Monday, March 30

From a mother's heart

This will be an entry without pics. Have to jot down a few thoughts. My friend, Hilary (who has a baby a few weeks a part from Aiden), and I compare notes on what we're doing with our babies. She began putting Harper on a bedtime routine, so therefore I started one. Just last week, Aiden developmentally was ready for a routine. We bathe him around 7:15ish and then I bring him up to his nursery. With only a nightlight and a certain lullaby CD on the iPod, I rock and feed him. Within 10 minutes, he's fed and out cold in my arms (snuggled up to me, I might add). I lay him in the crib and he's out.

I began noticing a few days ago that when it's time for his afternoon nap, he wants to be in my arms. Then and only then will he snuggle up and go to sleep. Last night, he was fussy, so we put him in bed with us. Mike went to heat up the milk and I brought Aiden close to me to calm him down til the milk was ready. He snuggled up and calmed down. After he ate, he wanted to snuggle up to me and was out cold.

You may wonder why I am blogging about this. Here's why. His delivery was filled with drama, as you may know. I had to recover, he was in NICU. I had a serious case of Post-Partum and because of that dealt with all kinds of issues. During that recovery period, Mike continued to be the hero husband and father that he is. He would go to NICU and hold him at night, while I was in the Women's Surgical recovering (different part of the hospital). Once Aiden came home, I still had more recovering to do (and still do to some level). Mike was up at night with him and Aiden definitely was comforted by him. Mind you, I had my times when I was able to bond and love on him, but Mike was really doing a lot of the 'heavy lifting'. Deep down inside, I wondered if Aiden would choose me the way he chose Mike.

The past couple of days have been great. Even though, everyone has said that Aiden knows who his mommy his - as he always follows me with his eyes and smiles/giggles, him choosing to snuggle up to me and calm down have been like heaven hugs for me. I am melted to the core. Love, love, love our son!

Sunday, March 29

Spring is finally here!

Today was the first day we were able to bring Aiden to church. He slept right through the music - guess he's used to having his mom around. (he-he) We left church and it was just beautiful outside...warm and sunny. We came home to the tulips on the table in full bloom. Just had to capture them. They brighten up the whole room.

The New Honda Civic

Well, since Mike was told he wouldn't be getting a take-home car as Lieutenant, we needed to get one. We went with a Honda Civic for the great gas mileage. With the market being as it is, we got a great deal on a fully loaded onoe and absolutely love it!!!

Thursday, March 26

Shady Grove Fertility Center meets Aiden

I have to say this was a special visit for me. These are the wonderful people who, along with God's divine guidance, helped me get pregnant with Aiden. They are very dear to us and feel very much like family. I would have captured more pictures, but I was too enthralled in everyone loving on Aiden.

Here we have Beth Bazel (my nurse who I e-mailed constantly during the process), Dr. McKeeby (the one who lead the whole process) and Darlene (the financial advisor). Just love them!

Aiden and daddy in uniform

Daddy came home from work in uniform. Niki freaked out (funny, considering she acts like she'd like to have some people for lunch). Aiden, however, couldn't have been happier!

Aiden's first time in activity jumper

Can we say color?! That's what draws kids' attention. Don't look at this without either sunglasses or a morning cup of coffee!

He's still not ready to be in there without a little extra support (blanket tucked into seat with him) but he's still cute!

Sunday, March 22

Aiden's ultimate cuteness!!!

OK, I think that these pictures speak for themselves. I can't tell which one I like more. I think these are some of the best Aiden pics yet!!! How cute!! I mean look at his lips in the first one!

Farewell to Ryan...for now.

Well, the house is definitely quiet. Mike is at work, Ryan is home in TX, the baby is sleeping and Niki is sunbathing outside. Not sure I know what to do with myself. I feel like I'm coming off a high from Ryan's great visit. We got to visit with Aunt Gloria, my mom, my friend Chris and her family, my other friend Hilary and her family, the circus, making sugar cookies, laughing and giggling. Good times were had by all. We can totally see how much Ryan has grown up. He is just a fantastic young man and we're so proud of him! Looking forward to our summer visit.

Here is Ryan holding Aiden in the BWI children's lounge just before he took off...

Friday, March 20

Adorable Aiden

A few cute pics of our adorable baby, Aiden...

The Circus

Yesterday's birthday gift for Ryan was a visit to see the Ringling Brother & Barnum & Bailey Circus. Ryan had a great time! Yes, we were in the nose bleed section. I couldn't see paying $100 for great seats. He still enjoyed it.

One of Ryan's favorite things...

Making cookies and visiting friends

One of the things Ryan and I did were make sugar cookies. We had a lot of fun cookie cutters and he even got to write the word Ryan.

We even took a break for Ryan to change Aiden's diaper for the first time. I laughed so hard, I was rolling around on the floor!

Last night we went to our good friends house, Kurt and Hilary Hansen (with their beautiful new addition, Harper). Theo, their dog is the cutest and seemed to be posing for pics.

Look at Aiden touching her hair. How precious...

Harper is such an angel and quite a giggly one too.

Wednesday, March 18

Ryan's birthday cake

We are celebrating Ryan's birthday (21st) all week long with either a gift a day or a birthday experience. Yesterday Nana came up and brought her 2 golden retrievers. We decided to have Ryan's birthday cake while she was here. He asked for an ice cream cake, so that's what he got.

One precious thing I have to mention. The first words out of Ryan's sleepy self this morning were, "Dawn, I don't need more gifts because I have a lot of toys. My gift is that I have a family." Hello!!! I melted and swept him into my arms. What a tender hearted child. Just love him!

Ryan with Molly

Me decorating Ryan's birthday cake

Since Aiden also turned 5 months on the 16th, Ryan wanted to share a birthday cake. = )

My two boys!

What a drooler...

The whole fam. Ryan liked this picture because he was being goofy.

Sunday, March 15

Ryan is such a great big brother. Aiden really settles down in his arms...totally cute!

Ryan wrote some of his thoughts down on paper regarding the first time meeting his brother. I am not sure if it can get more precious than that!

Also, a cute video of the two boys...

Saturday, March 14

Ryan meets his baby brother!

We are SOOOOO excited to have Ryan with us for a week. Today, he flew on a plane all by himself!! He met his little, baby brother for the first time and it was precious! Aiden keeps looking at him like they are related or something. he-he

I have to say...everything feels right in the world.

Aiden just loves his big brother. He is always smiling and giggling at him...

Aiden was fussy, so Ryan said he should read to him and that might help. Well, he was right. It did! How about that?

A cute video of the two boys....

Friday, March 13

Quick update

Well, the past week has been a bit rough. I was having excruciating pain in my intestine area and went to the hospital on Saturday. They said I had fluid in my small intestines and have put me on an antibiotic along with pain medicine.

My lovely mother came up to take care of me and the baby while Mike worked midnights and slept during the day. She brought her two golden retrievers. Molly (the white one) decided the backyard was an excavation mission and has been putting her puppiness to action...quite cute.

Ryan is coming tomorrow and we are SOOO excited. Praying the medicine they have me on starts to work, because I want to be back to myself while our precious Ryan is here. It's his first time meeting his new brother...can hardly wait!

Also, caught a cute mini-clip of the baby this morning, but you have to turn your head sideways...don't know how to flip the video. Oh well...

Saturday, March 7

Mike's official swearing in ceremony

Yesterday morning, Mike was officially sworn in as a Lieutenant. It was a nice ceremony and the baby weathered it very well. My mom was able to join us, as well.

Aiden totally wiped out on daddy after the long day...