Best studio product for the day...pva glue,dam I love this stuff,great for paper work,books,dolls, you name it I use it for it,I always buy it in a four litre bottle,I hate running out of it..also i love hot glue guns and sticks,very very handy things to have around....
Must have studio equipment...a good printer.you just must have one especially it you journal a lot,I couldn't be with out mine...
What a wacky few days,I didn't get as much accomplished as I had hoped,the dolls didn't happen as much as I would have liked but there was some progress.
I painted some cute little art works for my planned etsy store which I was going to put together this week but again I went from this to that all week,all my plans went completely out the window with a teenage crisis and oddly enough it wasn't one of mine,then I ended up doing tattoos which take so much time to do and my hands just ache after a couple of hours tattooing so that held things up a bit.
I did manage to get some cards uploaded at my card store,I also managed to photograph some of my doll making progress which is great since I am journaling my doll making trials ,I didn't get any work done on my book which is so frustrating,I really need to focus on that as I want to quit work or at least cut my hours right back,but it is hard when so much is going on around me and involving me,life outside the studio does happen.
Next weekend will be better,I will be more focused and only do one tattoo,sounds like a plan...
Martin Luther King, Jr.: Compassion Quotes
Everybody can be great... because anybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve. You only need a heart full of grace. A soul generated by love.