Saturday, December 26, 2009


Here are a couple of pictures from our Christmas. It was just the 4 of us all day. It was quite nice despite the kids and I being sick.

Pictures of the kids in their Christmas jammies.

The morning went well with opening the presents and they liked what they got!
Well, Sophia didn't care too much for the horse grandma got her!

Sophia really liked this purse I got for her. She loves to dig everything out of my purse and put it back in, so I fugured I would get one for her for Christmas. It came with a mirror, lipstick, keys, debit card, etc. She will sit down for a couple of minutes and pull everything out and put it all back in! She also really liked this dog she got in her stocking!

Aaron got a couple of games and movies and this dinosaur that he loves! You push his back and he roars and stomps! He thinks it is the greatest thing in the world! He also got a train/city play table from grandma.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Christmas Pictures

Today I had the kids dressed in their Christmas church clothes and had to take pictures of them.

Then Aaron wanted to take a very flattering picture of mom & dad.

Last night was our ward Christmas party. Aaron couldn't wait to sit on Santa's lap and get his treat! But when he saw Santa, he was a little disappointed. He said that Santa was too old and he didn't have reindeer! :)

While we were standing in line Aaron wanted to take some on his own pictures. This was the first time I had let him take pictures.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Self Portrait

Yesterday in Aaron's primary class they were suppose to draw a picture of themselves as part of the lesson. When I saw his picture I was surprised and amazed. Usually when I ask him to draw a picture of anything, he just scribbles all over. I never knew he had it in him to actually draw something that looked like a face. I had to ask his teacher several times if Aaron really drew that by himself and she assured me that he did. I am so proud of him! :)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving Dinner

We had Thanksgiving dinner at our house this year. This was the first time we had a big dinner at our house. We had a house full too! There was 13 all together for dinner. Chris' family came down and some relatives from California came too (wendy's sister and 2 grandkids and 3 other cousins)! It was a lot of fun and the food was great.

Here are a few pictures of the day.
The table settings.

Everybody enjoying dinner.
Sophia really enjoyed the rolls and fruit salad we had. She didn't want anything else!
Then for dessert we added an extra 10 people because my brother and his family came over and my parents who were also in town. We had lots of yummy desserts to choose from.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Aaron's Trip

Aaron recently went a trip with Grandma Wendy to Utah. He was gone fore about 4 days and requested that I blogged about his trip! How funny is that! Wendy took Aaron to Utah because her sister was there from California with 2 of her grandkids and she thought it would be a fun trip!

Aaron had a blast. They went swimming a lot at the hotel, had a fun day at Thanksgiving Point and went up to Heber City to ride the Polar Express. Wendy came back with lots of fun stories about Aaron.
This is a picture of Aaron and I right before he left with Grandma. He was so excited to go. He wanted to stay in the car waiting for Grandma while she got things packed up.
Aaron had to get in the swimming pool when they first got to the hotel. The hotel was one of the main things that Aaron was looking foward too for the trip. He had lots of fun playing with Jonathan and Katelyn.
Aaron loved Thanksgiving Point. I think he probably was in heaven there with all the dinosaur bones and digging for bones and see lots and lots of dinosaurs.
Aaron had fun on the train trip too. Wendy said that when they asked him where they were going he would say "the south pole!" He got to meet Santa and told him that he wanted a big dinosaur that growled.
When they got home, I asked Aaron if he missed me and he said "yes, but sometimes I didn't." At least he was honest about it! :)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Boy, Girl . . .

And the next baby will be a . . .BOY!! Aaron was right and was so excited that it was a boy. After the ultrasound tech told us what it was Aaron said, "See dad, I was right, you were wrong!" We asked him what he wanted to name the baby he said something weird like Thazous. He says the same thing everytime we ask him what the name should be. I have no idea what the name will be. We will probably have a hard time agreeing on a boy name again. Does anybody have any great ideas?
The baby looked healthy and normal. He was measuring right on for the due date of April 9th.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Recent Projects

I have been working on a blanket for Sophia for the last month or two. I am glad that it is finally finished, but I don't think that I will ever do it again. I had fun putting the top together but putting on the edging and backing wasn't very fun. I am not a perfectionist or a quilter so that part of the quilt is all messed up. Oh well though. It will serve its purpose and from now on I will buy quilts from the store! :)

My father-in-law was here for about a week and helped with some work on the house. The front of the house went from looking like this:

To this:

I love the new porch. It still needs some work, but I am excited to have it. I also love my new front door. Again, it isn't done. It still needs to be stained and moulding done, but I am excited to have it becuase now I don't have a drafty front door!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Finally. . . .

Chris started work on the house again! :) He is now working on the basement. Here is a picture of what he has done. I couldn't find a picture with how it looked before, sorry. There used to be a door way and a wall going half way down the other side.

Sophia is now walking more and more. She still walks on her knees sometimes, but now she chooses to stand up and walk! Hooryay!

And here is a picture of the kids in their Halloween outfits. Aaron was a dragon and Sophia was Eeyore, but everyone thought she was a bunny! Sophia loved the candy. We gave her a sucker to play with and she stuck it right in her mouth wrapper and all and you should have heard the fit she threw when we took it away from her!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Family Pictures

About a week ago, we had our family pictures taken by a girl in our ward. It was a beautiful morning to take pictures and the kids were pretty good about smiling, for the most part. She took over 300 pictures! We can't use a lot of them, but there were some good ones!