Saturday, May 30

Aiden in high chair and teeting on mommy

All is well in the Libby household. It is a GORGEOUS day outside, yet I am pooped. Aiden is in his crib taking his afternoon nap, Mike is at work and I am enjoying the peace and quiet.

There's been some more developments in our precious little guy. He is now eating breakfast and dinner in his high chair. He was almost out of the chair that held him up. He is getting more active and loves to drool and put anything in his mouth...including my chin. Yes, folks, he is teething!!

Nana came to visit for a few days and we celebrated her birthday. Had a great time!

My friend, Carole, was over last night and put his hat on him. He looked too cute. If you notice, he has had a pacifier in some of the shots. NICU started him on that to help him increase his sucking reflex. Since he has been home, he uses it sometimes to take the edge off just before going to sleep. Now, he likes it in his mouth due to teething.... Hmm....
Below is one of Aiden's adorable moments teething on my chin and laughing away. It's a bit dark, but oh well. Still cute.

Monday, May 25

Spending time with daddy...

I love having Mike home!! He is off until Thursday, so we are having great family time. Last night, Aiden used my chin for his teething toy. I was laughing so hard, I could barely breathe. There is nothing more precious than belly laughing with your child and enjoying family. Love it!

Saturday, May 23

Bath time is so much fun (Find the rubber ducky)

So, Aiden is giggling and is as cute as ever. See if you can spot the rubber ducky.... (he-he)

Can we say...Mike Libby! I never relax that way!

Love this one!!!

Friday, May 22

Aiden's second day drinking juice!

Yesterday, we started Aiden on Apple Juice mixed with water. He likes it. Before he ate, I got an adorable picture of him sitting with Mike.

Apple juice for the first time! Yeah!!

Wednesday, May 20

Beautiful day...

It is just a gorgeous day today. Mike is recovering from getting "premanantly fixed". We figured it wasn't the safest thing for us to try to have more kids. It is a miracle I am here with Aiden, as it is.

It was so nice today that I decided to take Aiden with me to water the plants. Oh, did I mention that today he reached up for me to take him for the first time!!!! I love it!

We are also getting VERY excited. Found out Ryan will be staying with us from the middle of July to almost the end of August! Yahoo!!!

Saturday, May 16

7 months old today

Today, Aiden turned 7 months old! I can hardly believe it. He is getting so big and I am SOO glad I am at home with him to see all of his new things.

This morning was wonderful. I had a good night's sleep (since Aiden is sleeping through the night) and woke up refreshed. I heard Aiden cooing to himself, so I actually had time to put in my contacts and get dressed for the day. I went into see him and busted out laughing. You can see why below... (If he was in pain, he definitely would have let me know!)

Also, I have wondered if Aiden will have a favorite blanket or stuffed animal. The past couple of days, I have noticed that he likes the stuffed animal blankets (head of stuffed animal and blanket all in one). I was able to capture it when I saw him cuddling up with it.

The sweet thing is that my old friend Julie gave the two I have to me. Her son, Caleb (who's birth I was there for) used them... Love that!

Thursday, May 14

Aiden is getting SO big!

Aiden is growing up SOO fast! It has been a fun couple of days. Mike was off for 4 days and we had a blast! Mom came up to visit for a day and helped me with the front yard and it looks fabulous! I could tell God was in it because it was so easy...

Anyhow, below are some cute pics of the little guy.

Aiden had made a mess on himself and when I walked in the room, I busted out laughing. He was in his entertainment jumper and Mike had him in his bathing suit and beach hat! He said since he was so wet, he'd make it easier for him. How cute on so many levels. Cute baby and cute husband!

Aiden now fits into the next size stroller. Thank God we got this as a gift from the wonderful people at work. Quite a blessing! We tried it out in the house before taking him on a walk.

I just want to kiss both of them!

Friday, May 8

Aiden making huge progress

So, this has been a big and productive week for us. Aiden has started noticing that he has a voice and can make noises. He plays with his ears and sucks on every finger except his thumb...all at one time!
A HUGE obstacle that we overcame was last night. We put him in his crib awake and let him cry himself to sleep. It's a good thing Mike was here and blocked the door or I would have been in there picking him up. He cried for an hour and then slept through the night. He woke up once, fussed a little and went back to sleep and woke up at 7:30!!! That is the latest he's slept. I am sure it is from all that crying.

Today, I took him to BJ's. I realized he was probably old enough for the grocery cart contraption and sure enough it said 6 months and older. He did SOOO well. It was much easier to shop. He loved all the different things to look at and plus I wasn't running into display cases from not seeing over the car seat! Yahoo!!! Oh, and of course everyone walked by smiling at me and him. I love it!

By the way, he kept his hand up like that the entire time. Soo cute and sooo tired!

Monday, May 4

All I can say is....BANANAS!

Since Aiden didn't seem to like the oatmeal on it's own (and he has it mixed in with his formula), we went onto bananas. He likes it a little better, but the mess is the best part! It's funny. He seems to be talking louder and making funny expressions with his mouth, now that he realizes it does more than just help in drinking a bottle. Too cute!

Thursday, April 30

Aiden's first time eating food

So, Aiden is now 17 lbs. and 6 1/2 months old....and it's time to start food. My mom was with me when we started this process. I even bought disposable bibs for the inevitable.

All set and ready to go...

After seeing this pictures that mom took, I realized that I smile at Aiden A LOT! He is just too darn cute!

Boy, did he have some funny faces. He TOTALLY gets that from his mother!

In the end, there was more on his face and bib, but he did eat some. This will be a fun journey!

Wednesday, April 22

Daddy being cute

Everyone knows Mike is a kind and great man. What most people don't know is that he has a really child-like side to him. On numerous occasions, I will come into the room to find Aiden with socks on his hands and a diaper....or one of my hiking socks on his foot. They are all really cute. Well, a few of them have been captured. Even Aiden is smiling at these...

Mike arranged Aiden's toy, tummy boppy and his duck slippers so that when I woke up and saw them I'd giggle. worked!

OK, so I come into the TV room to get Aiden for his bath. Usually Mike has undressed him. This time, he was taking his diaper off, all while Aiden had a "new hat" on (his shirt left on his head).

It's things like this that make my smile brighter and my heart happier!

Sunday, April 19

Met Lucy Jorjani the other day...

The other day I had lunch with Monica Noe, Jenn Thompson and Aimee Jorjani. Afterwards, we went and met Aimee's latest addition to the family, Lucy. All I can say is I agree with Aimee's words in the hospital regarding Lucy's hair..."She has Dawn's hair!"

Aimee took a picture of us and it is amazing how she could almost pass as my daughter!

Thursday, April 16

Aiden splashing around...and making me laugh!

Ok, so I thought Aiden might be hungry because it has been his pattern lately to eat around 10:00 am if he has slept through the night. Apprently, I was wrong! He decided he wanted to wear his food. I was laughing out loud. So, instead of a bedtime bath, it had to happen this morning.

Apparently, he thought I needed some more laughter, because as I went to bathe him, he soaked me! I was laughing so hard, I went and grabbed the camera to grab a small video of it. At first he just looks at the camera, but then he takes off! It's a good laugh!

Wednesday, April 15

Mommy and Aiden snuggle time

So, A LOT has been happening over the past week. Aiden slept entirely through the night (7:45 - 6:30) in his own crib without waking up! He has repeated it ever since, except waking for a feeding and then right back to sleep. HALLELUJAH!!!

Also, a few days ago, I heard Mike in the other room say that Aiden turned over. He did. He has rolled over from front to back and back to front a number of times. In addition to all of this, he had a really rough day of pain and crying with two bottom front teeth wanting to come in. No teeth yet, but looks painful. A lot of cuddles, kisses, cool compresses and an occasional infant Tylenol.

Anyway, there were a number of cute moments captured and I had to share them. In the first picture, it shows our night-time routine. He gets bathed at 7:15 (and--trust me on this--he knows when it's time!), afterwards gets a massage with Johnson's nighttime lotion, then up to the nursery. I turn on the iPod with the same lullaby CD and begin feeding him. Usually, he is asleep within 10 minutes. He finishes eating, then I give him a pacifier and he sucks it for a few minutes just until he relaxes. Below is a picture of him as he was out cold on my chest.

Today, I went to lunch with my friends Jennifer Thompson, Aimee Jorjani and Monica Noe. I came home and was missing Aiden. He and daddy had fun playing and he was pretty tired. I picked him up, fed him and then he fell right asleep on my chest. This is starting to be more frequent and I LOVE IT!!! He woke up with tons of smiles and giggles.

Mike captured the one above and below and I love them!!! They actually made me cry when I saw them on the camera.

Sunday, April 12

A day at the Cooch's

So, Good Friday I decided to go visit Christy and the family. Christy had left Momma Cooch's camera at the house and I wanted to bring it to way of going to visit! Traffic on 95 was AWFUL!!! Aiden cried so hard, he had me bawling. That was not fun, but once I finally got there, all was well.

We got to see baby Momma and Daddy Cooch, Christy, Victoria, Andre (Victoria's handsome bundle born a day after Aiden), Juliana and Ashlyne. It was a lot of fun. The traffic was so bad that I decided to stay the night and came home Saturday before lunch.

Momma Cooch is holding Aiden and Andre is staring at the camera.

Mommy sneaking a kiss...

Look at how handsome Andre is!!!

Again...such a sweet baby!!!

Juliana and Ashlyne coloring Easter Eggs...

Daddy Cooch holding baby Aiden.

Momma Cooch having a blast with Aiden. He was giggling out loud....SO cute!!

I had Aiden and Ashlyn in my arms. Ashlyne just loves Aiden. Juliana was so precious. She had a cold and said that she didn't want to be near anyone to that they would catch it. What a sweet girl!

There was much more stimulation than Aiden was used to. He was missing his routine and his naps in his swing. Momma Cooch was holding him on her lap and he was falling asleep sitting up. I said we should put him down for a little nap. No lie -- we laid him down and by the time we stood up, he was out!!!

The next morning the gang was enjoying each other...

Tuesday, April 7

Christy and the girls visit

Today was such a fun day for me. I am used to hanging around boys and I got to hang with the gals. It was a blast!!!

Julianna during lunch...

Christie lovin' on Aiden while Ashlyn looks on...

Ashlyn is GREAT with babies and had a ball with Aiden. They were sooo cute together!