my mistakes.
It turned out pretty good though. We gave Aiden one of those giant twisty Cheeto puffs and after his first curious glance of the buzzers, he was happy to sit still and enjoy the head massage.
Tyson did the majority of the buzzing.
I loved that Aiden had his elbows on his knees part of the time.
Last step...washing off all the extra hair before bed.
And now we have an even more handsome boy than we did before!

Friday, July 09, 2010

4th of July Weekend

We decided we absolutely love having a holiday on a Sunday in Utah. We thought it was great to have celebrations for three days instead of just one. Here is a breakdown of our great long weekend.
3rd of July:
CARRIE UNDERWOOD!! We were lucky enough to get to go to the Stadium of Fire this year and it was fantastic. Aiden stayed home with my mom who has seen the Stadium of Fire enough times that she wouldn't miss it. She didn't want us to have to worry about Aiden the whole time and wasn't sure if he'd like all the noise.
Family picture before we left. (Aiden looks SOO big in this picture. It blows my mind every time I see it. Where did my little baby go?)Say cheese! Waiting for the real show to start was a little boring so we had to entertain ourselves.
The Stadium of Fire dancers did a good job, but we were antsy to hear Carrie Underwood. (She did come out to sing the National Anthem and surprised everyone. It gave me goosebumps and tears because it was so powerful.)
The main event...CARRIE UNDERWOOD!!! Wendy and I had been counting down the minutes, and I knew Tyson was excited too, I just had no idea how excited. He even said to me, "What if she said she was going to call a random seat number and the person could come down and kiss her? Would you let me?" I know he was expecting me to say no, but honestly, that would be kinda cool right? Haha!
Anyway, Tyson's favorite song is Before He Cheats and he couldn't wait until she sang it, then recorded the whole song. I loved that he got so into it and has been just as obsessed as I have with her since we got back. Ahh we love her! She seems like a good girl too which makes her even better.
So all in all it was a fantastic night to say the least and we're so grateful to Mama and Daddy for paying for most of the tickets so we could afford to go.

4th of July:
Since the actual 4th was Sunday, like I said, we had a pretty regular day, but still fun. We all wore patriotic colors to church, then took a nap and headed to Orem for dinner. We had to get a family picture of our outfits first though. Aiden didn't quite understand to smile at the camera all by itself. :p
5th of July:
We started the day bright and early in the morning to go see the balloons. Aiden was pretty tired since we had to wake him up, but he still really enjoyed watching them.
After the balloons, we went to the hospital to get breakfast. Tyson and I were going to go to the parade but decided to go home with everyone else to nap. Next year we'll have to go see the balloons on a different day. After our naps we went to a fun family bbq but I didn't even pull out the camera a single time. Sad!! The rest of the day was spent at home relaxing and enjoying Tyson's day off.
Aiden didn't know what to think about the sparklers at first, but still liked them.
He was thrilled to be able to hold all the boxes and stand by himself for most of the show.
Happy 4th of July everyone! I hope you enjoyed it as much as we did!