Monday, September 29, 2008

Fun Finds

So I have been searching all over for a dining table. We have been here at our home for 5 months now, and I have not wanted to spend a lot of money to get all the furniture we will need to fill this large home. So craigslist has been my thing. I found this glass top table for $50!! I was looking for others but they were over $150 and I felt that I was supposed to wait a little longer and be patient. It paid off, thanks to the guidance of the Spirit, I found a great table that seriously goes great in my home!

IT'S A BOY!!!!

That's right, we are having a boy! Dan and I and the girls went to the ultrasound together. While I closed my eyes and plugged my ears they got to find out what we were having without me, then we left and went to a store and while I stayed in the car, they got a gift for the baby. Finally they took me out to dinner and they surprised me with a gift for the baby and pictures of the baby from the ultrasound. I was hoping I would unwrap the gift and see blue...and I DID!! We are all so excited for a little boy here in the home. The girls are saying we will finally have a PRINCE!
Sorry, everyone has been bugging me on getting pictures of what I look like. And I obviously didn't have Dan around to take the pics so I did in front of my mirror.
There you go, fun huh? I will have Dan take some better ones with better lighting and setting. Trust me, I am a lot bigger with this one than I was with the girls. I am now 5 months!

Thursday, September 18, 2008


Haven giggling
Myah hanging out with Haven a little before she had to leave for school. They were both sad to have to leave each other for 3 hours!
Haven standing in the front of her school with the school mascot...the FOX!
Haven finding her name on the poster outside her classroom.
Sitting at her school desk with the other kids, she was so grown up and looked so dang cute!
I feel so bad that I haven't gotten this done sooner but things have been busy and these pictures got uploaded onto Dan's laptop so I am having to do this at a time where he won't mind my on it. Haven's first day was so cool. She was so excited about meeting her teacher and the kids at class, she was happy to make new friends and get to be like a big kid! She said she was a little nervous but not much. She didn't cry but I did as I walked out of the school with Dan and Myah. I was leaving my Haven behind with people I didn't know, it felt weird. She is loving it now. I am proud of my you Haven. You are going to do great! Her favorite things to do are: