Sunday, June 10, 2012


 Well I finally graduated from high school! Feels like just yesterday I was watching Parker take pictures at his graduation. Can't believe the day finally came for me! It was an awesome day and it was especially cool to sing with the choir at graduation! What an honor! Anyway, these last 3 years have been some of the very best! I couldn't have done it without the help and support of my lovely parents. 

Mom:) She is my hero! It brings tears to my eyes when I think of how much she has taught me and how much she has helped me to become a better person. She is my best friend and I am going to miss her so much at college. I'm going to die!!

Official diplomas:) YAY!

Me and Jane! Best friends!

Bri and Hannah! Love them:)

The Fab 5! So sad to leave chan and linds behind!

Love these two girls so much! They mean the world to me! I miss them already!

Camrie! Future roomies!!


Hannah! Basically my sister right there!


Some of my guy friends. Dave Clark, TJ, Dallin, and Richard.

Mike and Jamers :)


Jimmy T! So crazy we've grown up together and now we're graduated!


Our jumping attempt! Hahah

 This is it!!

Thought a lot about this kid! He hit his 1 year mark two days ago. Unbelievable! I miss him like crazy but I'm so proud of him! 1 down, 1 to go!! :)

Ray, Charley, and B made me this awesome sign! It made my day! They are like my little sisters! I absolutely loved this surprise! Thank you so much!!
They wondered why I wore the gown and cap and stuff to graduate. It seemed pretty silly to them! Here they are trying on my cap! :)

Sunday, May 27, 2012

The beginning of the END

Prom 2012! 
My little kiddos! 

The girls :)

Love this picture! Thanks Ray!

Me and Mom! She made me feel like a princess! She got me this dress and the jewelry, and let me go get my hair done:)

Me and Richard! It was such a fun night! The end of high school dances- sad day! I loved all of them! Good memories!

Our group was awesome! The boys rented a limo and we ate at the roof! I felt so lucky! It was a great night!

 Dance Company 2012!

The Fab :)
Our last performance together! Love them with all my heart! The whole team was bawling the last night. Going to miss my sisters!

The team!

just some creative posing!

The theme was "What My Mother Taught Me..." It was my theme idea.. well John A gave me a little help haha! But it came together so perfectly for mother's day and all! I dedicated it to this AMAZING woman right here. I was so lucky to be able to choreograph and dance and dance a solo. My titles were: "My mother taught me to live in the moment" and "My mother taught me to face my fears." Happy Mother's Day mom! I LOVE YOU!
 Me and Choo Choo- my biggest fan :)

The Girls!


Mom was in DC the last night when all the moms gave us flowers so Ray stepped in as my mom:) She really has become like another mom to me while she's been living her! I love her so much and she has supported me every step of the way through drill. And she is always there to take pictures and film dances for me. I love you ray! You are the best :)

The last night we went to Chili's as a team!
 Suuuuuuuper thirsty

 After our big end of year choir concert at Gardener Hall, we went to the pie!!

 Last Choir Concerts :(

 All the guys chilling back stage...
 Me and Bri with our matching earrings and satchels - thanks to our NY trip last year!
 Orange Leaf after the choir concert!

 End of Year Drill Banquet! Mom has been the biggest support and my best friend through this all!
 Me and Hannah!
 fab 5. seriously don't know what i am going to do without them. It was so hard to accept that drill is over! Such a hard night. These past two years have been the best of my life! I have so many cherished memories and friendships! I am so grateful for the opportunity that i've had to be on the team! I am truly blessed.

The Fab 5 mommies! 
 They are just as crazy as us!

Seniors. Can't believe we are graduating. Love these girls!

Oh Jan, as hard as she's pushed me I am so grateful for everything she has taught me. 

Hannah's Birthday was May 24th and so we had a little surprise picnic for her! :)
 Then Friday night we threw her a surprise party at Bri's house!

We just showed up at her house and kidnapped her! She had no idea ;)

 Happy Birthday Han Han!!
Tonight was seminary graduation!! Everything just seems to be coming to an end! School Dances, Drill, Choir, Seminary, and next will be High School. I am growing up. It's scary but I'm excited! I can't wait for summer! I'm so ready to be done with school.