Saturday, August 30, 2008

Baby Aidan

Okay - a few more little details. Mom went in to be induced friday morning 6 am still hadn't delivered this morninng at 6:45 am so decided to do a c-section. mom and baby are great, healthy, and strong. confusion on birth weight due to birth time. here are the proper stats. love to all enjoy the picture. hope to have the baby sunday or monday, but will post more later.

Aidan Taft Graybill
7 lbs 14 oz
21 inches long
august 30, 2008
7:14 am


AIDAN TAFT - 8lbs 2 oz - 21 inches - saturday august 30, 2008 - 7:14 am

Wednesday, August 27, 2008


okay - latest and greatest. if no baby by friday morning then baby will be induced. keep our birth mother and baby boy in your prayers. let you know more later!!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008


No baby news yet. We had a little excitement this past weekend with some false labor, but nothing yet. We let you know when anything new evolves.

In the meantime, Malia is getting ready to start preschool on Wednesday. She will go 2x a week from 1-3 pm. She is really excited to be a big girl and go to preschool all by herself. She said she will not be shy.

Well we are all anxiously awaiting and will post news asap!