Okay so if you don't remember about my last cleanse, it was almost a year ago. It was a liver cleanse for 8 weeks, basically I was Vegan and no sugars as well! I know crazy but I felt great afterwards. Well, now I have a son who started getting
colic at 3 weeks. So I did lots of research and come to find out that it has to do with the mother's diet (if you're breastfeeding). So now I am back to eating like a bird for however long I plan to nurse the little dude. Let me just tell you what I can't have...
DAIRY (none, zilch, nada, ZERO)!!
ANY OF THE PEPPER FAMILY (includes bell and regular old black pepper too!)
RAW ONIONS (cooked or sauteed seem to be okay)
So great, for a Mexican food lover...there goes that out the door. So then you ask yourself...what else is there to eat? Well lucky for me I found a website www.drmelaniebee.org She is a natural path, and wrote a cookbook for moms with fussy babies! YEAH ME! Still, you can only have so much rice milk and smoothies and cereal. I also have to up my protein so I hunt for my meat right out back there are deer that are always back there anyway. No, but I eat a lot of meat. WEIRD. Eggs are sort of fun, but no sauteing any thing in YUMMY butter or dumping on the cheese for my omelets.
But I obviously really see the benefit in breastfeeding, and love the time I get to sit and relax and bond with my baby. So if you are feeling like you have nothing in your cupboards or you are just hungry for something else...YA RIGHT. I can list a gazillion things you CAN eat! J/K, call me up and I can help you out.