Wednesday, October 28, 2009

I hate snow but...

I will tolerate it because it makes my little guy happy! Smith built his first snowman this week, and now he looks outside at him and says hi! (he also sometimes says "nose" because he is fascinated by his carrot nose)

I cant get enough of this little face. He has been smiling so much lately and has the cutest laugh that always gives him hiccups. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


We took the kids to the zoo on Monday morning. It was the PERFECT day to go! The weather was great and all of the animals were out. I loved seeing all of the baby animals. Smith loved the Monkeys. Every time we would see a new animal he would ask for the monkey again. He kept saying MONKEY! 

Miles slept pretty much the whole time. He woke up just long enough for me to snap a picture, and then he was back to sleep.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

puke and a party

Smith was really excited that we found a new way that he could hold Miles... until Miles threw up on him... then all hope for a good picture was lost. I tried so hard to have him hold him again so I could get them both to look at the camera, but I guess if someone threw up on me, I wouldn't want to hold them either.

My best friend Amanda's little girl turned 2 last week and had the cutest little movie star birthday party. Smith had so much fun! Ellie was the first baby in the "baby boom" so now that she is two, smith will have a cousin or close friend turn 2 every month until March when he then turns two! 

Saturday, October 3, 2009

More of my munchkins

oh just look at those rolls!
I love his little dopey ears too!


Smith was totally posing for these pictures himself.

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"From now on until the very end, never gunna spend another day without you again!"

"From now on until the very end, never gunna spend another day without you again!"
-Mason Jennings