Okay, Haven went through her super funny stage at around 3-4 years of age, (and still does but not quite as much now). You know like the way she sang songs and the words that she thought were the right words..."For the temple is a hole place of a home two bees together!" Or the time we had friends over and she stood up on the coffee table and said in the loudest most serious voice with her arms out stretched "YOU DON'T DESERVE THIS, YOU DON'T DESERVE ME, YOU DON'T DESERVE ANY OF THINGS...In the name of Jesus Christ, AMEN!!!" Or the time when we asked her to tell us a story and she starts out with the title of "This is the story about 'The battlement of the dragons on Myah's bum-bum." ??? Are you kidding how do they come up with these things. I don't know.
Well, I guess it is Myah's turn for the jokes. Since she was 1 she has had a thing for TAPE, or anything that sticks. She loves tape, she will seriously put it on her face and contort it into funny faces, she will find tape where no one else can or where you didn't think it was even possible to find tape. She knows where to look and how. She got tape for Christmas when she was two. Well, a few weeks ago as we were unpacking boxes I found her sitting on top of a box buckling herself in to her "car seat" with packaging tape. She really had tape around her tummy and over her shoulders. She says she was off to the market. She has also had a thing with Big (dad) Medium (mom) Small (big sister) and tiny (baby)..about everything with its size it is "oh, it is a baby one!" Well, she has been messing her pants lately and as I was changing her a few days ago I emptied her stuff into the toilet, as I was doing so she says "Oh, mom its only a big sister one, that is okay. I will finish going the big brother and daddy one in the toilet now! K mom?" We were at the park last week and the girls were wearing sun dresses, well I looked over at her and she was licking her finger and then rubbing her finger on her shoulder and I asked her what she was doing and she says her strap keeps falling down and she needed to make it stick onto her shoulder! Where's the tape now huh Myah? So cute. I love those girls.
Of course there are the days when I am doing my house cleaning that happens to be the time when they make the most messes. Or when you hear a loud bang or a crash and Myah yells "don't worry mom nothing broke! It's okay don't worry mom."