Friday, September 25

Aiden playing with Nana's dogs

Nana brought her two dogs, Molly and Velvet. Aiden had a blast with them! The poor dogs....they just let Aiden pull all over them, but they seemed to like it.

Velvet is saying, "Is this ever going to end?"

Aiden playing with Molly.

Aiden winking with two eyes

Aiden was cracking mom and I up!!! She was feeding him, and he kept winking at her with both eyes!!!

Aiden on daddy's lap

Eating daddy's oatmeal

He is so proud of himself...

This was simply hilarious! How did he know I loved Cirque du Soleil!

Tuesday, September 22

Aiden and daddy laughing

I haven't put a video on the blog for awhile. This one will most definitely make you smile! I took this about 2 weeks ago.

Monday, September 21

Just hanging out

Things have been good in the Libby household. Aiden has had his first cold. He's still so sweet, even when he isn't feeling well. Here's just some pics I was taking just because.

Aiden is now to the point to where the second I begin to take a picture, he cheezes....Example A.

Look at him standing on his own.

Tuesday, September 15

Been a roller coaster....

Has it been a roller coaster! Trying to update my resume; one for government and one not. I have been having a hard time thinking about leaving Aiden. I am sure every mom goes through this. All I can do is trust that God has a plan and it will be better than all of us expect!

Aiden napping on sweet!

Wednesday, September 2

Some adorable faces of Aiden

Do you see that cheesy smile? Takes after his mama!!!

The latest Libby decision

Well, after much consideration, Mike and I have decided I need to go back to work. We feel peace about the choice and are excited to see what God has in store for us as a family. We appreciate your prayers regarding job and care for Aiden.