I just wanted to start out by saying HAPPY MOTHERS DAY to all the mothers!
Our Mothers day was a great one! Saturday evening we went to Atlanta to stay the night with Charlemagne's Aunt. Christa got to play with Chelsea and Brea with Austin. Morgan, Farah, and Austin also came Saturday. It was a fun night. That morning I had my yard sale. Made some but I didn't think enough. But I guess at least I made something. Since I was up since 5:30 that morning I was really tired that night. So me and Christa called it a night about 12 midnight. Brea was still going strong so she stayed with Charlemagne.
Brea & Austin 
Christa & Chelsea
The next morning I got to sleep in and Charlemagne took the girls. That was a great thing. When I got up about 9 Charlemagne was cooking breakfast for all of us. His parents got in about 2 that morning so I saw them when I woke. Throughout the day we had family pop in and out. We had a huge dinner that was wonderful!!!! It was a day filled with family and fun! That night about 8 we came back home.
On another note, Yesterday I took Brea to her 9 month appointment..She is 20 lbs (75th%), 28 1/2" long (75th%), and her head is 17" (25-50th%). He said she was doing great!! The only thing we have to start watching on her is that her right breast has started to develop tissue. Something about her estrogen or something like that..He said it was nothing to really worry about unless she develps hair..lol...and he said a lot of babies get that..
Later that evening after we got home, I was upstairs and Brea was down stairs...She got quiet so I started to make my way down the stairs....Well this is where I found her....

She has learned how to crawl up the stairs..A scary thing...
Oh..and yesterday Christa learned how to cross her eyes..She thought it was the funniest thing..She looks so serious when she does it..I don't know if you can tell but here is a picture of her doing it...

And here is a little clip of her dancing to her favorite show "Lazy Town"
So until next time I blog, have a GREAT one!!!!