Thursday, May 13, 2010

Park Time

Dear Camden,

I don't love it when you steal my toys, or wake me up in the morning! But thank you for always finishing my food of my plate, especially the meat! And thank you for never leaving my side and always hugging me after nap time. Especially thank you for the fun time that we had at the park talking! And thank you for always think I am funny...especially when I am singing at the top of my lungs!

Love, Emma
Dear Emma,

I don't love it when you scream at the top of your lungs at me in the car. I don't love it when you steal my toys! But I love it when we dance together or jump on the trampoline. And I can't wait to see you after nap time separation...that's why I am always yelling your name through the bedroom door! Thank you for letting me eat your extra food, especially the meat! Thanks for the late night chats after mom and dad lock us in our room! And thank you for the fun time at the park today! You even held my hand so that I would not run away in the parking lot! Thanks sissy!

Love, Camden
P.S. we love Sophie too! Maybe we should stop beating her would like that!!

Easter Dresses

Emma has something in her mouth!
Sophie would not look at me!

Camden was not happy with me! Can you tell?
I DO NOT ENJOY taking pictures of these girls, its almost has difficult as doing their hair! But for journal purposes, I wanted pictures of these dresses! I made them for the girls for Easter! Despite everything they are doing at this stage of their life, I love them!

Amanda & Rob Finlinson

Amanda & Rob Finlinson

Our Story...

Rob and I met in November of 2002 in the financial services office at BYU. After a very akward introduction, which involved me introducing myself in the third person, Rob called and asked me out. After a pretty amazing first date (its a long story-some other time), I confidently told Rob "that once he dated me he would never want to date anyone else." I really had no idea at that point that it was going to work out so well. We dated for the next five months and then one beautiful night on a bridge at Sundance resort, Rob and I got engaged. We were married four months later on August 16, 2003 in the Las Vegas, NV temple. And we have been living happily ever after since...