Sunday, November 2, 2008

Halloween Fun!

Friday we packed some lunches and took them to Seth's work so we could eat lunch with him, which was actually a lot of fun because nobody else was working on Friday, so he got to really relax and eat lunch with us.

Our friends Liz and Patrick and their little boy Jacob came over Friday evening and went trick or treating around our neighborhood with us. It was so much fun! Our neighborhood is so awesome we totally love it. Their were TONS of kids and the people were so nice and thoughtful, the weather was perfect (not cold at all) so a lot of the neighbors had chairs and were sitting on the driveway waiting for the trick or treaters.

Sienna, Jacob, Meika

Liz & Sienna
The last few homes the kids started getting brave enough to walk to the door by themselves.

Here we are after trick or treating, we were all so tired!

We put all the candy in zip locks to put up in the pantry... can you believe how much candy they got! Seth and I are doing our part in getting rid of it!

We had a couple chances to dress up this year, a few weeks ago we dressed up as grandma & grandpa. Seth had just thrown his wig on so it was a little lopsided.

This picture was from the day after Halloween, Seth won the funniest costume prize. The costume had some short shorts to go with it but there was no way Seth would wear them.

We really enjoyed all the Halloween things we were able to do this year and are so grateful for all the friends who are willing to hang out with us during the holidays... Its really hard being so far from our families, especially during the holidays!

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Last night was our wards Trunk or Treat and it was so much fun! My girls were so excited to get dressed up and get their hair and make-up done. We seriously love Halloween! We were bummed that Seth couldn't come because he had class, but were so excited that our friends Miriam came with her Niece and son. Meika and Sienna ended up with a TON of candy!

Meika was a bride and so we did an up-do in her hair and she looked so dang cute!

Here are Sienna, Anthony, Miriam's Niece & Meika

Sienna was a Cheer leader! SO CUTE!

Sienna & our friends little girl Ryan.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Oh My gosh!

If you want to see the most beautiful little girls costume Click HERE... you better look because you will be AMAZED!
Kathleen Dougherty you so completely talented!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Win a Free Handbag!

Is giving away a handbag every hour for 24 hours to celebrate the launch of their website. So click on the link above to enter to win.

Monday, October 6, 2008

St. George Marathon

On Saturday 23 members of Seth's family ( including his Dad, siblings, in-laws, and cousins) ran the St. George marathon. His dad, Rock, was running it for the 30th time so his family was joining in to celebrate. It was raining and VERY cold... but everyone did AWESOME!
A few weeks before the marathon Seth started having a little knee problem, but he thought for maybe the first half his knee wouldn't bug him but... after the SECOND mile his knee started hurting really bad so he had to walk, then around mile 12 or 13 he could barely walk. Another runner had him tie a garbage sack around his knee and said it was probably his I.T. band rubbing, so he did that and it helped a little bit. He had to keep stopping to tighten the garbage sack and eventually stopped and had someone tape it. So he ended up limping most of the marathon and finished it in 7hrs 17 min. So sad! I felt so bad for him that he trained all year and then wasn't able to really run it. We are so proud of him and all of the other members of the family who participated in the marathon!

We had Jayma while her parents ran the marathon.

For while all three girls Meika, Sienna & Jayma all sat in the stroller trying to keep warm.
( we were not prepared for such cold weather!)

Good job Daddy!

Here is Seth limping in...

The girls feel asleep while waiting for daddy.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Meika started soccer on a 3yr old team two weeks ago. She really loves going and loves the coaches. Her little friend Cooper (who she asks to play with every morning right when she wakes up) is also on the team. I asked her if she liked soccer or dance better and she said ", soccer is a little boring".

Meika has started does this funny pose with one shoulder up and her head tilted... so funny!

She kicked the ball into the goal! Go Meika! One thing that is so cute is that all the parents are sitting on the side cheering for the kids... so cute!

Here are all the little kids and the coach.

We will be missing the first soccer game which is this Saturday but can't wait to see her play at the next one!

Meika turned FOUR!

Meika turned four on September 18th and I am just getting these pictures up so yeah I know I am lame! But I really can't believe how fast these four years have flown by. I tried to plan a fun filled day for her and this is how it went.

I put four streamers and four balloons on her door so when she woke up she could run through them .

Here she is noticing her gifts from her granparents and mom & dad.

The gifts she was most excited about were the two envelopes from the great grandparents with MONEY in them. She loves money!

We had a few girlfriends over for lunch, Meika said it was a tea party. We had pizza, cupcakes, donuts, made bracelets painted our nails and played out back on the swings.

Here are the girls Collette, Jaylee, Meika, Sienna,Haydin & Mckenna

Thank you so much Leesha for staying and helping me out!

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Primary Program

Saturday was the practice for the primary program and Meika was so excited to go! I dropped her off from 10-12 and when I went to go pick her up she said in this really excited voice "MOM I TALKED! I TALKED INTO THE MICROWAVE!" I thought it was so funny.
Then Sunday we were so excited to see how she did up on the stand for so long, she was hilarious. She kept giving us thumbs up (just like she did in her dance recital) and waving her whole arm to say hi. We were a couple rows from the front so I could hear her little voice singing. She did such a good job on her part she said " my favorite family in the scriptures is Noah, because he gets all the animals".... so cute!

Meika & Sienna before church

Yesterday Meika also gave a talk in primary, Seth was sitting in the front by her to help her when it was time to give her talk and she told him to go sit in the back. She said she could do it by herself. But She ended up needing Seth, I guess she forgot what she was suppose to say. But her talk was on prayer andshe told about Joseph Smith and how he prayed and got an answer.

After our sunday naps we drove out to Lake Mead and the Hoover Dam and we could not believe how big the moon was, this picture doesn't do it justice!

New puppy, and Swing set

The girls have been kept very entertained with our new swing set and our new puppy.

Sienna & Meika both like going out there and swinging, eating Popsicles and laying by each other as they slide down the slide.

Cinderella (our puppy) is so much fun, she follows us around all day and loves to chew on toes and fingers. She kept trying to jump up to see what the girls were doing in the bath, so I moved the stool over so she could see and she jumped up there to watch them play.

They girls like to think that Cinderella is like a baby doll, and I don't think Cinderella minds.

Meika undressed and holding the puppy watching Mary Poppins.

We can't wait ill Cinderella gets her shots this week so she can go potty outside instead of on puddle pads... and so she can get her first hair cut!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Memory Game

I just saw this on a few peoples blogs and thought it would be fun to do so....

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you.

Please do this! I would love to read what everyone's memory is of me.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Our FREE playset

Yesterday night I got on craigslist of free things and found this. It listed a free back yard adventure set so we went o go look at it and it is practically brand new. So we took half of it and are going back for the other half tomorrow, the girls are so excited to play on it!

This is the catalog photo of the exact same play set. It has a little picnic table under the fort thing two swings and a totter swing, a slide, rock wall... so fun! It is going to take up one whole side of our yard but we can't wait!

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Things to Remember

This entry might be boring, but I wanted to remember somethings that the girls have said or done so Thats what this post is.

~ The other day I was driving in the car with Meika & Sienna and Meika asked me to turn the music down. So I did and a few minutes later she said "mom, I prayed that I could be a princess. I would like to be Snow White, and marry a prince." I thought it was so funny and so sweet.

~This morning Sienna was following Meika around calling her Kenna (Mckyna is her older cousin), Meika was getting so mad saying "Sienna, I am not Kenna!" Sienna would smile and saying it again "Kenna" She did this for about 10 minutes, Sienna thought it was so funny to tease Meika and Meika was getting so angry.

~When ever Meika has to go into time out Sienna will always come and say

Sienna: Sissy?
Me: Yeah she's in time out.
Sienna: t out? (she wrinkles her forehead and nose when she says this)
Me: Yeah she can come out in three minutes.
Sienna: niutes? ( Wrinkles everything again)
me: Yeah
Sienna: oh

after that little conversation she will walk over to their bedroom door and open and go sit in the room with Meika until the timer goes off. It is really so sweet.
The same thing happens when Sienna goes to time out or is having to take a nap, Meika will say "Mom can I go snuggle Sienna until she falls asleep?" or for timeout she just goes and lets her out. Which for Sienna's time out is okay because she is only in there for one minute so by the time Meika gets the door open and Sienna comes out her time is already up.

~Meika & Sienna eat ALL DAY! So ever few minutes usually Sienna will come to me and say "mom nack" So I will go get her a snack and she ALWAYS will put her other hand out and say "sissy?" meaning she would like one for Meika too, or if Seth is home she will say "Sissy, Daddy?" She is really the sweetest little girl.

~In the morning after Meika has made her bed and picked up her room I let her watch a couple kid shows, and I guess Sienna thinks its just really funny, but she will walk up to the t.v. and turn it off. Meika gets SO mad and will walk up to Sienna and pick her up and carry her away from the t.v.. Sienna will do this over and over and finally Meika will leave the t.v. off and go find something else to do. (Sienna now has to go to time out when she turns the t.v. off, but it is still so funny how she teases Meika)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Clean Up... Clean Up... Everybody Do their share

Yesterday I asked Meika to go pick up all her toys so I could vacuum her room. I started vacuuming the rest of the house.
Sienna got out her vacuum to help with the cleaning

We came to the girls room and it was still covered with toys so I went looking for Meika, and this is where I found her. Hiding in the closet with her "princess dress" and purse. I thought it was so funny, that she was hiding so she wouldn't have to help clean.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Camping at Mt. Charleston

Last weekend we went camping with some of our friends and had such a fun time! We went up Friday evening and stayed up there until Saturday night. The kids had so much fun playing with each other they were all so good even with no naps!

This is us right before we got in the car to head home, we were so dirty and SO tired!

The Theobalds have a nice trailer that they stayed in and the kids had so much fun playing inside. (Sienna, Meika, Mckyna)

Meika & Mckyna took this little table and chairs into the a little tent made of trees and shrubs, it was so cute... they stayed in there and played tea party and were just too cute!

Emily Hoopes came up Saturday for the day with her three little boys who are some pretty cute little boys!

Melissa & Troy hanging out

Sienna had so much fun playing in the dirt & painting her face was so cute all dirty and blue.

Meika made sure to keep her hands clean by washing them every five minutes. It about drove me crazy but she was having fun. Obviously she wasn't too concerned about keeping her feet clean.

The girls playing in the dirt

Sienna LOVED the dirt!

All the kids had fun playing in the half tent, there were barbies in there and coloring books. The boys may have enjoyed the Barbies more than the girls!

We took the kids on a little walk and of course had to bring food along with us!

Roger & Seth hanging out

Here all the kids were painting rocks and pencils, they sure made a mess. But that is the fun of camping... lots of messes and no bathes.

We had so much fun with the Hoopes, Allens & the Thobalds. Thanks so much Theobald Family for inviting us to go!