Monday, April 26, 2010

Our Little Buckaroo!!

Haley got her first pair of wranglers. We have lots of rodeos to go to this summer and she's got to look the part. She is adorable in them. And she even has cowgirl boots thanks to grandma henriod. Now we just got to get her trained for mutton busting!!!


Wednesday, April 21, 2010

New Favorite Thing!!!!

Haley's New Favorite Thing To Do is.... Color.  All I had was a pirate coloring book. I think i better get a girl one!!

Sorry couldnt get picture to turn!!!

She did so GOOD!!!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010




Friday, April 16, 2010

1st Trip to the Park

        Each week we have a play group that meet at the park and play. This was our first week we went.

She loved the rocks!!

Not a fan of the slide!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Time Out Bench!!

Lonnie got a time out bench for our wedding (which he has used a lot) but it works quite well for Haley now!! We dont use it much cause she is a angel but every now and again we use it. And.......

                                          This is what it looks like.

This is the time out bench in use!!!

The world definitly ends when she is in time out!!!

Thursday, April 8, 2010


Our bathroom had carpet in it so we ripped it out and put tile in and gave the walls a new paint job.  The walls are a shade or two darker then the tile. It looks so much better!!

This is up the wall behind where the toilet goes.

This is how it turned out after grouting. Lonnie did a good job.
(its a little dirty I just need to mop it)

Sunday, April 4, 2010


We had so much fun this weekend in St. George at Lonnie's family. Saturday was our family easter party. We have a big lunch in between conferance and a easter egg hunt. Hope everyone enjoyed conferance as much as we did! Here are some pics.

Having lunch

Haley had so much finding easter eggs. She just wanted to get as many in her hands as she could!!

She loves her daddy!!

Lonnie loves pictures as you can tell!!


Haley woke up sunday and found the easter bunny left her basket in the corner of the front room!!

Having ice cream with grandpa!!

We decorated eggs with leafs and weeds then soaked in onions skins for the color this is how ours turned out!!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Either she loves her baby or is hinting she wants a brother or sister to take care of. hum?????

Already loves the piano!! (She is quite good)