Friday, April 25, 2008

Random pictures from the last month!

Camden and cousin Abby at Rob's parents house in Utah!

Grandpa Fred with Tate, Bryce and Abby during a nice four wheeler ride by Grandpa's house in Utah!

Emma and cousin Lacy- I love it! So cute! Lacy kept asking me if she could take the babies home with her!

My Easter bunnies!
Rob and the girls at the beach in California over Spring break!


So the rumors are all true. We are expecting baby #3. Apparently, I am not as infertile as the doctors told me I was. We went through so much to get the twins here, that we never expected to get pregnant naturally...and so soon! But yes, after three pregnancy tests, several blood tests, and four ultrasounds...I guess it is safe to say that I am definitely pregnant. Baby #3 will be arriving sometime at the end of October...hopefully not on Halloween. I need to take my babies trick or treating! And if you are thinking to yourself just how close will her kids be apart...oh about 11 1/2 months...if I can make it to my due date!

Thank you everyone for being so supportive lately, and offering to help me with my girls while I go through the wonderful world of morning sickness! I could not live without my mother and sisters! Thank you! And thanks to everyone who keeps telling me that "the Lord only gives you what you can handle and you Amanda can handle this!" Some days I am not so sure...but I am going to try!

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Elsa Kate Barratt

Rob's sister Shelly gave birth to a sweet baby girl last night at 11:50pm. After a long day of labor, little Elsa Kate Barratt was born weighing 8lbs 8oz. She has super chubby cheeks and really great hair! We are so happy to have another beautiful and healthy neice. As the Finlinson girls would say, "Happy Zero Birthday Elsa!"

Amanda & Rob Finlinson

Amanda & Rob Finlinson

Our Story...

Rob and I met in November of 2002 in the financial services office at BYU. After a very akward introduction, which involved me introducing myself in the third person, Rob called and asked me out. After a pretty amazing first date (its a long story-some other time), I confidently told Rob "that once he dated me he would never want to date anyone else." I really had no idea at that point that it was going to work out so well. We dated for the next five months and then one beautiful night on a bridge at Sundance resort, Rob and I got engaged. We were married four months later on August 16, 2003 in the Las Vegas, NV temple. And we have been living happily ever after since...