Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Trip to Utah...with some big girl time out!

They loved the train at the zoo, despite these serious faces!

On the train at the zoo in SLC!

At the beginning of June, we took a quick trip up to Utah to see family! We had a great time! We even made it to the Zoo! But more importantly, I got to spend some time with my amazing sister-in-laws...we I could not love more! We spent the day together at the Grand America Spa pool, and then went to dinner. It was so nice. A much needed break for us crazy busy mommies!

Newport Beach, CA

These pictures are from our trip to Newport Beach, California with my family! We had an amazing time, and would've stayed forever if that was possible! There is no order to these pictures, and as is a common thing with my photography, none of them are very good! I look forward to the days when my girls will look at the camera and sit still for just a few moments! Newport Beach Temple grounds- the girls wanted to swim in the water fountains!
Uncle Jason, and Rob with Camden and Sophie jumping the waves!

This is after breakfast one morning on the beach, I was not prepared to go in the water! Sophie had other plans!

Sophie decided to jump off the bed in our bedroom at the hotel and hit her eye on the corner of a standing lamp! It was the worse black eye I have ever seen. The colors that showed up over the course of the week were amazing. You could not buy eye shadow that vivid! Poor thing!

Koi Pond at the Marriott Vacation Club were we stayed! Thank you Hardy's for inviting us to the coolest place ever for kids! So many pools and playgrounds! I recommend it!

The girls actually loved being buried in the sand! Go figure!

Jessica Hardy made them mermaid tails! They loved it!

After a hard day of playing in the sand, a nice bath, a good barbie movie, and their blankies is all they needed! I can't believe I got a picture of them all sitting still...it never happens when they are awake!
Emma and Grandma! She always makes her smile...she tells me all the time that she would rather be with Grandma!

Our family picture at the Newport Beach Temple...of course they are playing in the water! It was the only family picture we could get the whole week!

So many happy faces at the beach! I can't wait to go next year!

Mariah's Graduation

It happened! My baby sister graduated from Centennial High School! We are so proud of her! We are going to miss her so much when she leaves for BYU-I in the fall! She is my second pair of hands most days, and I absolutely love spending time with her. I know three little girls that will be devasted when she leaves, but we are so happy for her! Congrats MOJO!

Amanda & Rob Finlinson

Amanda & Rob Finlinson

Our Story...

Rob and I met in November of 2002 in the financial services office at BYU. After a very akward introduction, which involved me introducing myself in the third person, Rob called and asked me out. After a pretty amazing first date (its a long story-some other time), I confidently told Rob "that once he dated me he would never want to date anyone else." I really had no idea at that point that it was going to work out so well. We dated for the next five months and then one beautiful night on a bridge at Sundance resort, Rob and I got engaged. We were married four months later on August 16, 2003 in the Las Vegas, NV temple. And we have been living happily ever after since...