Friday 16 August 2013

The Gossiping Goddess & Blueberribeads Blog Hop Sign Up

Ooooh just came across this great blog hop hosted by the very talented duo of The Gossiping Goddess and Blueberribeads - they're currently accepting sign up for a 20 person draw, if selected you get a gorgeous string of Blueberribeads ceramic beadies and a couple of THEA Elements bronze beauties for just £10 ... then on October 2nd you reveal what you made with them.

I just love both these artists stuff so I'm keeping my fingers crossed I get through  =)

Tuesday 13 August 2013

Bits & Bobs

Hi everyone, just stopping by to post some news and updates ... but first a great giveaway from Sharyl's Jewelry & Reflections - a $20 gift certificate to spend on her fab jewellery and components! So be sure to stop by and get your entry in  =)

As I mentioned last update I'm in on the the Bead, Book and Bounce challenge over at Operation Tackle That Bead Stash, even though I don't have the book ... already have a design idea  ;) the reveal for which is the 6th of Sept, as well as the Creating With Cabochons Challenge over at the Studio Sublime (almost finished my cab) the reveal for that one is the 18th September and I've added to the month's challenges with the Sequintastic September Blog Hop hosted by Saturday Sequins with the big reveal for that one coming up on the 28th September ... so a very busy blogging month  ;)
And then there's the second annual Octoberfest hosted by Toltec Jewels which will be revealed on the 27th October.

Also I hope to be able to show you all the pics of my pieces for this year's FMG Swarovski contest real soon .... speaking of which I just received a very nice email informing me that my Golden Rays piece will be featured in one of their adverts in the Fall 2013 issue of Stringing Magazine - yay technically my first ever published bit  =D

Anyway that's all from me for now ... happy beading!

Sunday 14 July 2013

Summer Updates

Hi everyone, hope you're all having a great summer

Sorry for being AWOL so much lately but I haven't made much jewellery - my tv finally gave up the ghost and forced me to go out and buy a new one and then my vacuum went kaput so all my funds for beady bits went right out the window ... or should I say in the electrical stores till lol  ;)

Just signed up for a blog challenge though - the Creating With Cabochons Challenge over at the Studio Sublime - perfect timing as I've just been playing with polymer clay cabs this week ... granted none came out any good but still it gives me an incentive to keep trying  ;)

I'm also probably going to join in with the Bead, Book and Bounce challenge over at Operation Tackle That Bead Stash, even though I don't have the book (the fantastic Beaded Colourways by Beverly Ash Gilbert - sorry the Brit in me cannot bring myself to take the 'U' out of colour lol) and can't really justify buying it right now - I think my fridge may be dying too ... I appear to be the angel of death to household electricals this month - the washing machine's cowering in fear  =P

Hopefully I'll have something good to show you all soon

Lo  -x-

Saturday 27 April 2013

Not So Revealing Bead Soup

Hi everyone, sorry I won't be revealing anything for the BSBP after all - the mail has not been kind to Lana and I ... we think my soup may still be stuck in UK customs.

I've seen pics (drools - oh so much pretties) and have my fingers crossed it will still arrive eventually *send lots of possitive vibes everyone lol*

I have it on pretty good authority that the UK customs has recently axed two thirds of its staff and is extremely backlogged so if you're ordering anything from overseas fellow UK'ers I suggest opting for express or courier service instead, just incase.

Anyways I hope you'll considered popping back in a few days - Ill be giving a sneaky peek of my big Swarovski Glam 2013 contest piece  ;)

Until then, happy hopping!

Lo  =)

Saturday 13 April 2013

BSBP update

Hi everyone, it's only just come to my attention that Lana and I are listed as being in this second reveal - we've had a few problems with the mail and so we've been pushed back to the third reveal - hope you'll come back then ...


Lo  =)

Tuesday 19 February 2013

Bead Soup Teaser

Hi everyone, thought I'd drop in and post a quick little teaser pic of the soup I've sent my BSBP partner - Lana Kinney of Something Unique by Lana

Lo  ;)

Monday 18 February 2013

A great giveaway by THEAtoo

Hi everyone, THEAtoo is doing a fantastic giveaway to celebrate her etsy shops 1st birthday over at her blog, The Gossiping Goddess so be sure to go check it out ... I just love her stuff so I've got my finger's crossed  ;)
