Sunday, July 27

The "New " House...Part 2

The hall bathroom...same song second verse. Like the first bath, we definitely wanted to change it but didn't really want to rip out tiles and fixtures yet, so here's my compromise.
Sink area before:
Sink area after I attacked it:
The curtain under the sink is actually a pillow sham that I found at Goodwill for a buck. I just ran a tension rod through the top of it and it works great!
Another "before" view:
And After:
The tub area before:
And after:
David says he gets hungry ever time he goes in there because the colors look like french silk chocolate pie. But I had fun with it, and I like it lots better than the stripey wall paper.
We're working on the kitchen now, but it's a bigger project, so it may take a while. All of the bedrooms and the living room are fine the way they are for now, so as we move in, I'll post pictures of them.

The "New" House...Part 1

I promised photos of the house as we make progress on it, but I never could remember to take my camera over there. (We haven't moved in yet.) Anyway, here's phase one. Both bathrooms had yucky old wallpaper and blue "retro" tile. We wanted to update them as much as possible without changing the fixtures and tile (at least not right now).
These 2 pics are of the master bath when we first saw it...
Yep, I agree with needs a change.

So here's what I did...

These pictures are for my Mother-in-law, aka the Queen of Blue and White. I thought I'd try the shabby chic blue and white, since I had to do something to go with the blue tiles.

I took down the gold light fixture and painted it white, but you can't see it very well in the photo. I added a skirt to the sink to give me some more storage space. I plan to change the medicine cabinet later and maybe a few other small changes, but it's now a lot more tolerable than it was! Stay tuned for phase two...

Friday, July 25

The Newest Thing in Children's Headwear...

There's more than one way to wear your fruit of the looms...
I told Carson to put on some unders, and this was the way he chose to wear them. Naturally, Jackson had to keep up with the latest fad, so he donned a "hat" of his own. (I had to crop the photo at the bottom because, well, Carson's unders were on his head.) Something about wearing underwear on their heads gave them an urge to flex their muscles. It must be a boy thing.
Sigh...I really need a little girl...

Thursday, July 3

Scrap Party!

I have started having scrapping parties, or "classes", at my house. We had our second one last week, but I failed to get any pictures of it. There are 5 or 6 of us that get together and we have a great time, don't we gals? I wish that I had taken pictures of our glorious was great.
This is the page that I made at our last get together. Maybe next time I can get a picture of all of us and our projects!

Tuesday, July 1

We are the proud new owners......

...of a "new" House!
We closed on our house Monday evening. Now the fun begins! We have lots of wonderful plans for this place... I will post before and after pictures as we make progress. But we must put all of our ideas on the back burner until we can get back from camp. And I am SO ready to jump in there with my paintbrush and get busy! I guess patience never was one of my strong points.

The house is an older one but beautifully maintained and in a wonderful neighborhood. It has an acre of land for the boys to play in. There are 4 bedrooms and 2 baths inside. And for you suspicious types, no that is not my Lexus in the driveway. It's pretty, but I prefer my mini van.... because it's all paid for.
David and Jackson went to our air show this past weekend. (Carson and I went shopping instead.) Jackson got to see the Blue Angels and many others that he will be quick to tell you all about if he thinks you might be even halfway interested. He didn't care much for the noise though. Dave says he kept his head down between his knees for most of the Blue Angels show.

We have a busy week ahead of us, getting things done at the house, and getting ready to go to camp. If you don't see any updates for awhile, it's probably because I'm running around in circles frantically trying to keep up with life.... and two little boys....and laundry....and supper....and painting.....and packing....