Five on Friday....
So I went through my pictures to find Five things that I wanted to share...and I found that If I don't take pictures, I don't share!
And I forgot to take pictures at the
Purdue employee/retiree/quittee luncheon that I attended this week.
There were about 20 of us there and it was a good time. But I did not get one picture!
And I also forgot to get pictures of crochet group for the last two weeks.
So here is what I did get pictures of.....
I worked in my beehives for 2 1/2 days.
I started feeding the little hives that we split over the summer some sugar water, to help them build up some winter food stores.
And my cousin, Vickie, came over and helped me on Monday, Labor Day, and we "labored" all day extracting honey.
(here I'm looking through the hive to see what honey is fully capped, and if there is a laying queen)
If you click on this post, extracting honey, you will see the honey extracting process.
It's a lot of work and I appreciate Vickie's help.
I've been trying to find my mojo lately, and I'm not sure I'll be a beekeeper next year.
First, I'll see how they do this winter. That will tell me a lot.
(I am also sharing this on my house blog)
My Shug has been doing some 'clean up' gardening.
I've showed you these pictures before of the tornado damage.
That pole WAS a bird feeder. A very nice bird feeder btw.
One of the first things I did after the tornado was go look for my "bird girl!" We moved her up here, from the basement patio, THE DAY BEFORE!!!! Actually, the EVENING before. Our neighbors stopped by the night before and the guys went and got the neighbors tractor and moved her up. (any excuse to get out a tractor right?)
See that opening behind the pole in the picture below....
I still get choked up when I think about the damage that did NOT happen.
My parents got me this statue for my birthday a few years ago. I love her. She reminds me of a wonderful vacation we took in Savannah, GA.
THIS (below) was the view outside my kitchen window last Saturday.
Moving all of the debris from everything Robert and MyShug cut up.
and now!
VOIL'A! (prounced Vwah-lah)
This is the view outside my kitchen window NOW! My Shug is the true gardener.
I helped weave the end of the warp, on the weaving looms, that was leftover from our spinning group, demonstrating weaving at the fair. Now that was a long sentence so I sprinkled in a few commas. I hope you understood what I was saying. Either way, I will do a separate post on this, and show you everything I wove! Is wove a word?
I have a few spider plants, which will get a post of their own as well, and I got them all replanted this week. They were babies last summer.Here they all are in the window sill. One of them has babies already! I'm trying to decorate with a few plants here and there throughout the house.
I started another crochet blanket (which I talked about in the post before this one)
And that's about it besides housework, cleaning up extracting equipment, and sorting stuff in the basement.
Joining Amy's Five on Friday!
Click to see what everyone else has been up to.
Cindy Bee
PS. Thanks Amy, for giving us a little time on Saturday to join in!