Sunday, August 30

Hanging out in the house while Mike worked

I have had a kidney infection for the past few days and been out of commission. Aiden has been crawling all over the place! Mom (Nana) came to help out while Mike worked.

Aiden is saying, "mama", "dada" and "nana". If you blink, he's somewhere else. During this time, mom's dogs were being cute, so I snapped a few pics. I'd have some more pics of Molly, but she never stays still (sounds like Aiden).

Due to the dog hair issue and Aiden's "putting everything in his mouth" we kept the dogs out of the TV room. He went to visit them a couple of times.

We also watched the funeral of Senator Ted Kennedy....all day long!

Sunday, August 23

Aiden taking after daddy already

This morning, Mike was holding Aiden and was occasionally getting a sip of coffee. Aiden wanted some. Mike put it in front of him to see what he did. He was really trying to get some (no worries - he wasn't successful).

Although later today, we all walked to Panera Bread for dinner. Aiden looked like he was wanting some of my water, so I put the cup up to his mouth. He actually drank out of it! That was the first time, and it was ice cold. Sure, he made a mess, but he was actually drinking some of it. Yeah!!!

Aiden and daddy both reading the morning paper

Visit from Hilary and Harper

My friend Hilary and her daughter Harper came over yesterday. Harper is 3 weeks younger than Aiden and Hilary and I went through infertility treatments together. It was GREAT having her to go through it with.

Our kids enjoy each other. Harper gave Aiden a coy smile and Aiden flirted back. SO cute!!!

A sweet profile of Harper

Aiden chasing Harper. Hilary said we can use this when they get married! LOL!

Aiden and Carole one morning

My friend, and next door neighbor Carole, comes over for coffee some mornings. The other day she came over and I just had to capture the moments...

Monday, August 17

Aiden pulled himself up

Aiden has been officially crawling for about a week. Today, I was in the kitchen, when I heard Mike yell (yes, yell), "Aiden pulled himself up!" Right after that I heard him cry because he fell back down. I rushed in and thought he'd do it again, but this was all I captured.

Sunday, August 16

For Ryan


We just wanted to say how much we miss and love you! It is not the same without you. We are sending your hugs and kisses.....

Aiden is sending you his own kisses. = ) XXXXOOOXXXOOO

Friday, August 14

The boys cuddling

Yesterday, the boys were cuddling on the couch while watching "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang". Look at Aiden holding Ryan's arm. Sooooooooooooooooooooooooo precious!

Thursday, August 13

Anne Arundel NICU

Today, I decided to go to NICU. I wanted the nurses to see how great Aiden is doing and I wanted Ryan to see where Aiden stayed for 6 weeks. The nurses were so excited to see him. There was an infant in Aiden's old room, so we just stayed in the outer part of the area.

Nurse Tommy took care of Aiden during his 6 week stay, as well as the 2 day return admission when he turned blue.

The nurse in the dark hair is Betty. She was assigned to Aiden a lot in the beginning and she was so wonderful. (I was showing them how cute his toes are).

We also went to visit the Woman's Surgical Unit, where I stayed after ICU for almost 2 weeks.

Ryan took this picture of Nana and Aiden out in the main lobby.

Smithsonian Natural History Museum

Tuesday, we all went to the Smithsonian Natural History Museum. Ryan had a great time. We actually saw the bones of the Captain that was discovered in Jamestown. Ryan saw lots of bugs, animals and rocks. Neat seeing things through a child's eyes...

I, on the other hand, am ready to be done with touring, although it has been a lot of fun!

Monday, August 10

Statue of Liberty

Yesterday, on the way home from the Bronx, we drove past Manhattan and went to the Statue of Liberty. We met up with a USPP friend of ours, who is the Sergeant of the SWAT unit in NY. He gave us a personal tour of the statue. It was awesome!!

The NPS back road to Ellis Island...

Ellis Island

View of Manhattan from the boat to the Statue of Liberty

Sgt. Bob Kramer and Aiden

The original torch, on display

View of the inside of the Statue, up to the crown

View of Manhattan from the top of the Statue base