Friday, February 25, 2011

February ... over???

Behind again :)

I am not sure what happened to February  but I have this feeling that March is going to be really long!  We have NO breaks for March in the school year since we had to use our two snow days .... so our next break is the second week of April!

Will try to keep up better but more school days means more days to work :)
I love my job and the kids so I will type when I can!
Stay tuned ....

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Go Red for Women!

Friday, February 4th , National Wear Red for Women day! 

Friday, January 14, 2011

Basketball Season

#1 for the Rockets

A few of the boys before the game.

"Hands Up"

The Rockets!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Clark turns "8"

Big "8"

Big Brother with the Birthday Boy!

Meme and D with the Birthday Boy after the Spizzwinks concert.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011


The boys trying to sled down the storm shelter ... the snow as too soft and it didn't work ... but we got a great picture!

Some friends from church stopped while riding behind a four wheeler and a few snow balls went flying!!!

They thought they could hit me ... wrong!
Yes, Snow in Alabama!  It was the soft, deep, beautiful and cold stuff.  We had a great time playing outside and we tried to make a snowman but it was not sticking together for us ... maybe today?  This is the biggest snow I can remember in North Alabama.  We have had snow but not like this and I think it may be around for a few days... more to come!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Brand Boys ....

The Brand Boys ... Billy, Berret, Braxton & Clark

Braxton & Berret with Nerf Tag

Clark & Billy ( I know they call him Bill now but he will always be Billy to me) with Rockem, Sockem Robots.
 We spent the day at Granny and Grump's house the Wednesday before Christmas.  Bill, Berret and Cassie ( Billy's soon to be wife) had arrived on Saturday and this gave us a chance to spend some time together.  We had a great lunch and then it was time to OPEN PRESENTS!  We had a wonderful time with family and great memories to cherish for years to come.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy Birthday Clark! 1-2-03

My friend Sandra rmembers this .. he would not get his picture taken.  I even took Sandra to see if she could make him while I waited outside ... no luck!  I was either in the pictures or held a blanket up over me so we could get some by himself :)

Happy 8th Birthday Clark!