Friday, November 7, 2008


Paige and I had such a fun day with some friends at Funderland. I didn't even know it existed but it's right next door to the Zoo and Fairy Tale Town (see previous posts) Anyway my little thrill seeker had a wonderful time but then came home after our evening errand and threw up all over the car and then again right after dinner. Poor girl. I hate it when Paige is sick way more than when I am. Hope it is a 24 hr thing! Oh the joys of motherhood...spinning amusement park attractions and throw up! ;)

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Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Two VERY IMPORTANT girls in my life are ExPeCtInG!

This one...

is my best bud Juliann. She and I have been friends since birth and she is "my sista from another motha". She's the one person that I know will always be there for me apart from my family. Exhibit A: in the picture above she was expecting her first baby in like a week, and she drove 6 hours to be with me when I went to the temple for the first time. This will be baby #3! CONGRATS Jules! Love ya! Don't feel guilty about the tv tending your children...what doesn't kill them makes them stronger! Call me when you can...I lost my cell phone :(

and this one...

is my sister Shannon. Words cannot express my JOY for her! She has wanted to be a mom her whole life and she will be the best mom ever! I can't wait to cuddle her little peach! Thanksgiving is too far away. We will get lots of Jamba Juice and have pj days together. The sick part doesn't last forever, hang in there!
Love you!

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008


I voted today and I have never been so excited to voice my opinion. I hope every eligible resident of California gets to vote and stand up for what is right today. Now I just hope that prop 8 passes. Pray!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Who are you voting for President?

Today I was holding Prop 8 signs on a busy street in my neighborhood when someone yelled out the window of their car "NO on prop 8!" I said I'm sorry you feel that way and the person responded "I bet your voting for McCain too!" in a mocking tone. I asked Sean what does my vote for president have to do with proposition 8? All I was concerned about was preserving the definition of marriage and it turned into a political debate over who the best president would be. Then I saw this youtube on my friend's blog...

It is relieving to know that both sides of the political arena running for president feel that marriage is between one man and one woman, period.

Tried & True Recipes (Fall Edition) Tag

Stir Fry
3 chicken breasts cubed
enough oil to coat skillet
1 t ground ginger
1/2 t red pepper flakes
1 T corn starch
1 t sugar
3 T soy sauce
1/4 C water
1 bag frozen stir fry veggies
1 heat oil add chicken
2 stir together sauce ingredients & pour over chicken
3 simmer on med heat stirring occasionally until chicken is no longer pink
4 add veggies simmer until cooked and tender
5 serve over your favorite rice
Healthy & Yummy

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pumpkin Patch


We went to Dave's Pumpkin Patch for a fun family date night. Paige loved it and we loved watching her have so much fun! It is so amazing that just 5 minutes away from us there is a huge rural area with endless fields and crops. We watched the sunset on our drive there and the Sacramento river was on our right and fields as far as you can see on our left. It was beautiful to say the least!
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A fun & easy halloween decor idea. Buy 3 cheap frames ($6.99 @ JoAnns) paint them black, drill wholes on each side, tie festive ribbon through them and scrap a cute page for each. Rotate paper and ribbon and you have seasonal decorations for every holiday of the year! Thanks for the cute idea mom!
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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Sean's Take on Tolerance

I love many of Sean's talants. One being that he can express his thoughts and truly relay his feelings through writing. Sean wrote this because it is something that is so important to our family and to our daughter's future.

Of those who support same-sex marriage, the appeal to “tolerance” is often cited. However, the term “tolerance,” as described by these individuals seems antithetic to what the term “tolerance” once met. Tolerance was once succinctly defined in the Christian adage to “love thy neighbor.” This principle suggests an unyielding need to relate to one another’s differences in a non-contentious manner. Those who espouse such a principle would not be found ridiculing or belittling anyone who may have different standards of conduct; however, tolerance does not mean that one must abandon his or her own moral standards and condone the conduct that he or she deems wrongful. Moreover, tolerance does not require one to abandon one’s opinions on political or public policy choices. Tolerance is concerned with how we react to the inherent differences that we encounter in other people, but does not require that those differences evade scrutiny. Those who support Proposition 8 can reach out with genuine love and friendship to those in the gay and lesbian community, and many already do, without condoning the practice of homosexuality and accepting a re-definition of marriage.

Friday, October 10, 2008


Directions: Post the 4th picture from the 4th file on your computer.

This is Paige at about 5 months. I loved that age!

I tag:


Thursday, October 9, 2008

Oh So Good!

Twilight HD Exclusive Trailer

Are You Registered To Vote???

Just a reminder that NOW is the time to REGISTER to VOTE!!! It has never been so important than now. Let your voice be heard. Help in the fight to protect the sanctity of marriage.
"We Call Upon responsible citizens and officers of government everywhere to promote those measures designed to maintain and strengthen the family as the fundamental unit of society."

-The First Presidency and Council of the Twelve Apostles

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sunset Walk on the Levee





Paige and I were suppose to take dinner to dad but didn't get there in time. so instead we took dinner to the park. We ate pizza while watching a soccer practice, spent a few minutes on the swings and walked home. I am always so amazed at how beautiful Sacramento is. We have really grown to love it here. Who knows where we will end up living, but we are so glad we have lived here and experienced this short period of our lives here.
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Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Fairy Tale Town

Grandma and Grandpa De Burgh came to visit us for the weekend and took us all to the zoo and fairy tale town. We loved spending time with them and wish we lived closer. Since Grandma was the photographer all weekend, we didn't get any pictures with them :(
Thanks for visiting...come again soon!



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Sacramento Zoo





This was by far Paige's favorite part of our visit to the zoo...thats right a dump truck that wasn't plugged in so it didn't even move. She also loved the monkeys and the fish. It doesn't take much to please her.
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Wednesday, September 24, 2008

I'm a Big Kid Now!

Paige went down the "big kid slide" all by herself for the first time yesterday! She was dirty, sweaty, tired and thirsty and had a huge smile on her face as we left the park. I wish I could remember my camera at times like these! :(

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Cuddle Bug


My baby is growing up! Since the day I held Paige for the first time she has been my cuddle bug. She wanted nothing but to be held the first six months of life. From day one I rocked her to sleep for every nap and at bed time. The last week or so she has been really wiggly in the rocking chair as I have tried to get her to sleep. After wrestling for a while I figured out that she just wants to go to sleep alone. I just need to put her in her crib with her frog and her pacifier and she goes to sleep. This should be good news to me, except now that Paige is independent at naptime, I am having cuddle withdrawls. I am so sad about it and have actually cried a little today thinking about it. I am coming to realize that with a second child there won't be the time to cuddle limitlessly because there will be two children with two different needs. I am starting to miss my baby and she is only 14 months old. I'm just reminded again how precious my time with Paige is. Elder Ballard said it best. "Author Anna Quindlen reminds us not to rush past the fleeting moments. She said: 'The biggest mistake I made [as a parent] is the one that most of us make. . . . I did not live in the moment enough. This is particularly clear now that the moment is gone, captured only in photographs. There is one picture of [my three children] sitting in the grass on a quilt in the shadow of the swing set on a summer day, ages six, four, and one. And I wish I could remember what we ate, and what we talked about, and how they sounded, and how they looked when they slept that night. I wish I had not been in such a hurry to get on to the next thing: dinner, bath, book, bed. I wish I had treasured the doing a little more and the getting it done a little less'"
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Wednesday, September 10, 2008


I just finished reading the incomplete draft of Midnight Sun and it gave me an even bigger desire to see the movie. I hate whoever leaked the draft and ruined the book for Stephenie. I still wish she would finish it though, the first half was oh so good!

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Time Out For Women


I went to time out for women last saturday and had a blast. Really good speakers! I loved the topic "the joyful life: Great delight or happiness caused by a life theat is exceptionally good or satisfying". I had a great time with these girls. What a fun way to get a day out with friends while getting spiritually re-charged. my ah ha moment of the day was something that I already knew but I just saw it in a new way. I was reminded that
1. Our challenges and trials are ours to strengthen us and help us rely on the Lord in order to come closer to Him.
2. We have the resources available to get through the challenges and trials of life in order to refine ourselves.
Thanks for a wonderful day girls!
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Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Labor Day in San Francisco

On our way home from Half Moon Bay we drove up the coast and stopped in San Francisco for the afternoon.
Daddy and Paige
We ate yummy lunch at the Hard Rock Cafe

This is a picture of the biggest mall ever! It has something like 8 stories. I was in awe! We enjoyed the free holiday parking and did some shopping.
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Half Moon Bay 2008

Our family went to Half Moon Bay State Beach to camp over the long labor day weekend. We had a wonderful time with just the three of us. We mainly just relaxed and ate and took in the beautiful scenery. We took paige's hiking backpack and went for walks on the beach. There were some beautiful trails as well. We visited their historic down town and stopped at a bakery with yummy treats. We met some new friends at the Half Moon Bay ward that had us over for Sunday dinner and they were such good people. Hopefully we will make this a yearly tradition!
This is right in front of our camp site. The stairs to the right are just 10 steps down to the beach. We had a great spot! We lucked out with a cancellation (we didn't call to make a reservation until the Tuesday before we left)!
Paige and mommy at sunset (but too bright to see it.)

Paige got so exausted by the end of the day. She just fell asleep on me after church on Sunday so we took a little snooze together.
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Half Moon Bay 2008 cont.

Daddy and Paige on our morning walk on the beach.



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