Monday, January 26, 2009

The BIG 30

So I've been delaying this post for about 2 weeks now.

I think it's time to accept it and move on. :)

I turned the BIG THIRTY!!!

Maybe I just don't want to let go of the entire week of ongoing celebrating that occurred cause it was AWESOME!!!

Johnny called me to bring him something at the fire station that he had forgotten at home and when I got there my sister was hiding behind the fire truck. She lives in Canada and I had just talked to her the day before so I was floored. It was one of the best surprises EVER! During the week my sister and I had gone out for Mani/Pedis and when I got home there were all my friends and family........SURPRISE!!!

Johnny had planned a surprise birthday party for me and did such a great job. Thanks to everyone that came and helped out. It was such a memorable evening. He had invited a bunch of people from different parts of my life and it was so great to see everyone.

At the party he played a montage that he had put together for me. If you have nothing better to do than watch the last 30 years of my life you should watch at

It was so thoughtful and brought me so much joy.

Then on my actual birthday we went and stayed at Caesars Palace and had dinner then after dinner he surprised me with Salsa Dancing lessons. It was so FUN! 
Too bad I didn't get any video of us dancing to post, it would have been hilarious.

Thanks so much to everyone that helped me celebrate. 


Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Last day of 2008 :(


I don't know why but I HATE New Years Eve. 
Maybe because Johnny has worked almost every New Years since we've met, maybe because it reminds me of how fast the time goes by, maybe it's because I think it's overrated cause everyone stays up till midnight and yells "Happy New Year" and then thats it it's over, (I mean listen to the New Years Eve music it's so depressing)maybe it's cause I think of a good year ending instead of a good one starting.
I don't exactly know the reason but I don't enjoy this "holiday" at all. 
I know this is a lame post and it's pessimistic but it is what it is.
I am going to work on an attitude adjustment and try and enjoy myself tonight and have fun. I should consider it a pre New Years resolution and I will have THE BEST TIME!!!!
I hope everyone has a fun and safe night. 

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Happy Holidays

We hope all our friends and family have a safe and happy holiday.

Saturday, December 20, 2008


 I grew up in CANADA so I was so excited for the girls to wake up to snowflakes and Tobogganing for you Americans aka Sledding. :)

                      Time for some Hot Chocolate and a movie. :)