Monday, June 24, 2024


Seven months have past. Yes! 7! Capital S-E-V-E-N! That's how long this post has been sleeping in my phone and finally I get to post it here!

Ever since I got back to Cebu after the pandemic, I promised myself to travel at least once a year! It doesn't have to be grand. It doesn't have to be abroad. It's just that it has to be somewhere I have never been. It was in September when I found out that VAN GOGH ALIVE will open at BGC Art Center until December 2023. That pushed me to book that plane ticket even if it meant just to spend an overnight stay at Manila.

VAN GOGH ALIVE was the only plan but as soon as I booked the ticket, I decided I might as well make the most of that weekend and make it an ARTventure. A time where my itinerary would include anything that involves ART. :)

November 18 came and boy, that was indeed an awesome weekend ARTVENTURE. 

Thursday, May 23, 2024


Life is like a dish. What we are as a person is a product of different ingredients mixed together to form our unique flavor. These ingredients in our lives come in various forms, through personal experiences, challenges, triumphs, and most importantly, our relationships. The people who have helped us reach who we are today – our family, friends, and, of course, our mentors. Ah, mentors. They are like the master chefs who guide us through the recipe of life, ensuring we don’t turn into a burnt soufflĂ©.

Think of yourself as the main course at a five-star restaurant. You have your base ingredients – the core values and experiences that define you. But, let's be honest, even the finest dish needs a bit of seasoning, right? And that's where our mentors come in. They’re the salt, pepper, and occasionally, the unexpected dash of hot sauce that give us that extra zing.

In a fast-paced world and challenging times, I am fortunate enough to meet not just one but a bunch of mentors from different walks of life. And so today, let me share with you three key lessons I've learned so far as a mentee.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Monday, October 9, 2023


SILENCE is my friend… I’m comfortable with it. It energizes me. And I enjoy it. . It calms me when I’m angry. It heals me when I’m tired. It grounds me when pray. I desperately long for it whenever I’m overwhelmed with life’s busy-ness. And whenever we meet, it never fails to amaze me. Posible ra jud diay mu-storya kas-a in a day or none at all.